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You tried to wrap your head around what happened before this (chapter).

Everything was black. Where am I? Am I dead?

"No. But barely hanging on" you heard a voice echo through the darkness. Footsteps slowly approaching you and the figure from your dreams was standing infront of you. You backed away. "I-its you" you hissed, using your hand to shield you from whatever he was planning to hurt you with.

He hung his head low. "Forgive me for those nightmares you have had before. That was never my intention" he admitted to you.

You looked around. "Was this your intention?" You asked bluntly. "No. ...and yes." He stammered and you frowned."I never did mean to hurt you. Although, appearing in your mind to communicate was what I am here to do" he stated but you weren't buying it. You stared at him with squinted eyes, judging him from head to toe.

This made him uncomfortable. He tugged on the collar of his turtle neck and cleared his non-existant throat. He reached his hand out for you to shake. "I don't think I've introduced myself. My name is Gaster, W.D Gaster." He smiled at you. "W.D Gaster?" You repeated his name. "W.D as in Windings Gaster? Ex royal scientist of the undergrounds?" You asked, suprised.

He pulled his hand back to his side and stared at you, puzzled. "Did...sans tell you about me?" He asked, worried. You shook your head. "I read about you in one of my books. But...it can't be you...is it? Y-you died in an accident at the core. I do know ghosts exist but...they don't look like..." you gestured at him and he seemed a bit offended. "Well aren't you informative" he turned around. "Part of why I chose you in the first place". You stared at him with wide eyes. He began walking off and signaled for you to follow him."I'll explain everything on the way." He spoke and you sighed, rushing to his side before he was consumed by the darkness.

"What do you mean by 'chose me'?" You asked as he guided you through, wherever you are."I chose you for my experiments. It seemed that you would be the perfect candidate" he explained. "What exactly are these...'experiments'?" You continued to ask questions, finally getting the answers you deserve. "Determination extraction was one of them, but I see we do not need that kind of science. So, in the meantime, my main focus..." He stopped and you did too. He looked down at his hands, which had one huge hole in each palm. "Is to get back to them."he paused. "The core wasn't able to erase the whole of me from existance. Only 7.2% of my soul still exists and it's slowly chipping away. All I need is some sort of substitute or regenerative serum." He turned to look at you. "And that is where you come in"

He started walking again, at a faster pace which made you run forward to keep up with him. "Why me?" You asked. "Your soul is powerful. Able to carry on after many heartbreaking trials along your life. You have been through alot, yes? Many would have given up but you, you carried on. Such determination is...unnatural". The surroundings slowly changed into one which resembled a laboratory. The place was filled with heavy machines and blueprints. And not to mention, extremely eerie.

"Damn. This place looks haunted. Oh wait, it is" you turned to Gaster and winked at him. He shook his head in disapproval but smiling as you laughed from that awful joke you managed to pull.

"Now, I would be able to extract the materials needed to create the serum" he continued his explaination. "But, it seems we have reached a...problem" he swiftly brought his hand upwards and your (f/c) soul appeared before your eyes. Now that you have a closer look, you realised something is wrong. At the corner of your soul, there was a reddish-blackish liquid-like substance attatched there. It seemed to be very slowly spreading along it. You backed away as you scrunched up at it in disgust.and fear. "Wh-what...is that...?"

"This...is Chara. Or more of her soul than her physical self. I'm not the only one who realises how much potential your soul is capable of. She is the reason why sans attacked you." You gulped. "Wh-whose Chara?" You stammered. He sighed. "Chara is an entity spread across many timelines. Her motive across each..., is to kill. Possessing the human and gaining their soul." You gasped. "And she has succeeded...many...many times" He paused for a moment to look at his left hand. "sans has the ability to experience different timeline outcomes while he is asleep or daydreaming, when his mind is at its...most 'vulnerable' from the real world. And Chara must have manipulated his ability while he was at his weakest, which resulted in his outburst towards you. Making sans think you were Chara. Making him kill you so that she can take your soul and use it. Resulting in a reset of this timeline." He explained further. "She is slowly consuming your soul and the more she consumes, the stronger she becomes. However, surprisingly, even on the verge of death, your soul is still able to hold out." He leaned closer to your soul, examining it. "It might actually be stronger."

"Yea, yea that's great and everything but your missing the point here" he looked at you, raising a non-existant eyebrow. "How do we get her to leave me alone?!" You shouted as you pointed at the 'leach' consuming your soul.

"That, I have no idea how to do" he admitted, scratching the back of his skull awkwardly. You crossed your arms. He walked into a room and you quickly followed him. You don't want to be lost in this place.

The room you were in was a long room but the walls were filled with cells which resembled those in a prison. "So I suppose your going to keep me in one of these?" You asked bluntly. "No. That is just cruel! And I learned that the hard way" he answered, whispering the last part. You looked around, moving closer to Gaster as the place just gave you the creeps.

Gaster opened the door at the end of the hallway and stepped aside, moving his head to the left, signalling for you to enter. You obeyed and walked in. He closed the door as you looked around. It seemed like an office with blueprints pasted everywhere, almost covering every inch of the walls.

"So...how do I get back?" You asked as you read one of the blueprints labeled "Subject 01 S." However, the rest was written in strange symbols which you have never seen before. "It might take a while. When your physical body has healed enough, you will be able to return." He sat in the swirly chair near the table. "Anymore questions you would like to ask?" He asked.

You thought for awhile. You recalled all the things you asked."There is one" you stated as you turned to face Gaster. "How do you know so much about sans?".

He froze in his seat when you asked that question, staring at you with wide eyes. You stared back. This was getting uncomfortable. "What?" Gaster asked, still suprised. You rubbed the back of your head. "Uhh, well, since you talked alot about sans's abilities and such, I assumed that you knew him. A-and that he knows you too. And since you both are skeletons, I would've thought you two were...related of some sort. L-like father and son?" You explained, stammering here and there, afraid it wasn't making sense.

You stared back at him and he stared back at you. He stood up from his chair and sighed. He looked away from you, avoiding eye contact. "I think you should go back. Everyone is worried about you" he pointed out as he brought his hand out towards you and the similar yellow aura surrounded you. You looked at him with guilt. "Gaster I'm so-" He clenched his hand into a fist and you were gone.

He slowly sat back down into his chair and looked down at the papers layed out on his office table. He burried his face into his hands and sobbed in his guilt and pain.

"Forgive me"

I uhhh...


I really have no idea

Don't hate me T~T

A Little Bonely (Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now