My Reality

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"Welcome Home (Sanitarium)" belongs to Metallica.

~ The Revamp ~

     I sat in silence, completely alone and cut off from everything else. Although I had no idea of the time, I knew several hours had passed. I had never been this bored in my entire life.
     After Nahkt left me, I searched everywhere for an exit to the cell. There were none. If the bars were only an inch farther apart, my body would've been able to squeeze through. I tried fiddling with the bolt on the gate, but the lock was foreign; I couldn't quite figure out the mechanism to unlatch it. Even though I hated to admit defeat, I had full awareness that I was trapped in here.
     Soon enough, my eyes began to slide closed. Before they could completely shut, I forced them open each time. I couldn't sleep; the thought of it terrified me. If I let myself drift away, I dreaded having another nightmare. In addition, I didn't trust Nahkt in the slightest bit. I had to stay alert at all times.
     My thoughts slowly drained away, and my brain became entangled with one foot in both worlds. Everything image in my mind's eye blurred. It was as if I were looking at pictures through a soiled lens. One thing, however, was clear as day. I could not rid my conscience of Nahkt's deep, bloodchilling voice. When he spoke psychically, it was as if Lucifer himself were whispering into my ear. Although it deeply unsettled me, I experienced an odd thrill at the same time.
     This haze continued to linger for what felt like a thousand eternities. My abductor had still not returned. Maybe he truly forgot about me, and was left here to rot. I would die alone—without Zach, without my dad. Even though I hated the thought of home, I missed everyone dearly. If I was in their presence, I knew everything would turn out okay. It was too late for that. I was long gone from them.

     Then, I conjured a terrible thought. What would become of my town when they learned of my disappearance?.. How would my parents react? Would search parties be sent out? Would anyone even care?
     My train of thought was abruptly brought to a grinding halt. A loud creaking noise snapped me awake as the door to the outer room opened. I blinked my eyes several times and distinguished the silhouette standing on the other side of the cell bars. It was Nahkt. I breathed a sigh of relief, for I was expecting an actual enemy. 

     His metal mask caught the light when he stepped forward. Now that he was close in proximity of me, I was able to observe several other of his features I hadn't noticed before. His dreads were much shorter than what the alien in the movie had. They barely brushed past his shoulders. In the atmosphere of the room, I distinguished his skin as a pale green color. His chest was beige with flecks of brown. Small patches of reptilian-like scales dotted his entire figure.
     The clothing on his body was different as well. No longer did he wear any armor or weapons. The wrist gauntlet was also gone. There was a long, black robe tied around his waist, and his entire upper body was bare. A bandage was glued to his torso from when he was shot in the woods before my abduction.
     A wooden bowl was clenched in his hand. Trails of steam rose from whatever was inside. From here, I caught a whiff of something familiar. Food. My mouth watered as the savory aroma filled my nostrils. It had been many hours since the last time I ate...but I knew I couldn't.
     There was no way I could accept anything from Nahkt. Nothing he presented was worthy of my trust. I feared the worst would happen if I gave into temptation.
     My abductor looked down at the bowl. 'I brought you something,' he said.
     Instead of responding, I remained still in the center of the cell and kept silent. I wished to tell him to leave me, but I couldn't build up the courage.
     Nahkt unlatched the cell gate. His shadow engulfed my form. I couldn't help the feeling of dread as it rose within me. He entered the cell; I quickly backed against the wall. It was as far away as I could get. I felt like a fish in a bowl being stalked by a hungry cat.
     He cocked his head. 'You're afraid of me. Why?'
     I answered, 'Why wouldn't I be? I just watched you slaughter two men. I have every reason to be scared.'
     'There's nothing to fear, I assure you, Eden,' he replied coolly. Nahkt stooped over and placed the bowl down in front of me. It was filled with a light brown broth. As much as I was tempted to drink it, I paid the soup no attention.
     I gathered what little confidence I had and snapped, 'You tackled me in the woods and tried to strangle me!'
'I didn't have much of a choice,' he snorted. 'Do I look like a guy who carries around tranquilizers?'
     Instead of answering, I kept my eyes transfixed on the floor. Responding to Nahkt's rhetorical question would only cause an uproar... Maybe he would leave if I ignored him. When nearly a minute passed, none of us had said a word. My gaze shifted upwards, and the dark eye holes of my abductor's mask were gazing right back at me. I gasped.
  'Why are you staring?' I asked.
     He pointed to the bowl. 'You're not going to eat?'
     'I'm not hungry,' I lied.
     He created a bizarre clicking, choking sound. It was laughter. 'You must think I'm stupid! Of course you're hungry!'
It was no use fibbing to him. 'How can I eat what you've given me? I don't trust you,' I answered.

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