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You sat in Papyrus's room, 'babysitting' as everyone else prepared everything downstairs. You didn't mind helping out but they said you're the guest and shouldn't be doing such labour. However, no matter how many times you protested, you couldn't win. Babysitting won't be that hard right? Frisk wasn't much of a troublemaker. Although...Flowey...

"Whatcha got there Frisk?" you asked as you sat cross-legged on the floor besides Frisk, who was drawing something with crayon onto a peice of paper. You leaned in to see what it was but she used her arm to block it from you. "Haha okay, I'll wait till you're finished" you said as you waved your hands up, pretending to surrender. Frisk smiled at you and went back to the drawing, making sure that you weren't peaking.

You shook your head and smiled at her before dragging yourself over to Flowey. He looked at you and hissed. You scoffed. "So what's your deal Flowey?" You asked, mocking his name. He looked away, ignoring you. You smirked and rubbed his petals. "Don't touch my petals!" He turned and hissed at you as you pulled your hand back. You snickered. "Why not?" You teased. "Because I don't want your... filthy human germs on me" he said and looked away again. "God your annoying..." you muttered under your breath. "HEY! I DIDN'T WANT TO BE HERE YET, HERE I AM!" he screamed at you, his voice growing into a demonic one.

Just before you could calm him, Frisk placed the picture that she drew right infront of your face. It was obvious she doesn't want any drama.

You calmed yourself and took the peice of paper, laying it infront of flowey on the table. You smiled at Frisk who sat on your lap.

You wrapped your arm around her. "Now what have we got here?" You asked as you looked at the drawing, with Flowey and Frisk. It was a drawing of everyone. Undyne and Alphys hugging, Toriel holding Frisk's hand while she held Flowey, Papurus, sans and


"Whose this holding sans's hand?" You asked as you pointed at the figure. Frisk pointed at you as she gave you a toothy grin. You blushed lightly. Flowey snickered as he looked at the drawing. "Oh...and uhh...w-why are we um...holding hands?" You stammered, afraid of the answer.

She was about to give you the answer but she remembered you wouldn't understand. She thought for a moment and got an idea, raising her index finger up. She ran to the set of crayons layed out on the floor. You just realised Flowey has been snickering the whole time, trying to hold in his laughter. You turned and growled at him. He bit his lip and looked away.

Frisk ran back to you and scribbled something with a crayon. She smiled at you and signaled for you to look at it. You gulped. "Uuuuhhhhhhh" was all that you could master as Flowey fell into a laughing fit, tossing and turning in his place. What was drawn were hearts all around you two.

"T-thats um....n-n-nice Frisk..." you stammered from embarrassment. Your face flushed a bright red colour. Frisk smiled at you before running off at Toriel calling out her name. You looked at the drawing and pushed it aside, crossing your arms on the table and hiding your face on the table.

Flowey stopped his laughing fit and looked at you. "Hey, you alright?" He asked, sounding genuinely worried. You looked up at him, not moving your head. "Admit it, you love smiley trashbag" he mocked and you sighed.

"I don't know...is this how love feels?" You whispered, Flowey barely heard you but understood what you said. "I've haven't experienced love in a long time..." you sighed. "I forgot how love is like...how it... feels" you ended, hiding your face in your arms, holding back the tears.

"Guess that's what you and I have in common" Flowey bluntly said. You sniffed and sat up. "Hehe, even if I did, what makes you think he feels the same way?" You shrugged, clenching your teeth to bare with the aching pain in your chest. Flowey shrugged as you fell back onto the carpeted floor. "I'm an idiot" you groaned into your hands.

"You really are" Flowey pointed out sarcastically. You sighed and layed your hands to the sides, onto the carpet.

What followed was a moment of silence and awkwardness.

"Say" Flowey finally broke the silence...you shifted your gaze to him. "If I had ONE peice of advice for you..." he began. You sat up and stared at him, puzzled. His expression started to shift into something...demonic. "DON'T" his voice changed to something you would only hear in nightmares. You flinched at the sudden change in volume.

"Let him..." he continued, his voice going back to normal. "Know ANYTHING about you" You stared at him with fear and confusion.

"...Why..." you asked, hesitating. You wanted an answer but was scared of the outcome. "Hmm?... Why?" He asked. "Well... He'll... " he looked away. "Let's just say he caused me more than my fair share of resets"

You stared at him, more confused as ever as you tried to comprehend what he has just said. You opened your mouth, but no words came out. He grinned at you, satisfied with leaving you speechless.

"Answer me this..."

There's more....you questioned yourself.

"How much do you know about him?" He finished, grinning that spine-shivering grin.

"(y/n)?" You spun your head to the person who called your name. "whatcha talkin bout?" sans asked lazily as he tucked his hands into his jacket pockets. You loosened up when you realised it was only him. "Oh..." you let out a sigh of relief. "Hey sans" you greeted.

He walked into the room. "come on, everything is ready. all we need is the special guest" he said, putting his hand infront of you. You kindly took it and smiled at him as he helped you up. You tidied yourself up.

"Do I look okay?" You asked as you pat your (h/l) (h/c) hair down with your hand. "you look fine" sans smiled and messed your hair up, earning an annoyed 'tsk' from you as you tidied your hair back.

"Oh how sweet." Flowey mocked as he gagged. You rolled your eyes. "Can we just leave him here?" You asked. sans shrugged."why not?" sans said lazily. Flowey turned to sans. "Yea...why not sans?" He teased. You and sans shared a look.

"On second thought..."

Next chapter up....soon....

So weekdays, i would take a longer time to upload.

Weekends, i might upload 2. Because i have nothing better to do.

Sooo yup
Hope u enjoyed


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