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You stared at him. Looking around awkwardly. The way he changed. The way he said Gaster's name. The way his looking at you right now. It would give anyone the chills.

"Uhhh...what's with that creepy vibe there pal?" You asked as you rested your head on your hand, slouched on the table. Totally unscathed by his scary demeanor.

sans blinked a few times before he returned to normal. Those familiar lights flickered back on in his eye sockets. "It was supposed to show that I'm not playing around and all- but that's not the point!" He interrupted himself through his explanation as he rubbed his eyesockets. "The point is," he pointed at you and you rolled your eyes. "how do you know about gaster?"

You stared at him with wide eyes as you thought for a lie."Oh uhh" you turned your head away from him. "Um. Books?" You questioned and he shook his head in disapproval. You gave him a toothy grin to try to somehow make him believe that was it. He stared at you for a moment. "his made himself present in your dreams right? that's why you haven't been sleeping much?" He explained and you stared at him in awe.

"H-how did you know?" You asked in disbelief and he shook his head. "your still a terrible liar" he remarked jokingly and you scoffed, slouching in your seat cross-armed and smiling. "No no. I was talking about the sleepless nights"

He shifted away from his smug look. "oh. uhh well you have been getting alot of nightmares before. and after every nightmare, it gets worse." sans explained with sincerity. "Besides," he continued, lightening his tone and slouching back on the chair. "those eyebags never did any favours for you".

You gasped and brought you hand up to your face, running your fingers along the underside of your eye. You never really noticed that before. And why didn't he tell me before. "Neither are yours" you remarked as you frowned at him. Which only made him chuckle. "well i didn't sleep for a month sooo get used to them" he said casually. You perked up. A month?

"A whole month?" You questioned and he looked at you suprised. You could feel the guilt building up in your stomach. "Did you stay up...because of me?" You asked silently but he didn't answer. He was dead silent.(pun intended?). "i-i umm" he stammered in an attempt to answer the question. "Why?" You asked as he continued to try to console himself.

"w-we're getting off track. what does gaster want with you?" He asked, ignoring your question. You frowned at him. "Sans" you called out firmly. "what?" He answered just as firm. "Why did you stay up while I was unconscious?" You questioned with slight anger. He looked away from you, silent again.

You sighed. You felt so bad about bringing that incident up but you want to know why very badly. You sighed. "I won't tell you anything unless you tell me why you decided to stay up throughout." You said to him as he turned to look at you again. He thought for a while and sighed in defeat.

"fine" he hissed quietly. "if i tell you why, you have to tell me what gaster wants with you. and no leaving things out." You gulped. "deal?" He asked, bringing out his hand for you to shake.

"Dea-ppppfffffffft" You shook his hand in agreement, only to have a fart sound come out of it. The sound echoed through the bar, followed by a moment of silence which returned to the chitter chatter of the customers. You sighed as sans laughed like a madman in his seat. You pulled your hand away as you rubbed your temples, quietly chuckling to yourself. sans laughed harder as he realised your reaction. "Oh my fucking god sans" you whispered as sans's head and hands was sprawled on table. "i couldn't help myself" he managed to say between breaths.

You stared at him wiyh a poker face for a while as he slowly regained his sanity. When he wase done coughing from the extensive laughter, you cleared your throat and asked "So, tell me, I'm waiting". He looked at you and sighed. "alright, alright. i was just trying to lighten the mood" he said, whispering the last part.

A Little Bonely (Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now