Character Descriptions

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Eden Forakre

Species: Human
Sex: Female
Age: Nearly 16 Earth years
Height: 5'9" (175.26 cm)
Hair Description: Dark blonde and wavy; drapes past shoulder blades.
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Color: Tan
Previous Hobbies: Spending time outdoors, watching movies, typical teenage activities (that don't include partying or sleeping around.)


Species: Yautja
Sex: Male
Age: 213 Seasons (This is considered an adolescent age, a rough estimation of 17.667 Earth years.)
Height: 7'6" (228.6 cm)
Hair: Short tresses nearly brushing his shoulders. This is to demonstrate his young age. (Tresses are "dreadlock" appendages exhibited by the Yautja.)
Eye Color: (You'll find out.)
Specific Traits: Known to have a quick temper, rarely socializes with others, reveals his feelings to no one. Much of the clan knows nothing of his personality.


Species: Yautja
Sex: Male
Age: 693 Seasons
Height: 7'9" (236 cm)
Hair: Long tresses reaching the middle of his back.
Eye Color: Dark ochre
Specific Traits: Bloodthirsty and merciless


Species: Yautja
Sex: Male
Age: 547 Seasons
Height: 7'7" (231.14 cm)
Hair: Medium length tresses, reaching his shoulder blades.
Eye color: Ochre
Specific traits: Manipulative, relentless, and inquisitive

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