The Vision

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"Achilles Last Stand" belongs to Led Zeppelin

~ The Revamp ~

Eden's POV

     I lay asleep on the cold floor for a timeless period. This was too deep to be normal resting. I felt as if I were dead on the floor, oblivious to everything and only knowing a familiar realm of darkness.
     It would be cliché to mention that it felt as if I had been knocked out for hours, but that was exactly how this felt. Somehow, my mind later slipped into a dream, despite my extreme exhaustion.

     I was standing on a scarred, beaten battlefield. The bones and skulls of fallen warriors littered the burnt earth. Remnants of blood both human and Yautja formed in pools all along the ground. It was grotesque and unsightly to look at, but the vision continued.
     My eyes glanced down. I was decked in alien body armor, and a longsword was clenched tightly in my hand. Green blood dripped from the blade. But how?
     Was I the enemy? Were these deaths my fault? There was no time to ponder on these questions. A loud roar disrupted my thoughts. "YOU!!"
     I whipped around to face who it was. Nahkt himself was the one who called upon me. His armor was torn and painted crimson in many areas. The mask upon his face was heavily cracked, nearly beyond repair. Most noticeably, his right arm had been degraded to nothing more than a bloody stump. The fresh wound continued to leak fluorescent fluid.
     He bellowed a second time and charged right toward me. An aura of furious aggression surrounded him; his intent was to kill. His wrist daggers on his left hand extended and rocketed directly for my chest. I held my sword out and parried the blades. In spite of only having one arm, his ferocity made up for his lost strength.
     The arms in my muscles fired and pushed his weapon away. He growled and readied for another attack. As much as it pained me to do this, I had no choice but to fight back. He was not my ally, and he was in fact the enemy. It was either make my move or die by his hand.
     Without his right arm to defend him, this was the opportune moment to act. While Nahkt drew his blades back, I jutted my sword forward into his side. I gripped the scimitar tightly and wrenched it along the side of his torso. Sickening noises were created as I inflicted irreparable damage upon his insides. Neon green rivers gushed from the opening.
     He held his daggers still, and his neurotic gaze was fixed upon me. I didn't think it was possible for there to be so much hatred in a single look. After several seconds, I regained control of my body and pulled the sword from his flesh. Nahkt hissed in pain, but he made no attempt to impale me. Instead, his figure began to sway back and forth, back and forth, until finally, he lost his balance and collapsed upon the ground.
     I dropped my weapon. A weak whimper escaped my lips. "No..." It was the only word I could choke out at the moment.
     Tears formed in my shocked eyes as I shook his shoulder. He attacked me moments earlier, but I prayed desperately that he wasn't dead. He had to be alive! He had to! . . .My hopes dropped. When I looked down at his chest, I realized he had stopped breathing. I began to panic. His mask was possibly suffocating him. It was imperative to remove it.
     In the Bio-Mask's battered condition, I figured it would be easy to pull away. My fingers curled around the edges and tugged. In a heartbeat, Nahkt's form became animated once again. His arm lashed forward and grabbed my vulnerable throat before I had a chance to finish the task. He tightened his grip, and it became nearly impossible to breathe. I pulled at his hand in desperation.
     "Nahkt... It's me," I rasped.
     He choked loudly before doing the unthinkable. "You're... a m-monster!!" He spoke aloud in English! But how?!
     He fought for air the second his sentence ended. It was as if he had directed his last reserves of energy into cursing me. His grip on my neck loosened as his breaths became more labored. He wheezed and strained, until finally, it became too strenuous to continue respire. He was dead.
     My shocked mind couldn't comprehend the events. It was too much to take in. The flurry of emotions swallowed me up and controlled my movements. I simply stood up and fled the scene, leaving Nahkt's lifeless body to rot...

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