Chapter Three

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My mum sent me a sad glance as I headed up to my room. I hadn't did anything on the way home, just looked out the window.

I was humiliated. Usually when people made fun of me, they did it where nobody could see. But the boy at the story flat-out told everybody I was deaf.

The blonde boy at the counter seemed very surprised, as if he would've never thought I was deaf. His surprised face was cute. Actually, all of him was cute.

I could tell he had braces by the way he opened his mouth. And his eyes, his eyes were gorgeous.

But I doubt that I'd see him again. I hoped I wouldn't see him again. For all I know, he would probably make fun of me too.

I took my phone out of my pocket and tossed it on my bed. I don't even know why I have a phone, I don't have any friends and I don't go out much.

I guess she thought we could talk through messages, but to be completely honest, I'd rather talk to my mom through hand movements.

I started learning sign language when I realized that my hearing wouldn't be coming back. It took me a few months but I finally got the hang of it.

My mum walked through the door and shot me a wary glance. There's a boy here to see you. If you need me, I'll be in my bedroom. Just shove him out if you want to make him leave.

That's one of the things I loved about my mother. She was understanding when it came to my deafness. And she let me do things that I normally wouldn't do.

I don't know how I'm going t talk to this boy. I guess I'll figure it out.

I nodded at her and she left my room. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs slowly.

When I rounded the corner, I was shocked at who it was. The blonde boy.

He was standing by the door, looking nervous. His hands were in his pocket and he had a hat on, a snapback I believe.

When he saw me, he smiled and stepped forward. My first instinct was to step back, so that's what I did.

His smile faltered a little bit but he just took one hand out of his pocket and went up to his hair. He took his hat off and ran his hand though his hair before putting his hat back on.

He started talking but stopped when he remembered I couldn't hear him.

He looked around for a minute before finding a piece of paper and a pen. I was confused by what he doing until he started writing on the table.

He's trying to talk to me.

After he was done writing he slid the piece of paper over, a pink tint to his cheeks.

I think you're very pretty. -N

I looked down, a big smile on my face. That's the first time someone's called me pretty, and actually meant it.

I wonder if the N stands for his first name. He looked down at me and smiled, tapping the paper, signaling that I should write back. So I did.

Thank you. -F

I decided to leave out the part where I thought he was attractive, for my own sake. I would only embarrass myself.

I took the pen and wrote down, You know, you can talk to me. Just talk really slow.

He read it and then smiled, opening his mouth.

"I'm sorry about what happened today. You didn't deserve that. That guy was an asshole. There's nothing wrong with being deaf."

Thank you, I signed. He looked at me, confused. When I figured out that he didn't know what that meant, I looked down, embarrassed.

I wrote it down on the paper and he nodded, as if saying you're welcome.

He suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, hugging me. I was surprised at first but then wrapped my arms around his torso as his arms locked together at the back of my neck.

It felt nice, being hugged like this by another person. I had forgot what it felt like to associate with a person who didn't care that I was deaf, besides my parents.

I blushed when he connected his lips to my temple, kissing it.

He looked down at me and spoke one word to me. "Niall." I liked the way his lips moved when he said it, as weird as that sounds.

He pulled away and smiled at me before pointing to the door, signaling that he was leaving. I stopped him and asked/wrote to him how he knew where he lived.

His cheeks turned pink as he shrugged and opened the door. He waved one last time and closed the door, leaving me confused.

He is really cute.

 Hi. It would mean SO SO MUCH if you would leave me feedback or just comment on the story. Thanks for reading.



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