Chapter 4

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The soft rays of dawn filtered through Rachel's bedroom curtains, gently rousing her from slumber. She yawned and stretched, her fingers brushing against the warm comforter that cocooned her. With a sleepy sigh, she pushed herself to sit up, her tousled hair falling in unruly waves around her shoulders. Her room was awash in the soft, golden light of the morning sun. The walls were adorned with posters of her favorite bands, and the faint chirping of birds outside provided a soothing backdrop to the start of her day. Rachel glanced at the clock on her bedside table and realized it was time to get ready for school. As she padded downstairs in her pajamas, she couldn't help but wonder if Daniel was still at her house. A warm smile tugged at her lips at the memory of their conversation. To her surprise, the living room was empty, devoid of any trace of Daniel. Rachel's heart sank a little as she considered the possibility that he had left while she was still asleep. She couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, wondering if he had hurried away for some reason.

Shaking off her melancholy thoughts, Rachel made her way to the bathroom for a quick shower. The warm water cascaded over her, washing away any lingering traces of sleep. She dressed for her school, her fingers deftly buttoning her red sweater as she mentally prepared herself for the day ahead.

The school day passed in a blur, and it wasn't until she entered her classroom that things took an unexpected turn. Ashley, a girl known for her sharp tongue and piercing jealousy, confronted Rachel with a sly grin. 

"So, Rachel," Ashley drawled, her eyes narrowing with curiosity. "What was Daniel doing at your house last night?"

Rachel felt her cheeks flush, caught off guard by Ashley's directness. 

"Oh, um, he just dropped me off," she stammered, trying to keep her composure.

Ashley's laughter was tinged with a hint of mockery. 

"Dropped you off? You're too naive, Rachel. Daniel has a reputation, you know. Every girl fancies him, and if he treats you even a little differently, you're just another toy."

Rachel's heart sank at Ashley's words, but before she could respond, she noticed Alex, her loyal friend, listening nearby. With a sense of relief, Rachel looked to Alex for support. Ashley, oblivious to the new audience, gave Rachel one last disdainful look before sauntering away, leaving Rachel feeling exposed and vulnerable. As Ashley disappeared into the crowd, Alex approached Rachel with a mischievous grin. "So, spill it, Rachel. What happened last night? Was it all romantic?" 

Rachel blushed furiously but couldn't help smiling. "Well," she admitted shyly, "he kissed me."

A burst of excitement lit up Alex's face. "That's amazing, Rachel! I'm so happy for you." 

As Rachel and Alex chatted animatedly about the kiss, the classroom bustled around them, and the morning sun cast a warm glow through the windows. Despite the unexpected confrontation with Ashley, Rachel felt a newfound confidence and happiness bubbling inside her, all thanks to a stolen moment shared with Daniel. 

The cafeteria buzzed with the usual midday chaos as Flora settled into a seat at a table with Rachel and Alex. Their trays held various cafeteria fare, but their minds were preoccupied with a recent, chilling development in their quiet town.

Flora leaned in, her voice lowered as she began to speak. "You won't believe what happened today, guys. The cops found a body in the woods this morning."

Rachel's eyes widened, and she exchanged a concerned glance with Alex. "A body? What happened?" she asked, a shiver of dread creeping up her spine.

Flora shook her head, her face grave. "It's gruesome. The body was... smashed. Like something out of a horror movie. And it looks like it was done by some kind of animals, but it's hard to tell."

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