A Sequel?

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Before I get into the details, I wanted to talk about the whole "Are Nahkt and Eden in Love?" thing.

Now I'm not going to use any names, but I have been teased (harmlessly) online and in reality about this subject. Some people have said they think this is a match made in heaven.

Some have even requested a kissing scene. (Though I'm not sure how Nahkt would do so because he doesn't exactly have any...lips...)😐

Then one day, something caught my attention. I received a notification that a fellow "Wattpadder" (Once again, not using any names) added this book to their reading list. Check out what it's labeled under:

 Check out what it's labeled under:

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They placed it under Villain Love. My mouth dropped open when I saw it. I'm not mad or anything, just shocked.


For some time I've been planning for a sequel to this book. I have a rough outline for the plot, and have yet to start writing. I would like to hear some of your opinions. The one question I've been asking myself for quite a while is: "Should I go along the lines of 'Love Story'?"

My mind feels like a blank slate. If you want to share your idea, please, please, please leave a comment.

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