Grian X DrNurseMD-I'll teach you something special-SMUT

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Ok so this was ment as a joke, but you guys seem to really want this soo, here it is!! *wiggles eyebrows* this gonna be.. Smexy!   Also, I cracked a few jokes..IPAD OUT

Grian was a blushing mess as he walked back inside the classroom, Taurtis stared in disbelief while Sam smirked and crossed his arms.

"I thought you said you hated, Dr.NurseMD, Grian."


Grian groaned as him and his friends closed their lockers, the bell rang, meaning its time to go to the class Grian dreads.. Dr.NurseMD's class.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Dude, its just a class!" said Sam in a bubbly voice.  Grian rolled his eyes, "Yea. Dr.NurseMD's class." Grian groaned again, he said Dr.NurseMD like he had to force it to come out his mouth.

Taurtis sighed, "Guuys, Jerry keeps giving me JerryCats.." Taurtis complaied out of nowhere. Sam and Grian snickered as they turned around to see Jerry force-feeding Taurtis. They laughed, the bell rang.

"Oh shoot! guys we gotta go to class!" Sam ran toward the closing door. Grian just trugfed his feet over to the door. Sam opened the door, "Sorry we're late Dr.NurseMD!" Sam apologized as the rest of the gang walked through the door.

Dr.NurseMD was on his desk, "Hmm, Since you all are late, you all will have to go to SeinorLoro."

"WHAT?! GRIAN THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Taurtis yelled.

"HOW IS THIS MY FAULT?! JERRY WAS THE ONE WHO WAS FEEDING YOU SHIT!" Grian snapped at Taurtis. Everyone gasped at Grian's word choice.

"Ooooohhh!" Sam laughed.

"Grian! I'm disipointed in you! how are you use that word choice in my classroom! Detention!" Dr.NurseMD shook his head.

Sam laughed even more, "What are you laughing about, Bunnyboy? you're going to be there with him! You too Taurtis!"

"Wh-What?! Bu-but.." Sam started to stamper.

"You all failed to come to class on time! For punishment. You all with go to detention! But not with SeinorLoro, No, no, no, In my classroom!" Dr.NurseMD spat. Everyone either shook their head at Grian in disapproval or sighed in disappointment.

Timeskip to detention

"I hate Dr.NurseMD!" Grian growled, he slamed his locker shut, making all the other lockers shake. Taurtis huffed, he was leaning on the wall looking out the window with his arms crossed, "This sucks. I wanted to go to that pantie shop!"

Sam and Grian stared at Taurtis, "Um.. I dont think its very wise to go see that creepy old guy, Taurtis.." Sam said.

"Y-Yea! 'Cause I was todally going to see that old guy.. Heh.." Taurtis blushed and looked at the floor.

"You're sick." Grian said, an eyebrow raised.

"You got us in detention."

"Dr.NurseMD got us into detention!" Grian replied. Sam rolled his eyes, "Lets just go before we get into even more trouble!"

The three boys walked over to Dr.NurseMD's classroom, They walked throught the doors. Dr.NurseMD's head popped up, "Ah, so you all decided to come. I thought you all would've skipped. What a pleasant surprise! Now, sit." Dr.NurseMD said sternly.

They all obeyed, all but Grian. Sam and Taurtis turned around -they were in the middle of the classroom-

"Grian, common." Sam said. Grian crossed his arms, "No!"

ONE-SHOTS SMUT/LEMON (Samgladiator/taurtis/grian/ect)Where stories live. Discover now