We Just Wanted to Say: Thanks

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*XB pulls up "I Survived Them" on Wattpad. An excited expression spreads across her face*

She exclaims,"OH MY GALLIFREY!!! This book hit 5K views!!!"

Nahkt questions,"Is that a good thing?"

Xeno responds,"Well 5 is better than 4 and 3...and 2....and 1..."

Eden exclaims,"True...true"

Nahkt states,"Thanks for reading...I guess..."

XB says with a smile,"Yeah, thank you so much for reading!!"

Eden says,"I hope you enjoyed the book!"

Nahkt states out of the blue,"Well this certainly breaks the fourth wall..."

Eden questions,"How the heck do you even know what that is?"

He whispers,"XenoBudgie talks too much."

Budgie answers,"Indeed I do. I don't know how to shut my mouth..........I just had a SQUIRREL! moment!"

Eden mutters,"Oh boy, here we go again..."

XB exclaims excitedly,"I found Nahkt's doppelgänger on Google!"

Eden questions,"What's Google?"

Xeno responds,"You'll find out what Google is in a few years. 1987 is still making progress. Anyway, here's the photo!"

*XB holds her phone up to Nahkt and Eden.*

*Nahkt squints and scoffs

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*Nahkt squints and scoffs. He is obviously annoyed*

He exclaims,"What is this monstrosity?! I look nothing like that horrid beast!!"

*Eden smiles*

She says,"Budgie, hold the phone next to him."

*XB answers her request. Eden glances back and forth between Nahkt and the picture.*

She states,"I don't know Nahkt, this looks an awful lot like you."

He scoffs,"I look nothing like that demonic creature! Stop comparing it to me!"

Xeno replies,"Are you sure? Its eyes look exactly like yours."

Nahkt shakes his head and exclaims,"I can't lie...The eyes do look similar to mine. But only a little!"

Eden says,"Face it Nahkt. You can't deny the fact that you look like the kitten."

He lowers his head and answers,"Why do you torture me like this?"

Eden and Xeno say in unison,"Because it's funny.😂"

Nahkt whispers under his breath,"Kill me now..."

I Survived Them (Under Reconstruction)Where stories live. Discover now