Sam X Taurtis-Give me the remote-SMUT

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Tokyo soul

Sam and Taurtis sat on the couch bored. The remote sitting between them. They were watching a Hunter X Hunter episode, though they already watched it many times.

Sam sighed, he suddenly remembered something. Sam sprang up from the position he was in and turned to Taurtis, "What time is it?!"

Taurtis grabbed the remote and pressed Select, showing the time, title and more.

"6:34. Why?"

"Steven Universe is on at 7:00! Give me the remote, Taurtis." Sam ordered. Taurtis smirked, and layed his head back down on the couch since he was laying sideways.

"No, the new Hunter X Hunter episode starts at 7:00." Taurtis sighed and held onto the remote. Sam groaned, "But the new Steven Universe episode starts at 7:00! Just watch Huntsr X Huntsd online!" Sam complained. Taurtis rolled his eyes, "You watch Steven Universe online."

Sam turned his body to Taurtis, "Give me the remote." He ordered, more sternly this time. Taurtis looked at the ceiling for a second. "No."

Sam leaned over to Taurtis, he put his left arm on the side of the couch so he didn't fall down. "Give me the remote, Taurtis!"

Taurtis squirmed his arm out and threw it in the air, firmly gripping on the remote. "No! I don't wanna!"

"Taurtis you're such a baby!" Sam moved his arm from the couch as he got closer to the remote, his body a few inches from Taurtis'. Sam's fingers brushed the remote before he fell on Taurtis.

Taurtis blushed, Sam's leg brushed his member through his pants. Sam was about to sit up before something he did not expect happened.

Taurtis moaned. Sam sat up, sitting on Taurtis' thighs, he glanced down at his bestfriend. Taurtis quickly covered his mouth with his free hand. Sam blushed slightly when he stood up, His legs fairly apart as Taurtis's legs were between his.

Sam used his arm to help him stand up on the couch, until Taurtis shifted slightly, making Sam fall down again, right back on Taurtis.

Taurtis gasped slightly and dropped the remote when Sam's hands were on his chest. "S-Sam.." Taurtis breathed out. Sam blushed deeply, was we really doing this? This was his best friend. Though he does have a crush on him.. For more than a few months.. A couple of years, actually.

Sam blushed even more, if possible, when he slid his hands up Taurtis' shirt and slowly taking it off. Reveling his 6 pack. Sam was a little supprised. Since when did Taurtis have a 6 pack? The last time he saw Taurtis shirtless was when they were in gym class changing at Yandere High, Taurtis didn't have a 6 pack then, though his sweat did make glisten and it did look like it was about to start a 6 pack..

Sam was brought back into the present when Taurtis slowly brought his hands down Sam's pants.

Sam helped Taurtis take it off and they threw it somewhere in the room. Sam was left in his shirt and boxers while Taurtis was still in his pants but his shirt still off.

Sam frowned at this and he started to unbuckle Taurtis's belt and remove his pants.

Sam blushed deeply when he noticed the big errection in Taurtis' boxers. It was only then when Sam relized he had one too.

Sam pumped Taurtis though his boxers. "S..SAm.." Taurtis moaned. Sam kept pumping.

"I-I'm going t-too.." Too late, Taurtis had already cummed. Taurtis huffed and smirked at Sam.

Sam quickly figured out what was going to happen and stood up until Taurtis brought him down and flipped him over. So he was bottom and Taurtis was top.

Taurtis slowly took off Sam' shirt and threw it with his pants. "Taurtis.. I-I don't think this is a good i.." Sam was quickly hushed when Taurtis moved his lips to Sam's neck. Making Sam moan, loudly.

"Geez Sam, Grian is downstairs in his room." Taurtis wispered in Sam's ear. Sam moaned a littleby this.

Taurtis kept kissing Sam's neck, making him moan. Finally Sam couldn't take it, "Fucking take me already!" Sam half-yelled.

Taurtis smirked, "No need to yell, Sam." Taurtis kissed Sam before moving down. He brought the boxers down from Sam's waist and Taurtis placed the tip on his mouth.

Sam moaned when Taurtis placed more inside his mouth, slowly sucking.

"Taurtis.." Sam wispered. Sam moaned more when Taurtis put all of him inside Taurtis' mouth.

"I..I'm going t-to.." Sam cummed and Taurtis took it all. Taurtis pulled away from Sam and wipped his mouth with his arm.

"A little strange how you were domanint half the time." Taurtis chuckled. Sam blushed, "S-Shut up.." He glanced at the TV, "What time?" Sam asked.

Taurits stood up and moved to the end of the couch, where he dropped the remote, he pressed select and the time along with the title popped up.

Taurtis gave a half-smile at Sam, "We missed your show. Both our shows."

Sam laughed slightly and stood up as he pulled up his boxers.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Sam sighed. Taurtis smirked at him, "Double shower?" Taurtis asked.

Sam crossed his arms. "Fine."

Taurtis jumped up and picked Sam up and threw him over his sholder. Sam looked at Taurtis, his back arched up and his hands on Taurtis's sholder.

"Lets go my bunny boy." Taurtis smilled, more romantically than sexy. Sam blushed and his ears burned. Sam crossed his arms and he went back to half his body being dangled.

"Shut up. And brush your teeth."

"Aw Sam being Tsundere."

"Shut up."

"Ok, ok." Taurtis chucked as he made his way upstairs.


A little while since I updated,

But hey, update.



Sam X Grian-Roleplay-SMUT
(Princess Grian :3)

Sam X Taurtis-A romantic bath-Romance

ONE-SHOTS SMUT/LEMON (Samgladiator/taurtis/grian/ect)Where stories live. Discover now