Chapter 10

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Merlin was already seated next to Will and Lancelot in the dining hall, talking about books. Will just finished The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and said that Merlin should read it as soon as possible. Merlin promised he would.

When Arthur came to them with his tray, Merlin flashed him a smile. A sweet smile, a caring smile. A happy smile. Arthur returned the smile. As Arthur was seated he was immediately dragged into a debate going on between Leon and Elyan about the correct answer at a History test they had earlier that week. During the yelling and the book discussion, Merlin and Arthur would look at each other for as long as possible until Gwaine raised his voice. "Okay what the hell is going on over there?!" At the sudden outburst the boy with Raven hair and the boy with hair like gold would both jump a little in their seats and respond at the same time. "Nothing!" The other boys grew quiet and looked suspicious at them. Elyan stood up a little in his seat and spoke threatening. "If you guys are planning another prank I swear to god Arthur..." Merlin seemed scared in his seat. Like he really believed that Elyan would do something. That he would harm them in any way. But Arthur just raised his hand towards Elyan and spoke soothing. "Don't worry Elyan. We're just smiling over something Merlin showed me by my bed" as soon as the phrase had left his lips Arthur regretted it deeply. All the boys started o-ing and shoved the boys lightly and Merlin blushed deep and would look down. Arthur rolled his eyes and groaned loudly. The second he caught Merlins eyes he smiled apologetic and mouthed the phrase "Sorry". Merlin passed him a shy smile and responded. "It's alright". That made the rest of the boys oh even louder and push them a little more. After some eye rolls, loud groans, certain inappropriate jokes and just pure and utter mockery, it slowly died out. They would still joke and every boy around the table would refuse to let it go, but they would occupy themselves with other activities and subjects of conversation in the meantime.

After breakfast was English Literature, but Merlin knew he would probably not pay attention with Arthur seated next to him.

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