That's What I Like About You

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Eden states,"You know, besides that one question asking if Nahkt and I were in love, this isn't really that bad..."

Nahkt responds,"Now Eden, don't jinx yourself."

XB says,"Too late...@Wingless4ngel wants to know what you think of Eden, and what Eden thinks of you..."

Eden whispers,"Well Nahkt, this is quite...embarrassing..."

Nahkt says,"I guess I your personality Eden...and I uh-dunno..."

Eden answers,"Aww! I guess I like your personality too...Oh! And also your eyes...They're a really neat color."

*Eden blushes and turns away from Nahkt*

Budgie exclaims,"Before you guys are done, there's one more question for you Nahkt. Asked by @LibbieBlackout422: How does it feel being stronger, taller, and faster than the humans? Or any prey in general?"

Nahkt replies: It is pretty nice actually. It just makes things easier in general. You and Eden really are short..."

*XB quickly stands up in an aggressive manner. Nahkt stands slowly. He towers over Budgie*

  Xeno demands,"What did you just call Eden and I?"

Nahkt answers,"You heard me. I just called you short."

*Budgie storms up to Nahkt and looks up at him*

She says,"Say it again, I dare you."

*Nahkt bends down so his face is only inches from XB's*

He states slowly,"You...are...short..."

*At that moment, Budgie grabs a handful of Nahkt's tresses and yanks downwards. He falls face-first onto the floor. Before he can get back up, Xeno presses her foot onto the side of his face and pins him in place*

She asks,"Who's short now."

Nahkt mutters,"You are..."

*XB grabs Nahkt's right arm and presses it behind his back in an arm bar position. She begins to push his hand upwards*

Xeno hisses,"Who's short?"

Nahkt answers,"You are!"

*Budgie pushes his arm further back. It begins to make cracking, popping sounds*

Nahkt exclaims,"Ow! Now that is actually starting to hurt..."

*He turns his head to Eden with a look of distress on his eyes*

He questions,"Eden? Are you going to help me??"

She shakes her head and says,"Don't look at me, you got yourself into this mess all on your own..."

*Nahkt growls and XB pushes his arm back even further. It cracks loudly*

She questions,"Who's short?"

Nahkt answers,"You are!"

*Budgie pushes his forearm back and it pops*

Xeno asks,""

Nahkt replies,"You!..."

*Budgie shoves his arm so far back, that his fingers brush against the back of his head. A loud CRACK! echoes throughout the small room*

XenoBudgie states,"I'm going to ask you one...last...time...Who's short now??"

Nahkt whimpers,""

Budgie leans closer and exclaims,"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't quite catch that! Say it again."

"" says Nahkt only this time louder than before.

Budgie snarls,"That's what I thought..."

*She releases Nahkt. He gets to his feet and caresses his injured arm. He flexes his shoulder and noisily pops*

Nahkt says,"Why did you have to do that? It hurt!!!"

Xeno crosses her arms and says,"You should know I don't take insults very...lightly..."

Eden questions,"Ya think?"...

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