If it Bleeds...

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Wheel in the Sky belongs to Journey.

~ The Revamp ~

     Everything became a black blur after my encounter. I had become a captive inside my own consciousness. For all I knew, I had no chance of escape. This dark void blocked out all traces of reality.
     Of course, I did try to force myself awake, but every attempt was in vain. I grew more exhausted with each passing moment. Soon, I ceased struggling altogether. I simply relaxed and let the darkness consume my being.
     Only a single thought I could not rid from my head lingered. Had I truly died?? Was I now a trophy in that Predator's collection? If so, maybe this place was hell. Maybe I would spend my eternity in the void, tucked away from every sensation and all connections to the outside world.
     After what felt like eons, I felt the presence of another being. I craned my neck and beheld a light in the distance. I only perceived dim and gray, but to me, the illumination was like the sun. A large altar that represented an operating table rested several feet away. A white sheet spread across a hidden figure. I approached it cautiously. When I stood several feet away, I realized it was a body. No, a corpse.
     I crept to the table's side and lifted up the sheet. At the sight of its appearance, I felt every drop of blood drain from my face. I clasped my hand to my mouth in shock. The dead body was me.
     Please, God, don't let this be true! I thought frantically.
     Suddenly, the corpse's stiff, icy fingers fastened around my wrist and firmly clamped down. I could not escape. The figure sat up slowly on the table, causing the sheet to fall and expose the entirety of its form. My form.
     The skin was white ash. The eyes were glazed and devoid of life. In the center of its forehead lay a large, square shaped hole. The brains and dura mater seeped from the wound and all over its lifeless face. I was too scared to make a single move.
     Then, the animated form opened its mouth. "He did this to me... He did this to you!"
     It sounded like it was gargling razors and needles as it spoke. The sound sent shivers dancing up and down my spine. I wiggled my arm free of the corpse's grip and sprinted in the opposite direction.
     Someone save me! Anybody!
     The second I cried for help, a familiar clicking echoed from several feet away. I turned to face it in horror. The invisible Hunter stepped nearer. A mechanical whir filled the air, and he revealed himself to me. His masked eyes were trained on me; his single pair of silver daggers glinted like water in the moonlight.
     He reached out for me and cackled antagonistically. I stumbled backwards and tried to ignore the creature's bellows. The laugh could not be avoided. It consumed me.
     I screamed, "No... No! No! NO!!"
     Every noise quieted, and the void diminished...


     My eyelids fluttered open. I awoke to find myself lying on a firm mattress. Every inch of skin was beaded with sweat. An overpowering wave of nausea hit me like a concrete wall. I leaned over the side of the bed and vomited bile all over the floor. For several seconds, I coughed and gasped while trying to regain my breath.
     When I regained enough strength, I lifted my head and observed the environment around me. Identical mats and machines lined this room. It was obviously an infirmary. However, none of these structures were even faintly human.
     I am so screwed, I thought. Maybe I can find a way out of here. Hopefully, it's not too late...
     I sat up on the bed and threw a blanket off of me. It had been crafted from various animal pelts roughly stitched together. I looked down and noticed that my clothes were different. The filthy garments I wore in the forest were replaced with new ones. They resembled a swimsuit, and they only covered my breasts and private regions.
     I hadn't any time to worry about my clothes. I was on an alien spaceship, which meant I had more important matters of concern.
     Slowly, I stood and crept toward the nearest door. As I passed the beds, I accidentally stepped on a metal tray. I picked it up and observed its reflective surface. The dish worked like a mirror, and I used it to study my face.
     Something was different... To my surprise, I gazed upon a square shaped network of threads intertwined into the skin of my forehead. Stitches...
     I ran my fingers against the rough surface. Fiery pain filled my cranium. I quickly removed my hand and gritted my teeth together.
What's happened to me?? I thought angrily.
     It was time to stop procrastinating. I set the tray down and approached the door. It was wide and nearly nine feet tall. When I came nearer, it retreated upwards and revealed a corridor lit by dim, yellow light. A blast of heated air slammed into me and dried my throat completely. The atmosphere became nearly impossible to breathe in. I fell to my knees and wheezed. My lungs were having difficulty expanding.
     After several moments, I was able to slowly regain my breath. Gradually, I climbed to my feet and inhaled deeply. This gaseous mixture was different than earth's, but it was tolerable.
     I stepped into the hallway and explored my surroundings, making sure to hug the walls and keep deathly silent. Although I had no idea as to where I was going, I had my goal set on returning home. As long as I remained unnoticed, there was still a chance. I refused to admit that all hope was lost. 
     Many minutes ticked by, and I was still trapped in this ship's labyrinth. For all I knew, I may have been traveling in circles! There was no way I could know.
     I approached a corner. It was just like the all the other turns inside this craft, but something stopped me dead in my tracks. On the other side of the bend, I heard an approaching noise. It was the sound of oncoming footsteps. They echoed loudly, and I knew they were created by a very large being. A Predator.
     Panicked, I pressed myself against the wall at the verge of the corner. There was nowhere to hide. The footsteps grew nearer with each passing moment. My heart began to beat faster.
     Then, I saw the alien as he passed by me. I immediately recognized him by his mask. He was my abductor from last night. The image of him tackling me was still fresh in my mind. Fortunately, he continued to walk in the same direction without even glimpsing over his shoulder. He hadn't taken notice of me. The danger, however, was far from over.
     He suddenly stopped in his tracks. I froze in fear as he tilted his head upwards and deeply gulped the air. His breath echoed loudly inside his Bio-Mask; his chest rose and fell dramatically. At first, I was confused by this strange behavior, but I soon realized what was happening.
     My abductor could smell me. My scent must've tainted the air, and now, I was revealed. The alien turned around and faced me directly. I held my breath and remained absolutely still.
     The same phrase repeated in my head. Go away! Go away!!
     His head tilted side to side, and he clicked curiously, "Oo-man..."
     Adrenaline rushed to my muscles and sent me sprinting down the hall. Bounding footsteps followed behind me. I knew there was no way I would be able to outrun my captor. I needed to find cover—and fast.
     Almost miraculously, I spotted a manual door up ahead. I skidded to a halt and leapt into the tiny closet. Before the Predator could pounce, I slammed the hinged gate closed.
     There was a loud, pounding knock that originated from the other side. I pressed my body against the door and held it closed. The thuds progressed and became ever more intensive. Shortly after, the alien began pushing his weight onto the surface in an attempt to shove it open.
     Out of nowhere, a voice screamed inside my mind: 'Open the d**n door!!'
     I was so dumbfounded by the noise, I shied away and forgot my strength. At that exact second, the door violently swung open and slammed into me. I was knocked backwards and sent flying into the wall. The back of my head smacked against a hard surface, and I was knocked out cold. My limp figure slumped to the floor, leaving me utterly defenseless. Not again!..

