Sam X Taurtis-Club and drinks-SMUT

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It was summer time, midnight, the time where teenagers can become crazy without having to worry about school or other things.

A new club has opened up and Sam and Taurtis decided to go there to ight, which was Friday. Sam waited patiently downstairs, he wore black dress pants, black dress shoes, a white dress shirt with a red tie with white stripes which were slanted and heading down the tie. Sam glances at his wrist watch, 11:28. The opening of the club starts at 11:30!

Sam groaned, they were going to be late! "Taurtis!" Sam yelled. "We're gonna be late! Pour the cologne on and lets go!"

Sam heard footsteps coming down the stairs, Sam stood from the couch, "Finally. Let's go. Oh you look,"-cough-"nice." He completed. Taurtis wore a white dress shirt with grey dress pants, black dress shoes, and a dark blue bow-tie.

Taurtis smirked, "Thank you, homo?" Sam chuckled and opened the door "Shut up dude."

The line for the club was long. Sam and Taurtis stood at the middle, Sam's feet hurt while Taurtis was bouncing around happily. "How much farther?" "Do you think I'll pick up some girls?" "This is gonna be awsome."

Sam sighed, "We would be inside by now if you had hurried up we would've been inside by know." Sam ran his fingers through his hair.

"Shut up! I had to look nice! Your tie isn't gonna impress anyone, you know." Taurtis said, finally the line was moving. Sam sihed and fixed his tie, which was chocking him.

They were at the front of the line now, 12:59 At least we're getting inside, it doesn't close until.. what, 3:50? That gives us.. 3 hours and.. While Sam did the math in his head he didn't even notice they were next in line until Taurtis jabbed his stomach with his elbow.

"Common dude, we're next." Taurtis wispered. He grabbed Sam's wrist, pulling him inside the nightclub after the very tall man said they could.

They entered a long hallways, painted limegreen and lights of different colors flashed and moved around, the music was muffled from the black curtains at the end of the hallway. "It's like we're on the dance floor already," Sam mumble loud enough for Taurtis to hear, he laughed.

After ten seconds of walking, Taurtis pulled the curtain aside and wispered a "wow." The room was flashing with colors, red lights zipped across one side of the room to the other. Music was so loud a deaf person could hear it. People danced on the dance floor, dirty and regular.

Sam and Taurtis looked at each other, "Drinks?" Sam asked. Taurtis grinned, "Drinks."

They both walked to the bar, sitting on the stools then ordering over-priced drinks. After a drink or two they heard a familiar voice, "Sam? Taurtis?" They turned around and saw Yuki with Sookie and Soul.

"Oh hey guys." Taurtis waved. Sam shot a small smile. Yuki sat next to Taurtis.
"How are you guys? Nice outfits by the way." Yuki said, grabbing the drink from Taurtis' hands then drinking it.

"We're ok, I didn't expect to see you here." Sam said, drinking his drink. "You didn't?" Sookie asked, Soul's arm wrapped around her waist. A twinge of jealousy ran through Sam, "Not really. I mean, I kinda thought Soul and you were doin' it on the couch or something." Sam said with a little venom in his voice.

Sookie's expression turned sad and Soul's expression turned into anger. "What I do with my girlfriend is none of your business. Or are you just jealous that I'm the one having all the fun with Sook-Sook?" She said sassily.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Please, how about you and your sea-monster lesbian go dance or something." Sam spat. "Sam!" Yuki screamed. Soul and Sam ignored her, "Are you looking for a fight?" Soul asked.

ONE-SHOTS SMUT/LEMON (Samgladiator/taurtis/grian/ect)Where stories live. Discover now