Chapter 13

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Will and Merlin was sitting under a tree watching the cricket field. Gaius who is the P.E teacher allowed the two of them to skip P.E as long as they would get at least some fresh air and some form of exercise. As the others was running around hitting balls with sticks, Merlin was reading The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and Will was having a cigarette. "You shouldn't smoke" said Merlin as he turned a page, not lifting his eyes up from the book. Will rolled his eyes whilst taking another drag and looked over the cricket field. "God Mer you might as well be my mum". Merlin shook his head and put his book down. He stood up and brushed of the dirt on his trousers. Will looked up at his friend. "Oi where do you think you're going?" Merlin pointed at the field. "I'm just gonna ask Arthur about something." Will simply shook his head and blew out the smoke. "Ask or kiss?" He looked down on the smoking teenager. "How did you know?" Will nearly lost his cigarette and nearly fell down the hill because of the speed he stood up. He literally jumped to his feet and had to take two side steps down the hill so he wouldn't fall. "Wait! You guys kissed?! You guys are really together?! How long has this been going on?" Merlin made shushing panicking sounds and got a little closer. "Just for a day. We kissed yesterday. We haven't really had the chance to do anything or talk about anything but we kissed and well..." Will was giggling like a twelve year old girl and took another drag of his cigarette. "Oh my god that is awesome! So you're gonna talk to him about it or?" Merlin nodded and walked down the hill. Will stumbled after him down the hill throwing away his cigarette and trying to keep his balance while Merlin was still talking. "I just want to know if he wants people to know or if he wants it to be a secret for a little longer or what we're going to do so you can't tell anyone alright." Will stopped halfway down the hill and shouted after his friend. "Alright alright but I'm not gonna keep it to myself for so long!" The raven haired boy just gave him a thumbs up and kept on walking.

When he reached Arthur he leaned his elbow on the blondes shoulder. Arthur turned his head quickly to smile at Merlin and continued watching the match. "Who's winning?" Arthur pointed at the boys. "Leon's team so far but Percival is up after Elyan so I think that'll change pretty fast." Merlin chuckled. They were silent for a while, watching Elyan hit. Merlin finally gathered up the courage to ask. "I'm sorry I didn't really get what happened in class yesterday so...?" Arthur turned around and Merlin dropped his arm from the fitter other. Arthur looked at him as to encourage him to continue. Merlin continued. "I have a question." He looked down and fiddled a little with his shirt. "Okay I have two questions...." Arthur sighed and carefully pealed Merlins hands from his shirt and stroke his thumb over Merlins knuckle. Merlin sort of lost his breath as he watched Arthur's hand caress his fingers. "Continue" Arthur said and Merlin did so. "Are we a couple? And, um, if we are when will we you know, be public about it?" Arthur shrugged and leaned down a little so he looked up at Merlin through his lashes. "If you want us to be a couple I'm definetly not going to say no. That's for sure." Merlin chuckled and Arthur smiled. "And I'll guess we'll be public when we feel it's time." He straightened himself to his normal height. "Or you know when one of us and by that I mean you" he gave Merlins hands a little squeeze and Merlin gave him a little smile. "Accidentally tell someone." Merlin bit his lip and mumbled to the ground. "Yeah about that..." Arthur squinted at the boy before laughing when Merlin looked at him in his awkward yet charming way.

Not so far away from where the two boys were standing Percival was getting ready to hit the cricket ball. He was looking out of the field breathing in the fresh air. What he didn't notice was Gwaine sneaking up behind him. Whether Gwaine was coming over to give his boyfriend a surprise hug or a kiss was completely forgotten the moment the ball came flying towards Percival and he managed to hit his boyfriend right in the face from behind before he hit the ball. He could feel the bat hit something so he turned around and was faced with a bleeding Gwaine behind him. He turned around horrified and showered Gwaine in apologies so he didn't see where the ball went. But Arthur and Merlin did. The cricket ball came flying with full speed and hit Will right in the head as he was lighting another cigarette. He dropped his lighter and collapsed on the grass.

It was quite a thing to see. Gaius was extremely tempted to take some pictures. Of course that would be highly inappropriate for him as a teacher to do so. And since most of the other students had already whipped out their phones to film the incident he didn't have to do anything. Just ask for the footage later.

Merlin and Arthur was dragging Will to the nurse office. One arm hooked around their shoulders. Right behind them was Leon trying to to hold Will's head up while pestering them about what the hell happened. Merlin and Arthur was talking at the same time waving their one free hand. Behind them was Gwaine spinning around while he was holding his nose and asking what happened, hit him and happened to Will. Percival was desperately trying to hug and apologise to Gwaine but Gwaine was too hysteric, spinning around while holding his nose. Lancelot was walking behind them carrying Gwaine and his own gym bag and didn't really bother to explain what happened. He's been friends with Gwaine long enough to know that you can't really manage to get through to him when he's that hysteric. Elyan on the other hand was actually trying to explain what happened to Gwain but he never managed to finish since Gwaine was too busy screaming "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Lance was obviously right as always. At one point Elyan gave up trying to explain what happened and marched over to Merlin and Arthur while mumbling "Knights of Camelot more like Clowns of Camelot".

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