Mama, I'm Coming Home

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"Mama, I'm Coming Home" belongs to Ozzy Osbourne

~ The Revamp ~

I sat in silence and waited for Nahkt to return. In that time, I attempted to detangle my greasy, knotted hair. Rebellious strands dangled around my face; it made me frustrated. Afterwards, my gaze transferred over to my backpack. The mask Nahkt constructed for me lay on top. I reached over and held it in my lap, marveling over its complexity. After some time, I still couldn't fathom that he would do something so kind and generous. I did nothing to deserve it, and yet he did so anyway.
Speaking of the subject, I soon heard Nahkt's footsteps from outside. I turned my mask around and pressed it against my face. The outer door opened, and he entered the room. My teacher wore his own Bio-Mask and heavy armor, as if he were ready to hunt.
'Are you ready?' he asked.
I stood and activated the device on my wrist, causing my figure to vanish. 'Let's go.'
We left the cell and zigzagged around the corridors of the colossal craft. 'Where are we even going?' I asked.
'To a private hangar,' Nahkt answered. 'There's much less security and activity around there. No one'll notice us slip away.'
'Sounds like a fair plan,' I replied.
Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, nearly causing me to bump into him. Nahkt faced the wall. A red holographic console beamed out in front of him. He poked several symbols with his fingers- which I assumed to be some sort of password.
'Only a certain few have access to this place. S'dahm doesn't know that I have the identifications for it,' he stated.
'If so few have the password, then why do you have it?' I asked.
'My father taught them to me many years ago, before everything spiraled downhill...'
'What? What do you mean?'
Nahkt held up his hand. 'I'll tell you later. I practically have to read a book to you.'

The door opened, revealing the hangar. It was huge, bigger than any room I had seen yet. Several vessels of intricate designs were lined up in rows. I followed Nahkt to one of the smaller ships. This one was slightly shorter than the length of a school bus. He held up his arm and pressed a dial on his wrist gauntlet. An on-ramp lowered from the side of the ship and gently lowered onto the floor.
He motioned for me to enter. 'After you.'
When we were both inside, the ramp shut behind us. The cockpit was small. It had two very large seats; a control panel occupied the front. I sat down in one of the chairs. Nahkt did the same and powered up the ship by hitting a few buttons on the armrest. Red holographic figures appeared to float above the console.
'Let's get out of here before someone notices,' Nahkt said.
He played with a few of the controls, and the vessel lifted from the ground. My stomach leaped into my mouth, and I thought I would vomit on the spot. Fortunately, it had been a while since I last ate.
A door on the opposite side of the hangar opened and revealed the vast expanse of space. The ship bursted forward, far away from the mothership. I looked out the window and caught a quick glimpse of the craft from the outside. It was bigger than I ever imagined, but it wasn't the only thing I marveled about.
Nahkt swiped his hand across the suspended holograms, and a strange projectile ejected from our craft and exploded, creating a mesmerizing rift in the black vacuum. We slipped inside, and on the other end, I beheld a breathtaking sight. My jaw dropped open; I pressed my hands against the glass and stared out at our destination: Earth.

Nahkt saw my amazed reaction and chuckled a little. 'It's pretty neat, isn't it?' he stated.
'I've never seen my planet from this view,' I gasped.
'Earth's a pretty one, I must admit,' he replied.
'Thanks,' I stuttered. I didn't know how else to respond to that statement.
'We'll go near the coordinates I took last time,' he said.
The ship sped straight ahead for the southern coast of the US. As we grew nearer, the vessel vibrated and bounced. My teeth and bones rattled, and I squeezed my eyes shut. I had to grip my seat tightly to keep from falling off.
At last, we slowed down. When I looked outside, I saw gray clouds occluding the whole night sky. When we passed through the misty layer, I finally saw the ground. I could even make out the town movie theater and the patch of woods where Nahkt and I met.
The craft settled down in the clearing where the two men who framed my father met their grisly fates. The whole area now appeared to be an abandoned crime scene. Yellow police tape created a barricade around the trunks of the trees, and orange flags marked the original locations of the corpses.
Without any more time to waste, the both of us stood and walked outside. It felt so good to walk on grass and dirt again! I missed the smell of the terrain so much!
A bizarre glitching noise interrupted my thought. I turned around to face the ship, but it had disappeared under an invisible cloak.
'We'll have to keep it hidden while we're here,' Nahkt exclaimed. 'Now, who do we want to visit first?'
I thought for a moment. From here, Zach's house seemed to be the closest. It would be best to go there first.
'Let's go visit one of my close friends,' I said.
The both of us activated our cloaking devices, and I led the way out of the woods. Like on the night Luther and Smith almost ended me, the moon shone down on us as bright as ever. It guided us to a beaten, cracked road at the edge of the forest. Zach's house would be a few blocks away.
Before we arrived, a sign on a nearby telephone pole caught my eye. I turned over my shoulder and saw a picture

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