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Everyone sat around the table which contained food cooked and baked by different people. A cinnamon and butterscotch pie made by toriel, a lasagna you made as well as a surplus of spaghetti which you assumed, was inedible.

Alphys sat next to undyne. Followed by you, Papyrus, sans, Toriel and Frisk. Flowey sitting on the table infront of Frisk.

You stared at your plate which contained too much spaghetti for anyone to be able to finish. You sighed. You poked the spaghetti with your fork. The way it felt was like jelly, wobbling from side to side and...intact. You shivered at the way it felt. You looked around. Nobody else was eating this except for Undyne and Papyrus. Everybody else gave each other the same fearful look. Guess they were familiar with their cooking. Even Frisk. Undyne and Papyrus were just digging into their food. You wondered how they were so oblivious to the taste.

You looked at sans. What Flowey said in the room made you scared. What exactly DO I know about him? You asked yourself. You looked at Toriel and sans, who seemed to be having a good time. Frisk and Flowey were talking. Flowey seems to be...not at all evil with Frisk around. Guess they get along. Alphys and Undyne were debating on anime. And Papyrus was noming on his home-made inedible spaghetti. Which came to the question. How did they know spaghetti existed in the human world? And how did they know how to make it? Maybe that is why it's inedible. You bluntly told yourself in your head.

You sighed and looked down at the spaghetti, resting your head against your hand as you poked at the spaghetti with the other. The sound of sans and toriel's laughter made you grip onto the fork harder.

"Hey, do you watch anime?" You felt a nudge and you lifted your gaze to undyne, who stared at you, a little worried. "Uhhh...what?" You asked, you weren't really paying attention. "Anime. Do you watch it?" She asked, sounding a little impatient. "Yea, a few." You said. "Oh cool!" She said, as she chewed on her spaghetti. "Heh, d-do you r-r-recommend any for u-us to watch?" Alphys asked. "Hmm" you thought. "What kind do you like?" You asked as you swung your fork from your chin towards her, leaving some spaghetti sause onto your chin.

"Uhhh..." she blushed at the question. "R-r-romance" she stammered. "Oh! With violence and big gaint swords!" She said enthusiastically, swinging her arms around to interpret sword fighting. You smiled as Alphys held Undyne's hand steady so that she doesn't hurt anyone around her. You tried to remember an anime in that genre but your thoughts were interupted by the front door slamming open. All of you shifted your gaze over to a rather handsome and beautiful robot with his leg lifted infront of him, telling you that he kicked the door open.

"Hello beauties!~" his voice metallic but yet beautiful. You stared at him. "Who is he?" You whispered to Undyne. She scoffed "That's Mettaton" she answered, a little annoyed. Huh, sans didn't say anything about him. He made his way to Papyrus whose face was all full of spaghetti sause. "Sorry I'm late, I was busy on a talkshow" He explained, vainly walking over. He wrapped his arm around Papyrus's shoulder. "Hello Papy dear~" he chimed. "METTATON! IM SO GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT" Papyrus replied energetically. Your mouth was agape. As soon as you realised it, you closed your mouth but your eyes were wide open, staring at them.

"Oh Papy, you are such a mess~ " he pointed out, reaching out for a peice of tissue. "Let me clean you up~" he said as he wiped the sause off his face. sans scoffed and rolled his eyes, shifting his view away from the scene which was where you were. He rested his head on his hand as he stared at you.

You stared at the scene which was befalling right infront of your eyes. Papyrus didn't say anything about him dating. You
looked around seeing that everyone was doing the same. Everyone except for sans. He was staring at you, smiling, his eyelids half opened. You two locked gazes. But that didn't last very long.

He straightened his back and looked away, you doing the same. Blushing as you tried to escape the awkward eye contact you two shared.

"Oooh do I see romance befalling?~" Mettaton chimed as he made his way towards you. You gulped. "Hello gorgeous~ I am Mettaton~" he introduced, putting his hand out. Gorgeous... you scrunched up at the word. You shook his hand. "I-Im (y/n)" you said timidly. "Oh, you are (y/n)? Papyrus have told me so much about you~" he said, pulling out something from his pocket.

"Here you go beauty~ A gift~" he said as he handed you the item. You accepted it and examined the gift.

It was a Toriel plushie.




....With his face taped onto it.

You squinted your eyes at the gift. "Uhh thanks Metta-mmph" you tried to thank him but he silenced you with his foot, bringing it to your mouth. You stared at the hot pink boot. "Don't mention it~" he chimed and made his way back to Papyrus. You wiped your mouth and stuck your tongue out. Who knows where that boot has been.

You looked down at the gift and blinked at it a few times before setting it down onto the floor. Mettaton dragged a chair over and sat next to Papyrus. "So what were you beauties talking about?~" he questioned as he fabulously threw his fringe to the side.

Damn his hot....You scrunched up at that thought. wait...what?

Yea...short chap. I know. WHOOPSIES.


Im doing it WHEN my phone fully charges soooo YUP SORRY.

Ive been going through a few problems BUT IT WONT STOP ME FROM MAKING MORE CHAPS!

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