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You layed on the couch, your head resting on Papyrus's lap while Papyrus played a game on your phone. A puzzle game, since Papyrus liked them...alot. It was a game where you had to move the blocks to make the red block reach the checkpoint. Mettaton was behind the couch, watching him play. Undyne and Alphys were cuddling up, cross legged infront of the couch, on the floor, watching the anime you recommended on their phone.Frisk was talking with Flowey and Flowey surprisingly wasn't being annoying. Sans and Toriel were in the kitchen, just talking. Probably..


You were reading a book. "101 interesting facts about snails" which Toriel brought just for you. You were at fact 65 when a questioned suddenly slipped out of your mouth. "Hey Pap, how is it like to have sans as a brother?" You asked, soon realizing you just asked that and froze in your place.

Papyrus didnt move away from his game. "WELL, HIS THE LAZIEST PERSON I KNOW. WHEREVER I GO, I ALWAYS SEE HIM DOING NOTHING. I HAVE TO CLEAN AFTER HIM AND COOK AFTER HIM." He said, still not moving from his game. He lowered his voice. "SOMETIMES I WONDER IF HE IS EVEN THE OLDER BROTHER," "Wait his the older brother?!" You shouted in disbelief. "YES. WHY ARE YOU SO SHOCKED?" He said, suprised that you were suprised.

You dog-eared the page you were at and set it to the side. "Well...his so..." you started. You put your hands out infront of you, putting them side by side, leaving a small space inbetween it. You closed one eye and looked through the spacing.


You finished. Sans walked out of the kitchen. Perfectly filling the space between your hands from your point of view. "hey, i'm right here" he pointed out, offended. You moved your hands away and snickered with everyone else.

"what?" He asked, annoyed. Toriel was behind him. Lifting her paw above his head and placing it against her chest, over and over, supporting statement. He turned around, getting a glimpse of what Toriel was doing before she turned away, holding back her laughter. sans growled playfully at you. (Rawr~)

"Aww relax sans, its just a little joke. Nothing to be so short-tempered about." You joked and everyone burst out laughing. Sans stomped his way over to you. "Fite me" he said, jokingly, a small smirk slowly crawling onto his teeth.

You quickly stood up from your position on the couch. "Leggo-woa" you stumbled as your eyesight slowly went black and your head was clouded in darkness. You were about to fall over when you were surrounded by sans's aura. Your vision cleared and you looked around. Sans had his hand outstretched and everyone else was staring at you, wide eyed.

"are you okay?" sans asked, worried. You looked at him and you suddenly started bursting into a fit of laughter, clenching your stomach as you rolled around in mid air. "I...stood up...too fast" you said inbetween breathes. You were laughing from your own embarrassment and stupidity. sans followed in with the laughter as well as everyone else.

Except for Mettaton. Who just laughed awkwardly. "HahahahaaaIdon'tgetit." He said inbetween his robotic teeth. (Get it?...cause his a robot. He wont experience those kind of things...hahaha im so lame...)

You slowly calmed down and took a deep breath, still floating in his aura. You rested your head against your hand. "So..." you started. "How's the weather down there?" You joked. Sans gave you an unamused look before letting you go from his aura, making you fall to the ground with a light thump.

You laughed as you sat up, sitting next to Alphys and Undyne. sans stomped his way over to you and put his hoodie over his head, sitting down next to you on the floor. He was blushing at those puns, chuckling to himself. You leaned to look at him, his furry hoodie covering his face from you. You wanted to make sure the puns didn't offend him in any way.

You heard Alphys whisper something along the lines of "kiss" and "already".You turned to look at her. Only to see Undyne giving you a toothy grin, her hands were over Alphy's claws which were covering Alphy's mouth. You smiled awkwardly at them and grabbed the book Toriel gave you as you sat against the couch. You turned to where you last were, hiding your flustered face with the book.

Frisk ran over to Toriel with Flowey in her hand and tugged on her gown. "Yes my child?" She asked and you tensed up at those words again. Frisk pointed at Flowey and yawned. Toriel gave her a warm smile. She carried Frisk gently and walked over to all of you. "Sorry friends but I'm afraid we have to go. Frisk is getting tired and she needs her rest. She is a child after all" she explained. "Awww" everybody said in unison. Including you. Hey, just because your crush liked her doesnt mean you have to hate her.

She gave you all a warm smile. "Do not worry, I will visit you tomorrow." She said. "Wait tomorrow?" You asked sans. "we will be staying down here for a while" sans explained. "If you told me, I would have brought extra clothes..." you huffed and sans just shrugs.

Undyne and Alphys sat up and walked over to where Toriel was. "Yea. We should be heading back too" Undyne opened the door. "We have a lot of anime to catch up on." Undyne said. "It was nice meeting ya, (y/n)". "Yea, i-i-it really w-was" Alphys agreed, waving at you. "Ah, it was a pleasure (y/n)" Toriel said, giving you a warm smile.

Everyone said their goodbyes and headed to where they used to live back when they were trapped under. Mettaton was flirting(of course) with Papyrus before leaving and sans, obviously, wasn't fine with it. The whole time, he was grabbing your arm and squeezing, a bone-crushing (pun intended), squeeze. You constantly had to pry his hand off in order to save yours.

"I'll see you tomorrow pappy dear~" Mettaton chimed as he pulled Papyrus's scarf lightly and Papyrus tripped so that Mettaton could hold him steady and place his metallic lips against Papyrus's teeth, kissing him.

Mettaton shifted his gaze to you and sans, wriggling his eyebrows. "i'm gonna kill him" sans whispered as he grabbed your arm harder, his eye starting to glow a bright blue. Your eyes started tearing up as he was about to break your arm. You managed to pry him off as you calmed him down.

By the time you managed to do so, Mettaton has already left. Papyrus was just standing at the doorway, smiling and swooning to himself before shaking his head vigorously. He turned and made his way up to his room. You and sans acted as if nothing happened.

"WELL WE SHOULD GET SOME REST. BUSY DAY TOMMOROW." Papyrus said before closing his room door.

sans looked at you angrily as you rubbed your hand, hissing quietly in pain. "what were you doing?! I was about to teach him a lesson!" He shouted at you, furious. You whimpered in your place as he shouted at you. You weren't used to him shouting. He stomped out of the house, mumbling to himself, leaving the door open.

"Sans wait!" You called out as you ran out, only to see no trace of sans. You panicked and looked around. You shivered as a cold gust of wind blew against you. You hugged yourself as you looked around, trying to find him.

But again, to no avail.

You looked back at the warm house and then to the cold outside. You sighed and closed the door behind you.

You were determined to find him.

Yea sorry abt the late update. Kinda have exams soon sooooo i don't have much time to edit. BUT I SHALL TRY.

And also sorry for the bad chapter XD

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