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Ps: mild gore warning.

*dies again*
sans's pov (suprise bitch. You thought you've seen the last of me)
I sat in the corner of my room.

Alone and Afraid

Everybody is gone...all turned to dust.

All because of her.

All because I protected her...

Its all...



I sobbed into my hand. How could I just stood there...watching Papyrus...

"oh god" I groaned into my hand as I remembered every detail of that scene. How my brother, the person who has been with me for so long, was stripped out of existance. Only living as a memory. "papyrus...please...don't leave me just yet" I begged. Begged to noone...

Because he wasn't there anymore...

"YOu bROugHt tHis ON yoUrSElf" she said, her voice glitchy and demonic. I chose to ignore.

"yOU knOw," she started, I could hear the blade of her knife rub against her skin. "I WonDEr iF YoU evEn LOved HiM" I could hear her lips slowly creeping into a smile. I started shaking. I stood up and swiftly turned around. I summoned my Gaster Blaster and pointed it at her, blasting her with all my might. Even though it was still pointless.

As the dust cleared, she was still there, smiling at me. Her blood red eyes staring into mine. "HAhAhahAhaHaAH" she laughed, it being even more bone rattling than her voice. "YOu REaLlY thInK yoU CaN KilL Me?" She mocked, pointing the blade at me. I growled at her.

"BeSIdes, YoU DiDn't TrY tO KilL mE whEn I KilLed HiM!" She laughed again, swinging the knife like how she did when she slashed Papyrus's head off. I loosened up. It was true. I didn't do anything...I fell to my knees and let the tears flow.

She stared down at me. "YoUr a ReaL DIsaPPoiNtmeNt CoMEdian" she stated bluntly. "i'm sorry papyrus" I sobbed into my hands. And she laughed. "HE wILl NevEr ForGive YoU!" She shouted.

I have had enough. If I didn't do anything then, then I'll do something now.

I stood up and clenched Papyrus's scarf tightly. She stared at me, tilting her head to the side, almost 90° as her smile drooped down to a frown and her eyes tried to peirce into my soul.

"i can't afford to care anymore" i whispered and swiftly brought my hand up, summoning bones from the ground to her position. She glitched out of that, appearing behind me.

Her smile returned, which send shivers down my spine. I spun around and tried to shoot her with my gaster blasters but blocking each one.

"Ooh I sEe whAT yOu arE DoiNg" she states just as she glitches out of my attacks. "YoUr TRyIng to ReGaIN YOuRselF" I tried to hold her in my grasp but that didn't work. She teleported out of it and I dodged before she could hit me. "To PrOve to YOurSelF ThAT yoUr NoT UsElEss"

Just as she was about to attack me, she stopped in her tracks.

Something's up...

She looked at me, her smile creeping to unreasonable lengths on her face. "LoOK whO DecIdeD tO JoIn US" she gave a spine-shivering laugh before glitching away.

A Little Bonely (Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now