Chapter 7

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(Described violence)

The weeks passed fast. Most of the time they would joke around, do their homework, pay attention in class (most of the time) and it all just went so fast. Suddenly the first break was approaching. Everyone was going home for a week and relax with their families. Tell them how school is going, meet friends. It was great. At least for most of them.

"So what are you doing Elyan?" Asked Leon. "Oh you know, see my sister and my dad. Apparently hang out with Lance as well for the whole week." He looked over at Lancelot who gave him a shy smile. "Yeah, again I am so sorry for falling in love with your sister." The others laughed. "What about you Arthur?" Asked Percival who was folding some of his clothes. "Isn't it obvious?" Said Will and smirked. Gwaine nodded and leaned up from his half laying position on his bed. "Yeah. He's not going anywhere right? I mean he's practically living at the campus." The others laughed and Leon pushed Arthur gently on the arm. "Haha nice one yeah yeah hilarious." Arthur said during the laughter as sarcastically as he could muster. He looked over at Merlin who was sitting right next to him. "What about you Merlin. What are you gonna do?" Merlin just shrugged and studied his shoes. "My mum and I will probably just watch some movies. Maybe Gaius will come over." Gwaine stood up and sat down on the bed next to Merlins. "Now isn't that pretty awkward? Having a teacher as a family friend. Like an uncle or something?" Merlin just shrugged once again. "Not really. He's a good friend and I don't mind." The other nodded. Arthur turned to the boy next to him and smiled. "Anything else?" If Merlin could read Arthur's mind he'd known that the blonde next to him really wanted him to say no so that he could ask if they could hang out. That Arthur really wanted to spend time with Merlin in the break. Of course when Merlin is faced with pressure he tries to deliver. So he simply said: "Might meet up with some old friends." What no one else in the room knew was that his 'old friends' where his old bullies. His wounds had closed shut and the bruises was long gone. They might want to give him some new ones.


Merlin had just been to the shop and bought some milk. It was dark and the air was damp. It was about to rain. The street lamps was sending out a warm yellow light and made the red, brown and yellow leaves glow. His house was just a flew blocks down and a turn to the right. He was still listening to The Killers. Last week was a lot of Passenger and Ed Sheeran and a little bit of The Paper Kites. But he had completely fallen in love with Mr. Brightside by The Killers lately. The volume wasn't on that high and for some reason one of his earbuds was out and jumping on his chest so he quickly recognised the voice of Cendred and the others. "Oi gaylord you home already?" Merlin turned around and was met with the familiar yet unfriendly glare from Cendred, Ethan and Oswald. He nearly dropped his milk. He knew it wasn't worth running, they'd catch him. No, he stood completely still and stared a hole in the ground. He heard their footsteps approaching and understood just how close they were when Oswald pushed Merlin right into Ethan's chest. Cendred pushed past Oswald and grabbed Merlins shoulder. He bent down a little and looked at him with a murderous look. "You've been blowing any posh boys lately?" Ethan laughed behind him. "Do they call you another name when you do it?" Oswald laughed loudly and pointed at the skinny boy. "Yeah! The guys will be moaning their girlfriends names. Oh Allison, Oh Maddie!" Cendred shook his head and grinned like the Cheshire Cat while staring at Merlin only inches from his face. "But they never moan Merlin." He made a little pout before laughing again. "Isn't that all you want Merlin? Someone to love you and your little gay ass? But it will never happen. All in all you're just a man whore." The others laughed with Cendred only louder of course. The taller man in front of Merlin never removed his gaze from him. "Say Merlin. Those bruises must have healed completely since the last time we saw you." Merlin didn't say anything. He kept his gaze to the ground and waited for the first punch. Cendred grin widened as he leaned down to whisper. "Perhaps we should give you some new ones." It was weird. He hadn't been punched in months. He would never really break the way he did when Cendreds fist hit his stomach. Not like this. He never got the air punched of his lungs like now. Before he would pretend. Pretend the air was knocked straight out of his lungs to please him. But now it was real. It hurt so much more than it used to. It was so painful. What made it even worse was that it was only the first punch. He had a lot more to come.

The punches just kept on coming, and once he hit the ground the kicks would be the next. Heavy boots on his scrawny body. It hurt even worse than the last time. After they had beaten him to a heaving pulp they left. The milk was still alright and hadn't spilled a drop. So after a minute or two he found his breath, picked up the bag and limped back to his mothers house.

It went on like that for an entire week.

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