Chapter 30

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He could barely open his eyes. The room had a dim white light that made his skin look paler than usual. He looked at the clock next to his bed. "06:14 AM". Merlin was still half asleep so he did not notice the sleeping heap on top of his hips until now. Arthur had his head leaned onto Merlins right hip as he was holding his pale left hand. The blondes face was turned towards Merlins direction. His lips was slightly parted and his breathing was slow yet steady. His eyes was closed and he looked so peaceful there he was. Merlin smiled softly to the boy in front of him. He lifted his hand slowly from his chest and started stroking Arthur's hair. The golden locks sliding through Merlins fingers. The movement was slow and relaxing and the unconscious boys breathing was still steady. Merlin was still smiling at the breathing form in front of him. He could feel the weight of his upper body on his hips and legs and he had never felt anything more amazing. Arthur's eyes slowly opened. Merlin was still stroking his hair and Arthur didn't interrupt him. "Morning Dollophead." Whispered Merlin as he smiled brightly. Arthur shook his head and scoffed lovingly. "Shut up, Merlin." Merlin chuckled as he continued stroking Arthur's hair. "What happened actually?" The pale boy finally asked. Arthur shrugged lightly before shifting his weight a little. Merlin didn't like the lack of pressure on his legs. He missed the comforting feeling but didn't say anything. "We found you unconscious in the shower. The doctor said you had a mixture of a stroke and a mental breakdown. Both triggered from stress." Merlin nodded and looked down at the sheet covering his stomach. His hands was in his lap but stayed completely still. Arthur looked down at them and wrapped his fingers around Merlins. The skinny boy looked up at the muscular boy in front of him who was smiling like a ray of sunshine. His eyes was getting teary and Merlin could feel that his eyes was getting quite watery as well. Arthur gave Merlins hands a little squeeze and whispered lovingly. "I'm so glad you're okay." He stood up a little and let go of one of Merlins hands. He placed the free hand on Merlins cheek and kissed him softly. Merlin placed his free hands  on Arthur's cheek as well. Their lips would push together again and again and their mouths would sometimes open and close. They both slowly leaned out, eyes still closed. Arthur kissed Merlins forehead in a careful manner as a sign of affection. He smiled down at the raven haired boy. "I'll go tell one of the nurses you're awake." Merlin nodded and kissed Arthur one more time on the lips. They let go of each other and Merlin leaned down into the pillow. He closed his eyes in pure exhaustion. He fell asleep only few seconds after his eyelids closed.


Of course both his mother and Will came to visit him at the hospital. When his mother arrived she came storming through the door and embraced his son in tears. She kissed his cheek, his nose, his eyes, his forehead his everything. Merlin was laughing and his mother was both crying and laughing and sobbing and talking. All at once. But so has she always been. When Will came Merlin was still asleep. He remember opening his eyes and seeing Will sitting in a chair reading "Eleanor And Park". He didn't even look up. He just went. "Sup Merl" and continued reading. Once he finished the chapter he slowly placed the book next to his chair, stood up, walked over to Merlins bed before jumping up and down and fanning his face with his hand. "Oh my god Merlin are you okay? Does it hurt? No one told me anything! How are you feeling?" He wrapped his arms tightly around Merlin and he laughed out loud. "God Will you're such a drama queen!" Will laughed and kissed Merlins cheek before they stopped hugging and he sat down next to him on the bed. They talked about everything that had happened. Everything from Mordred kissing him to Will having to leave. The second Merlin told Will he was blaming himself Will gave him a smack on his arm before hugging him tightly. "It's not your fault. None of this is." And it helped a little. To hear his closest friend tell him so. Like he understood. Yet again other people with insecurities as heavy as yourself tends to understand just as easily.

Merlin did tell Arthur later that he was blaming himself. He chose not to tell Arthur about Mordred just in case he might do something. As soon as he opened up Arthur placed his hands on Merlins cheeks and leaned in so close their noses was almost brushing. He looked at him with wide eyes and a deep look as he very slowly and very seriously said: "it's not your fault." Now it was one thing hearing it from Will. From Will he felt relieved. But when it came from Arthur it sounded like forgiveness. That he forgave Merlin for everything and soon the tears was rolling again. Only now Arthur was the first to start crying.


Merlin woke up to beeping machines and a warm hand cupping his cheek and soft lips meeting his. He halfway opened his eyes and Arthur whispered quietly. "I'm not getting expelled. I am getting suspended for a week though. But the doctor said you're gonna be here for a week as well. That or longer." Merlin smiled sleepily. He wasn't sure if it was a dream or not. He was still halfway unconscious. He truly hoped it was real. He wanted to jump around and scream like a school girl. But morphine was currently pumping through his veins so he couldn't have even if he wanted to. Arthur kissed his nose and rubbed it gently with his own. "So you won't get away from me that easily." Merlin chuckled and kissed the boy gently. As they pulled apart Merlin smiled softly and whispered.


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