Burning Sulfur

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This song is called "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, Your Motorcycle!" created by the band AUSTRIAN DEATH MACHINE.

This band basically takes famous lines from Arnold Schwarzneggar, and turns them into a hardcore, speed rock song. I thought it would be appropriate for a death battle scene.

You have been warned...😈

Eden's POV

My hands were shaking with nervous excitement, and my mind was bent on only one thought:.....

Putting an end to Sodom

But this whole matter confused me. Why did Nahkt hate Sodom, and why did Sodom hate
him? There had to be a good reason.

There was only one way to find out the truth, I had to ask...nicely...

I questioned: Nahkt? How did this...whole "thing" happen between you and Sodom??

He gave me a puzzled look. Then asked: What...do you mean?

I inquired: Why do you hold a death grudge against him?

Nahkt asked: Do you want the long or short version?

I said: Short one.

Then Nahkt began his tale. He stated:

Sodom...is my Uncle....He and my father were powerful allies; they always had each other's backs.
Then, that all changed...When I was very young, I watched Sodom murder my father, right before me. You see, my father was originally the clan elder; Sodom killed him in order to take his place.
I barely escaped the scene alive. Since then, Sodom has attempted killing me countless times, trying to eradicate what he calls a "Filthy Bloodline"...
I seek revenge on the savage that betrayed and murdered my father...

I exclaimed: Wow... That's deep to the max!...I hope Sodom doesn't cut off your hand and say,"I am your father"...

Nahkt glared and said: What in the name of-..?

I jested: Please excuse my Star Wars reference.

He held his hand to his face and shook his head slowly. Then muttered: You and your references...

I snickered. Nahkt looked at me unblinking. I stopped laughing. He continued to stare.

I questioned: Why are you looking at me like that? It's just plain disturbing.

Nahkt said: You are going to need some better armor. If you tried to take on Sodom the way you are now, you would be shredded to pieces. Come with me...

Shredded to pieces? How comforting...

I grabbed my mask and wrist daggers. He took me to a large room. There were stands upon stands that seemed to stretch for an eternity. They were all lined with armor.

Nahkt said: Go on, find something that fits you.

My eyes zoned in on a set of armor that looked promising. I tried to slip it on over my black camo-suit, but it was too large. The shells of metal loudly clattered onto the ground. I sighed and put the armor pieces back onto their stand.

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