Sam X Taurtis-I'll make you miss me-SMUT

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Sam(this is my first time writing smut so don't judge if its bad.. Also don't judge if Im suprisngly good at it XD) ALSO THIS IS GOING TO BE VERY WEIRD AND STUFF CUZ I NEVER DUN DIS BEFORE AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IT

Sam rolled out of bed and groaned. "The heak..?"

Sam looked over to his bed and saw it was a huge mess. Taurtis wasn't there, but you could tell he was apart of the mess.

Sam blushed.


"Sam!" Taurtis yelled, "Im going to see a movie with Salex. I'll be back at like 10:00 or something." Taurtis was putting on his T-t shirt. Sam sighed as he looked up from his Attack On Titan manga.

"Ok. I'll see you back at 10:00" Sam replied, dully. Taurtis looked at his bestfriend, "What you're not going to miss me?" Taurtis asked. Sam shrugged, "Probably. Probably not."

Taurtis looked at Sam for a few seconds. Sam blinked, "What?" Sam asked. Taurtis smirked, "So.. You're not going to miss me?"

"You'll be back at 10:00 sooo.." Sam said, shrugging. Taurtis smirked again.  Sam blicked once again, "..What.. Is my fly open..?" Sam asked. He proped himself up with his arms and looked down at his zipper. Nope, fly zipped.

Sam looked up and saw Taurtis leaning close to him. Too close.  Sam blushed a light pink, which was very noticeable since he has such light skin. 

"I'll make you miss me" Taurtis wispered suducidly in Sam's ear.  Sam blushed a dark red. Taurtis grabbed Sam's arms and threw the manga across the room, landing with a Thud.  Taurtis sat on the bed and leaned over to Sam, Sam couldn't move. He couldn't blink. All he could do was blush.  Taurtis kissed Sam.

Taurtis bit Sam's bottom lip, asking for an entrence. Sam smirked and denied.  This just made things a little worse for Sam. Taurtis slip his right hand down Sam's pants and touched his member outside Sam's pants. Sam moaned, Taurtis took this chance to slip his tounge in his bestfriend's mouth. Sam moaned again when Taurtis started exploring his mouth. Not letting an inch go unserched.

Sam wrapped his arms around Taurtis. Taurtis smilled and pulled Sam closer to him. Taurtis pushed Sam down on the bed and slid his hands inside Sam's pants and into his boxers.  Taurtis slowly wrapped his fingers around Sam's member.  Sam moaned. Taurtis took his hands out his boxers, Sam glared at Taurtis.  Taurtis only smirked and took off his shirt, showing his 8 pack (fangirls: OH MY GORD *nosebleed*)  Sam blushed.

"You like it, Sam..?" Taurtis asked suducidly. Sam slowly nodded his head, Taurtis smilled and slid his hands up Sam's shirt and took off his shirt. Sam was scranny so he covered his stomach.

Taurtis grabed Sam's hands and intwinted his fingers with Sam's fingers.  Taurtis took off Sam's hands from his stomach, their fingers still intwinted. Taurtis bent down and licked Sam's stomach.


Taurtis smirked and stood up from the bed, He walked downstairs. Sam was confused at this point, "Taurtis..?"

A few seconds later, Taurtis came up with salt and an icecube. Taurtis sat back on Sam, and turned him around. Sam's back facing Taurtis.

"T-Taurtis..?" Sam asked, obviously scared. Taurtis leaned over to Sam's left ear, his stomach touching Sam's back. Sam blushed as Taurtis wispered, "I know what Im doing.."

Taurtis sat back and put the icecube on Sam's back. Writing letters and making shapes. Sam shivered every time the icecube moved across his back. Taurtis smirked, he dropped the icecube and put a few salt on his hands. Sam was shivering by the cold, "Taurtis.. Can you stop with the cold..?"

"Don't worry, bunny boy. You won't feel anymore cold.." Taurtis wispered.

What does he mean? Sam asked himself.

Taurtis put the salt on Sam's back. Sam screamed, his back felt like lava! (I've never done his challenge before, but I hear that it burns). Taurtis bent down and licked the salt off Sam's back. Sam moaned but soon screamed again. Taurtis licked his back again and again making Sam moan and scream in pain.

"T-Taurtis stop!" Sam managed to yell. Taurtis frowned, "Fine." He used the blanket to wipe off the remaining water and salt.

Is that all I had to say..? Stop? Sam asked, but he quickly answered his question when Taurtis filled Sam over.

Taurtis bent down and kissed Sam's neck. Taurtis slid his hands to Sam's outer pants and unzipped his pants. Along with his. Taurtis kept sucking Sam's neck until Sam moaned. Taurtis smirked, knowing he had found his spot.

Taurtis licked it, kissed it, and even bit it. All of them making Sam moan in pleasure. Sam failed to noice Taurtis and his pants were both off until Taurtis pumped Sam's member. Sam's eyes winded and moan loudly.

"Loud arn't we..?" Taurtis said playfully. Sam blushed, "S-Shut up..Baka.." Taurtis smirked, "Tsundere, hmm."  Sam blushed even more, Taurtis laughed. Taurtis pumped Sam's member again and again.

"T-Taurtis!" Sam managed to say, "St-Stop pl-playing ar-around!." Taurtis sighed, "Ok" He smirked.

Taurtis slipped his hands inside Sam's boxers and pulled them off, leaving Sam completely naked. Sam blushed a very dark red. Taurtis smirked and bent down, he started sucking slowly.

Sam moaned loudly. Taurtis kept sucking, making Sam moan louder and louder.

"T-Taurtis!" Sam yelled after a few minutes, "I-Im going too--." Then, Taurtis stoped, he stoped and removed his mouth from Sam's member.

Taurtis stood up and leaned to Sam, he kissed him and wisspered.

"I said I'd make you miss me." Taurtis stood back up. The door bell rang, "Ah, Thats Salex." Taurtis put his clothes back on.

Sam layed on the bed. Beathing heavily. Sam looked over to Taurtis, Taurtis smirked, "Maybe we can finish this later." Taurtis walked out of the room. Leaving Sam completely naked and breathing heavily.

Flashback over

Taurtis walked inside the room, "Oh. You're awake."  Sam looked up, "Yeah.." He blushed.  Taurtis smirked, "I said lets finish this. Remember?"

Sam nodded as he let Taurtis crawl over him.

Taurtis kissed Sam's neck and Sam moaned.





This lemon was AWFUL.

I'll try to do it better. Also, Should I do first person or third?

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