Fire and Ice

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"Policy of Truth" Belongs to Depeche Mode.

As the ship reached the darkness of space, I felt a strange mix of emotions.

I was glad to get away from that jail. Earth had nothing for me anymore. It only brought me pain.

My heart was heavy with sorrow, grief, regret, and fear.

Never again would I feel my father's strong arms as he hugged me.

Never again would I hear the laugh, or see the warm smile of my mother.

Zach was now a memory from the past.

What was I now? A faded garment rejected by its owners? A broken trinket? A lost child left by their parents?

Now all I had was Nahkt. He was the only family I had left. All else was lost.

Nahkt said: Eden? Eden are you okay?

I snapped from my daze.

He continued: You are hurt...

I looked at the gunshot wound on my hip. At least it had stopped bleeding. It did look pretty bad.

I answered: I'm perfectly fine. It barely hurts now...

Nahkt questioned: Are you sure? That injury looks painful.

I said: I'm fine, don't worry about it.

The craft began to slow down. It came to a halt.

The giant, invisible "mother ship" lay just in front of us.

The hangar door slowly opened.

Our spaceship floated inside, and plopped into the floor. I turned invisible, and Nahkt and I exited together.

We walked down familiar hallways. About 60 feet in front of me, was the gate that led to my cell. But Nahkt didn't head there.

Instead, he faced to the left and pressed a button on a door. Above, was a sign with glowing, red, letters written in Yautjan.

As Nahkt walked inside, I asked: What is this place?

He responded: I guess you could call it my living quarters.

There was a silver, cabinet sort of thing on one side of the room. In the corner was a mat.

On the other side of the room was a door. It looked almost like a vault. Although I was curious to see what was inside, I decided to keep quiet.

Nahkt opened the cabinet, and began to peel off his armor. I watched him as he hung them on hooks inside. He placed his Plasmacaster on the floor of the "cabinet". Finally, Nahkt unclasped the locks on his mask. It peeled from his face with a high pitched, hissing sound.

I was still getting used to the look of Nahkt's actual face. It still sent ice-cold shivers running down my spine.

Nahkt flexed his jaw. He looked at me and said: You should get some rest.

I replied: I guess you're right. But, how do I open the door to my cell?

Nahkt answered: You insert your dagger into the hole and twist.

I nodded and then began to head out the door.

Nahkt said: Wait. Before you go, take this.

He opened a compartment and pulled out a black suit. It was similar to the silver one I was wearing at the moment.

He placed it in my nearly invisible arms.

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