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People...67...as i currently am typing this...are reading this? I...mah god...i am both happy and scared. 1)its because this was an idea when i couldnt sleep. Insomnia does dumb shit to people. 2) I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM WRITING! I SWEAR TO GOD!! I didnt even go back and read it. What is happening. I'm so confused...BUT FUCK IT! Hahahahaahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahaa OK go on and read this (sorry excuse for a fanfic)
"okay...let me get this straight...you have to climb the stairs to and from the 10th floor EVERYDAY because some people, who lived below you, did something to the lift...and now it's... unfixable?!" (Cough big bang theory cough) He questioned as he followed you up the flights of stairs to your apartment. You two just reached the 4th floor and you could tell he was getting exhausted. "what the hell did they do to make a lift...'unfixable'" he asked as he stopped in the middle of the stairs to take a breather.

You shrugged as you waited for him at the top of the stairs. "You brought this on yourself" you said, placing a hand to your hip and pointing at him with the other as he slouched over the steps. "I told you you could go back but you CHOSE to follow me all the way home" you said, emphasizing on how this was his choice.

You sighed as he sat on the steps. You groaned. "Get your lazy ass up!" You scowled. "technically i have no ass, since im all bones." sans argued. You slapped your hand to your face, slowly dragging it down.

A muscular man and monster were carrying a black couch down the stairs, towards you. You stared at the couch and frowned...that couch looked familiar...you gasped.

Its yours.

"Shit" you cursed as you ran all the way up to your apartment, dashing past the pair.

You stared at your apartment, door wide open. There was a woman in her mid 40's standing infront of the open door. She had brown hair with white streaks here and there. Tan skin and glasses. She was wearing a yellow gown and a pair of slippers. She looked anxious.

"MRS MAGGIE!" you shouted as you approached her. Angry and confused. "WHATS GOING ON HERE?!" You questioned. "(Y-y/n)...I'm sorry but...but we have to...um..." she stammered. It was clear she had no idea how to explain it. "The demand for apartments have increased even more now that there are new monsters joining us." She began "a-and you havent payed the bills". "A month! Maggie! I told you I'll have the money ready in a month" you said angrily. "I...i know but...he offered me...alot... i-i couldn't refuse" she said, dropping her head down in guilt and shame. You sighed angrily, flinging your hand up in disbelief. You couldnt believe this is happening.

Everything you have will be gone. The person or monster who bought the place owns everything you used to own now. Tears started to cloud your eyes. Mrs Maggie put her hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to look at her.

"I-I'll let you take whatever you need. I know this is...well...illegal but...just don't take too much. They might find out." she said with a soft smile.

You hugged her, "thank you" you whispered before running in. You rushed to your bedroom and pulled an old box from underneath. You opened it. It was filled with crumpled papers, Polaroids and junk. You dug through that pile and brought out a single golden heart locket.

You sighed and put it on. You kept it here so that it would never get stolen or dropped while you were out. You wrapped your hand around the heart, the tears which threatened to fall just now ran down your cheeks. You pressed a button at the side of the heart and it opened. A picture of a man and woman where on the left and right sides respectively. 4 words were encripted on the pictures. 'Stay strong, my child'. You smiled and closed it, holding it close.

"I will"

You ran around the house, grabbing a few of your favourite books and money you were saving to pay the rent.

A Little Bonely (Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now