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"Enjoy the Silence" belongs to Depeche Mode

~The Revamp~

Eden's POV

My eyelids slowly opened, freeing me from my slumber. The light still burned in my vision, and the constant headache continued to linger- but in a much lesser degree. Perhaps my small concussion was diminishing.
I wiggled out from under my blanket and sat up on the cold floor. When I looked around, cell bars and black shadows greeted me. A sigh escaped my lips. I had a hope that this was all a dream, and Nahkt was merely a fantasy. But I was dead wrong. This was my life now, and I had to deal with it to survive, whether I liked it or not.
For now, all I had to do was wait in stillness for my abductor to return. Maybe I would be able to convince him to let me out for a few short minutes. After all, my legs yearned to be stretched. I sat in the mess of the blanket and stared at the door. Minutes seemed to drip by, and only silence accompanied me.
Normally, I had much patience, but at this point, I knew I waited long enough. Nahkt had to know that I was not his little puppy. I refused to be locked up in a cage and left alone. I had to act.

At first, I called out softly. 'Nahkt? Are you there?'
I quieted my mind and listened for the faintest answer. It never came. I tried a second time, but on this occasion, my voice was more stern. 'Nahkt!'
There was still no answer. My levels of frustration were on the rise. I would not be ignored like this!
'All right, that's it! NAHKT!!!'
His voice instantly popped into my head. 'Huh? Wha—? Eden! Are you in trouble?!' He sounded groggy and surprised. I knew he must've been asleep.
'No, everything's fine,' I answered.
I could've sworn I heard him curse me. 'Give me a few minutes. I'm coming.'
Shortly after, there was a commotion at the outer door. Nahkt stepped inside. His legs were decorated in what appeared to be light armor, and his face was once again hidden by a mask.
He fingered through his tresses. 'Why did you have to yell?'
I sat criss cross style. 'I assumed you forgot I was here.'
He groaned. 'I have to sleep sometime, you know? You have no idea how exhausted I am.'
     'Okay, then go back to bed,' I answered.
Nahkt shook his head. 'No. I'm awake, so we may as well get this over with.'
I bit my lip and backed away slowly. 'I'm not sure I like the sound of that...'
He crossed his arms, revealing a folded garment in his grasp. 'You're so dramatic.' Then, he threw the object in his hands at my feet. 'Put this on.'
The strange item resembled a sheet of folded mesh, no, more like a fishnet. It left me puzzled. 'What is this thing?'
'In order for you to leave this cell, you must wear that suit. It will help to cloak you,' said Nahkt.
I unfolded the clothing, letting the ends plop onto the floor. 'Uh... Thanks?'
He nodded. 'Now, get it on. There is much to do.'
I rolled my eyes at him and slipped into the mesh suit. As I got myself dressed, Nahkt walked off and peered into the corridor.
'We should be safe. No one seems to be coming,' he stated.
'Good for us,' I replied. By now, I was nearly finished putting on the suit. The fishnet fabric was certainly form-fitting. It felt as if I were wearing a second skin.
I finished in a matter of moments. 'You said this could make me invisible, right?'
Nahkt turned around to face me. 'Indeed. Because you don't have a wrist bracer, there should be an activation switch on the underside of your wrist.'
I looked at my hands and discovered the device he was referring to. When I turned it on, a bizarre sensation came over me. My pulse increased as I watched my extremities virtually disappear. It travelled up my torso, until finally my face and hair were hidden.
'Did it work?' I inquired.
Nahkt stepped closer to me and studied my invisible figure. 'No one else should be able to see you, unless they're wearing a Bio-Mask, like me. However, if you do encounter any Yautja, keep your distance. They may pick up your scent.'
'You don't have to tell me twice.'
He turned around and headed for the exit. 'Excellent. Follow me.'

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