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Sorry long update, was busy doing homework. Schools am i right? Well here is your dose of fanfiction
You looked up at the sky and flinched. It was barely noon and the sun shone directly into your eyes. You rubbed the pain out of your eyes and rummaged through the bag. "I can't believe its noon. What am i supposed to do now?" You asked yourself out loud. "AHA!" you cheered victoriously as you pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. "Bring it on sun!" You joked to yourself and let out a small chuckle. "Okay (y/n), you need to stop talking to yourself." You sighed and looked around before your stomach begins to rumble. You didnt have breakfast this morning so you decided to grab a bite. You nodded to yourself in approval of that thought as you headed to grillby's.

You stood outside the pair of glass doors and pushed them aside, activating the bells at the top of the door. You jumped. You always forget they exist. You made your way to the counter. "Hey grills!" You greeted as you sat on one of the chairs behind the counter. He looked at you, his flames grew a little bigger. You chuckled. "Haha okay okay I'll stop calling you that" you said as you leaned away, putting your hands up, pretending to be scared. He nodded, his flames going back to normal as he picked up a glass. He looked at you. "I'll have the usual." . He nodded and walked into the back door. You looked around. You didn't notice it was so empty. Usually, there would be a few monsters who come in here and play a few games of poker. "Maybe they're just...busy" you thought to yourself.

Grillby walked in with a cup of lemon tea and fries on a tray. He set down the items infront of you. You gave him a big smile. He nodded and pointed to your side. You stared at him and followed his finger. He pointed at the book you picked up earlier. "Oh this book. Yea I got it just now." You grabbed it and looked at the cover and then at grillby who was giving you a puzzled look. "Yea I know I have this book already. But-" you were cut short by the sound of the bells echoing through the empty bar. You and grillby looked to the direction. It was a short skeleton in a blue jacket, the hoodie had fur surrounding the rims. Under that jacket was a white turtle neck. He wore gym shorts and a pair of...pink...fluffy slippers? "Hey grills!" The skeleton said. His voice was low and...soothing. Grillby fumed, his flames grew bigger than before. The skeleton made his way to the counter. "Still hate that name huh?" He said with a chuckle. It sounded...familiar. Grillby nodded, and shook his head slowly in disapproval as he calmed down. He sat next to you. This whole time, you couldn't get your eyes off him. "Long time no see Grillby," he started. "I hope you still remember my usual?". Grillby nodded and headed for the back door. He moved his head to the left. He had a big grin on his face. His eye sockets were empty with little white pupils, which were just staring at you right now.

"Hey, I'm sans. Sans the skeleton." He put out his hand. You froze. He raised a non existent eyebrow at you? "Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" You snapped out of your trance and shook your head, laughing awkwardly. "Oh haha y-yea um. M-m-my name is- BZZZZZ". You grabbed his hand to shake it but a sudden rush of electricity shook you and you pulled your hand back as fast as you could. You looked at your hand and back at sans. Sans was laughing like a maniac. "The hidden buzzer handshake trick never gets old" he said in between breaths. He looked at you and smiled. "Hey, hey. Relax. Its just a prank" He reassured. You relaxed and chuckled. "Shoking that you didn't realise it" He said, laughing at his own joke. You laughed along. "Punny one, aren't ya". You both laughed at your pun. "Hehe yea" he admitted, his cheeks glowing a light hint of blue. Grillby entered with a plate of burgers. He placed the dish infront of Sans before bringing out a big bottle of ketchup. Sans rubbed his hands together and poured practically the whole container onto the burger. You watched as you ate your fries. One by one. Sans brought the burger to his mouth. You realised that the sides of his teeth slowly grew into fangs as he opened his mouth, getting a bite into the burger. It was fascinating to watch. He darted his glowing pupil at you and put the burger down. His teeth went back to normal. "Hey, it's rude to stare" he said, wiping some ketchup off his face. You blushed and looked at the book you forgot was still in your hand. "What do you have there?" He asked, leaning closer to you. "Uhhh...a....book?" You hesitated. He looked at the title and smiled. Going back to his burger. "Hey, I don't think I really got your name." He said before getting another bite into the ketchup covered burger. "Its (y/n)." You answered. "(Y/n)" he said, testing your name for the first time."Nice name" he complemeneted. You blushed. "Thanks. Your's too" you replied. He smiled. You spend the whole day with sans at Grillby's. Waving and introducing customers to each other. Joked with puns and talked about your fascination of the underworld which he thought was...cute.

"Well it's getting late, I should head off. Papyrus gets very grouchy whenever he doesn't get his bed time story" Sans said as he got out of the seat. "Grillby, put the bill on my tab" he looked at you and smiled. "Till next time, (y/n)" he said as he walked backwards towards the door, waving goodbye. You smiled and waved as he left. You brought out your wallet. "How much grills- I mean Grillby?" You asked, he looked at you puzzled and showed you a peice of paper. It was sans' and your meal in the same bill. "He paid?" You whispered to yourself. You looked at the door and smiled "I'll get him back". You gave Grillby the bill and walked off, waving goodbye to him in the process. You began walking home, smiling to yourself. The only thing on your mind, Sans.
Well i hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I think ill add a sans pov in the next chapter... so yea... PEACE OUT!

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