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~ The Revamp ~

     The end of the woods grew near. Strangely, I heard an unusual noise coming from the direction of my house. I immediately recognized the shrill wail of several police car sirens. Something was very wrong. My pace quickened into a sprint, and I dashed the rest of the way home. Vader easily trotted on my side; his paws thudded the dirt path.
     After what seemed like hours, I reached my single story house. The driveway and nearby street were congested with a squadron of police cars. Their lights flashed in all directions, causing spots to appear in my vision. However, I was so panicked at this point, I barely noticed.
     I stepped into the yard. "Mom?! Dad?!"
     As soon as my mouth opened, two strong arms grabbed me from behind. I craned my neck to see who had restrained me. The figure was a very tall policeman.
     I struggled against his grip. "What's going on? Why are you here?!"
     "I'm sorry to break the news, but your father has been charged with first-degree murder," said the officer with a deep, rumbling voice.
     I shrieked, "That's not true! My dad would never do that!"
     The front door flew open. My father stepped outside; his wrists were bound with a set of handcuffs. Two policemen were escorting him to their car.
   "Dad!!" Tears welled in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.
     He turned his head to me. His eyes were always so gentle, but not anymore. All I could see in them was deep sorrow and something else... Innocence.
     Dad exclaimed, "You need to know the truth. I was framed. Stay strong, Ede—" The car door slammed on him before he could finish the sentence.
Framed? What monster would frame my dad?! I thought frantically.
     I managed to squirm free from the officer's grip while he was caught off-guard. I flung myself against the side of the police car and placed my hands on the window. Tears streamed down my face, and I could barely see.
     Dad mouthed, "It's going to be okay."
     The officer ripped me away from my father and dragged me toward my home. I refused to be separated. I thrashed and screeched in every attempt to get away, but it was all in vain. I could not escape.
     I unwilling entered my home. Mom was sitting in the living room. Her eyes were wet and puffy, and her gaze was transfixed on the wall. She must've felt the same way as me: bewildered and terrified. With robotic movements, I approached her.
     My mind snapped awake as she embraced me in a hug. I sobbed into her shoulder. All else faded into a blur. It was just us and our weeping.
     After what felt like an eternity, I stuttered hoarsely, "H-How did this happen?.."
     "Go sleep, Eden. We'll sort this out in the morning." There were traces of anger and frustration in her voice.
     I nodded in reply and stood up. I trudged down the hallway and into my room. Without bothering to undress, I flopped onto my bed.
     Many thoughts raced through my head. How could they take my dad away? Who would dare frame him? Why me??..
     As my mind ran wild, another cry forced its way up my throat. I threw my face into a pillow and groaned like a dying animal. Eventually, I calmed down and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

     It was nearly 7 o'clock in the morning when I woke up. My brain throbbed with every heartbeat. My pillow was damp with the tears from last night. I stretched my limbs and forced my stiff body to stand. My arms and shoulders were quite sore.
     I made my way to the bathroom. When I was inside, I stripped naked and turned on the shower. The warm water splashed onto my face and ran down my body. For the moment, I was at peace, but it did not last forever. The events from the night prior appeared in my mind. A lump formed in my throat, and tears blurred my sight. I choked down a sob.

     My father was gone.

     All my life, he was my role model. He was there for me at every cheerleading tournament, every birthday party, and every moment I relied on him. When I was younger, he tucked me into bed every night and tended to my sickness. My dad was the light of my life. This world had taken him from me. This world had left me stumbling in the dark!..

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