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Runaway belongs to Bon Jovi

~ The Revamp ~

     No longer could I put my trust in my best friend, let alone anyone. In my most needed hour, Mother posed as a bystander. She abandoned me completely. To top it off, the thing I loved most was wrenched from my grip. I never did anything wrong in my life, so how could this world take my dad away? What did I do to deserve this punishment?
     Now, everything I knew was broken beyond repair... Although it was absolutely insane, only one path remained. There was a chance it would lead to a dead end, but anything would be better than this hell. I had to run away. I had to start over.
     Maybe there was another life out there waiting for me. Perhaps there was even someone praying for a sign, praying for me. I hoped they were an individual I could rely on, a person I could truly call a friend. That was all I wanted.

     In the midst of the night, I searched through my closet and retrieved a backpack. I stuffed it with clothes, some cash, a pillow and blanket, and my collection of family photos. I tucked my wavy hair back into a high ponytail. Finally, I grabbed my weak flashlight and left the room. With completely silent movements, I crept through my home and walked outside. The front door closed shut behind me.
How am I actually doing this? I'm leaving it all. Everything...
     This was it. I was abandoning every single thing I once knew. Maybe it was for the greater good, or there was a chance this decision could lead to my doom. I did not know. My life was now in the hands of fate.
     I took a deep breath and walked down the narrow road until I reached the woods. The trees appeared creepier than ever. The towering canopy of the forest bathed in the ghostly, pale light of the full moon.
     The path lay empty and enchanted. The ground was illuminated as if it were bright as day. There was no need for a flashlight. Besides the intense moon, the woods were alive with many captivating sounds. Nocturnal birds cooed in the treetops. Crickets trilled in the grasses all around.
     One thing was not so pleasant. The heat of this night was absolutely miserable. I didn't even think it was possible to be this warm without the sun. With the added humidity, I had already begin to sweat.
     I travelled what felt like several miles. My feet ached, but it was no excuse to stop. I had to keep going. Without warning, I was struck with immense guilt. The deed was actually done... My father told me to stay strong. It was his last request, and I failed him.
     I turned my head to the stars. "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't have a choice." Tears sprang to my eyes, but I forced them back. Now was not the time to cry.
     While I was having my moment, I was interrupted by a peculiar noise. Soon, I realized that it was the voice of a human being. Someone else was here with me!

     I took a few steps toward the source. It would be dangerous to go any closer; keeping my distance would be a wise choice. After a few moments, I heard approaching footsteps coming from a nearby clearing. I ducked low to the ground and crouched into a patch of bushes. Now, I could clearly observe what was going on.
     In the bright moonlight, two men entered the clearing. One carried shovels, and the other dragged a large bag along the ground. It was a very large case—one with enough space to contain a body.
     I clasped my hand over my mouth. Is that a dead person?! I thought.
     The two shady men carried their luggage to the edge of the clearing and settled underneath a looming tree. The individual carrying the shovels handed one to his partner. "Drop the body. We're digging here."
     There was a loud thump as the bag slammed on the ground. They took their spades and pierced the earth.
     "It's about time we finished this. The fuzz almost had us," said one of the men.
     The other replied, "Relax, Smith. That Andy Forakre is serving our sentences now."
     I was so furious, I thought I was about to breathe fire! Those are the men who framed my dad! They'll pay!!
     My hands balled into fists and I started to stand. I stopped and crouched back to the earth. As much as I wished to release my hatred upon the men who ruined me, I knew I was easily outmatched. The individual who brought the body bag earlier had a gun strapped to his side. Its metal frame reflected the light.
     The longer I stood here in these bushes, the more I realized that I had to get going. There were only a few hours left in the night. Also, even though I knew the identities of my father's framers, I couldn't have them arrested. I didn't have any evidence... It would be best to just leave. After all, the point of running away was to abandon everything, including Dad.
     I scooted backwards and left the bushes. As I climbed to my feet, there was a loud SNAP! as a twig broke in two. The two men stopped what they were doing. They turned their heads to me. I must've been the one who stepped on the branch... I demanded my body to run, but my feet were glued to the spot. The individuals who framed my father dropped their shovels and began to advance on me. My heart pounded against my ribs and my breathing quickened; at last, I gained the ability to flee.

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