Taurtis X Grian-My first kiss-SMUT

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This takes place in Tokyo soul

Taurtis groaned, he turned to his left. And there was naked Grian.

Earlier that night.

"Taurtis!" Grian yelled. Taurtis groaned, "What?" Taurtis replied, not bothering to look up from the TV. Grian grunted.

He walked over to Taurtis, "Ya, know. If you're going to look at the TV all day you might as well keep the couch clean!" Grian yelled. The couch had potato chips and stuff. Taurtis groaned, "Fine. I'll get the broom!"

Grian sighed, "I'll get the vacuum." Grian mumbled.  We walked over to the closet where they kept their cleaning supplies. Taurtis opened the door, it was atiny room.

Taurtis grabed the boom and turned around only to be kissed by Grian. Taurtis blushed as his eyes winded. He pushed Grian away, "G-Grian!." Taurtis yelled. Grian blushed and turned around, "I-Im sorry, Taurtis! I really am!" Grian ran away and went to be bedroom.

Taurtis stood there, shocked ar what happened. Grian kissed him, his first kiss. Taurtis released what happened, "W-Wait! Grian!" Taurtis ran down to the basement where Grian's room was.

Grian was on his bed, his hands in his hair. Taurtis walked over to him, "Grian.. Its okay.." Taurtis reassured him. Well, trying to atleast. Grian groaned, "No its not.. I kissed you. You like girls.. Im sorry.."

Taurtis sat down on the bed, "N-No. Its not that.. Its just that.. That, that was my first kiss." Taurtis blushed, not wanting his friends to know that he was a ladys man but never kissed anyone.  Grian glaced at Taurtis, "Liar. You kissed that Chan girl." Grian mumbled. Taurtis sighed, "Well.. Not exactly.. I actually head-butted her.." Taurtis mumbled. Grian laughed. Taurtis blushed even more, "Shut up.."

Grian smiled and faced Taurtis, "So.. I was your first kiss.?" Taurtis smilled, "Yea.. And..and I want you to be my first." Taurtis quickly turned to Grian and pinned him on his bed. Grian blushed, His arms over his head.

"I.. I really like you.. For quite sometime now.." Taurtis mumbled, his eyes not looking at Grian, but at the floor.  Taurtis got off of Grian and sat at the edge of the bed, his back facing Grian instead of his face.

"Sorry I did that.. We don't have to do it if you don't want to.." Taurtis sighed. Grian wrapped his arms around Taurtis. He leaned in his ear, "I.. I want to do it.. With you.." Grian blushed but smilled.  Taurtis smirked.  Taurtis qucikly turned around and again pinned Grian to the bed. He kissed him.

Grian smilled. Taurtis licked Grian's lip, asking for an entrance. Grian happily accepted. Taurtis explored his mouth, Grian moaned, he wrapped his arms around Taurtis' neck. Taurtis slip one hand down to Grian's member and pumped it. Grian moaned in pleasure. Taurtis smirked and kissed Grian's neck, he didn't want to get there just yet.

Grian moaned again when Taurtis found his spot. Taurtis licked around it. Grian rolled his eyes, Taurtis finally kissed his spot. Grian moaned a loud moan. Taurtis kept kissing it as he skid his hands down to Grian's pants, unzipping them, which Grian let happen.

Taurtis smirked and unzipped his pants. Kicking them off when they got to his feet. He took off Grian's pants aswell. Leaving them both only in boxers.

Taurtis pumped Grian's member slowly. Every time Grian moaned, Taurtis went even slower. Grian grunted, "St-Stop playing games you di-dick!"

Taurtis smirked and slowly tugged Grian's boxers off. Grian was completely naked. Taurtis bent down and licked Grian's member, Grian moaned. Taurtis put his member completely in his mouth, sucking it. Grian moaned and breathed heavily.

Taurtis smirked and took off his boxers. (me:*wiggles eyebrows*) Taurtis took his mouth away from Grian's member.

Grian took this chance to take a breath. Which ended soonly when Taurtis flipped him over, making Grian go on his hands and knees on the bed. Taurtis bent down to Grian's ear, his member brushing Grian's butt.

"We don't have to do this part if you don't want to." Taurtis wispered obviously wanting to do this part. Grian stayed silent.

"I.. I wanna do this part." Grian said. He gipped the sheets of his bed tightly. Taurtis smriked and put his arms around Grian's waist. Taurtis slowly put his member inside Grian.  Grian grinded his teeth and closed his eyes tightly.

Taurtis moaned, likeing the feeling white Grian was trying not to cry.  Taurtis smirked and moved around in Grian (I don't know how to write this..) Grian grunted, tears falling down his face.

Taurtis bent down, "Are you really sure you still what to do this..?" Taurtis asked, worried that Grian would still cry.  Grian nodded his head.

Taurtis moved slowly, letting Grian adjest to him. Grian moaned. Taurtis trusted


"Me-e too!"

Grian felt cum go though him. (And I don't like doing this so im going to do a timeskip)


Grian opened his eyes to see Taurtis facing him, he smilled, "You stalker."

"Im your stalker." Taurtis said, kissing Grian on the nose. Grian smilled and closed his eyes, he put his head back on his pillow, "You're my stalker." Grian said, drifting back to sleep.

Im calling you guys my Loveable Lovers.

ONE-SHOTS SMUT/LEMON (Samgladiator/taurtis/grian/ect)Where stories live. Discover now