     This time, I did not remain in the realm of darkness for long. I quickly forced myself awake and back into the real world.
     When I came to, my head throbbed in pain with every beat of my heart. The lights hurt my brain. I felt the back of my skull and discovered a large, tender bump. I looked around and realized I was in a different environment. I was sprawled on the floor inside a barred cell. There was a large basin that resembled a bathtub. There was also a dark well in the floor that was similar to a toilet. My backpack was sitting in a corner. Even though I left it behind in the woods, it must've been retrieved and brought here.
     The rest of the room outside was cloaked in a shadow. I sat up and looked around. There was something about the darkness that didn't seem right. I was not alone.
     The same eerie voice spoke inside my head. 'I wanted to make this simple, but you are more difficult than I anticipated, girl. Now look at what's happened. You've given yourself a mild concussion, and you've forced me to lock you in this cell! Such a shame...'
     I thought wildly, 'What was that??'
     It responded, 'I was that.'
     The shadows shifted, and a colossal humanoid figure stepped into the light. My abductor. I scooted against the wall. He was the one saying this?? But how?! How was he in my head?
     I inquired, 'W-Why do I hear you?'
     The Predator clicked his nail on his masked forehead and answered, 'I have a neural implant, and you have one as well. Consider it my gift to you.'
     'I don't want your gift! I want to go home!' I yelled.
     He replied icily, 'I'm sorry, but your home is already thousands of miles away.'
     I stood up and banged my fists on the wall of the cell. I shrieked aloud, "I WANT TO GO HOME!!"
     He shook his head. 'You can make a fuss all you like. These walls are soundproof. I'm the only one who knows of your presence. Trust me, that's a good thing.'
     I curled my fingers around the cell bars and inquired. 'How can I even know to trust you?!'
     'I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice,' he sighed.
     Out of nowhere, acute pain throbbed in my head. It felt like someone was bashing the front of my skull in with a sledgehammer. I clutched my temples with my hands and moaned. My body slumped to the floor.
     The alien clicked softly. 'Seems like you're still getting accustomed to the implant. Maybe I can find something to help you with the pain.'
     I put my arms down. 'Look, Predator, I don't need any of your help.'
     He turned his head to me aggressively. The eyeholes of his mask glared coldly. I knew I had said something offensive to him.
     My abductor retorted, 'I have a name, you know. I am not this so-called 'Predator.''
     I inquired, 'What's your name then?'
     He made a gesture with his hand as he exclaimed, 'I am Nahkt, son of Arah.'
(Pronunciation of Nahkt: "Knocked")
     I repeated his title several times and rolled it around in my mouth. It had such a harsh sound, but it seemed to suit him.
     Nahkt questioned, 'What is your title, female human?'
     I answered snappily, 'First off, don't ever call me 'female human.' Second, my name is Eden Forakre. Just call me Eden.'

     My abductor stated, 'You never should have left that room, you know. If I hadn't stumbled into you first, you certainly would've met death. If S'dahm or any of his scouts discovered you, Eden, you would've been hung from the ceiling by your entrails.'
     I swallowed nervously. 'Who's S'dahm?'
     Nahkt hissed, 'That abomination is my uncle, and leader of the White Death Clan, my clan. It disgusts me that my blood is related to his. He is nothing more than a disgrace to the Yautja, but his crimes are only known to me.'
     'Yautja?' I asked.
     'My species. You are human. I am Yautja,' he said.
     I decided to completely change the subject, 'If everyone else in your clan would've killed me on sight, why haven't you?'
     He turned his head away. His silver mask shimmered in the light. Several seconds passed, and Nahkt had not responded to my question. Perhaps he wasn't ready to answer it. Or maybe it was because of a different reason...

     He swerved around and started to leave.
     I exclaimed, 'Where are you going? You can't leave me alone here!'
     Nahkt turned to me over his shoulder and replied, 'I'm sorry, Eden, but I have duties to attend to. I will be back for you later. Trust me, you are perfectly safe here. These walls may block noise, but you can reach me psychically.'
     He then turned around and removed a knife from a sheath on his girth. My abductor thrusted the blade into a slot beside the exit door and twisted it. The gate slid open, and he stepped outside.
     As soon as he was inside the corridor, the door slid closed. I was now all alone. I was by myself on a strange ship, surrounded by strange creatures.
     I thought to myself, What am I going to do now?..

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