Chapter 35

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This was it. This was the end of the year. Everything went so fast. Suddenly he had friends, a boyfriend and someone who understood. Someone who wouldn't judge him or his scars. If someone would've told him that his entire life would be infinite times better with seven new friends where one of them is the love of his life, he would have scoffed loudly and told them to stay off the drugs. But here he was. And he for sure as hell wasn't high.

When their parents arrived all the boys got very emotional. They hugged, exchanged gifts and Gwaine even kissed Merlin. Once on each cheek and a quick peck on the lips. Arthur rolled his eyes and quickly got the same treatment. Gwaine grabbed his head with both arms and kissed him directly on the mouth. When the punk boy pulled back he chuckled. "What?" Gwaine said and raised an eyebrow. Merlin and Arthur exchanged a quick look before laughing. Gwaine laughed as well. They all embraced once more before Gwaine kissed his boyfriend and sat down into the car. Soon Elyan, Lancelot and Leon disappeared as well. Elyan gave everybody a quick hug while Lancelot flirted and kissed Gwen. Lancelot climbed into his mums car and watched Elyan and Gwen leave. Leon gave the remaining boys a hug and climbed into his dad's car. He waved to them through the window. Percival, Arthur and Merlin was the remaining boys outside. Some other boys was there as well but they were a little further away. When Percival's mum came with the Land Rover the tall boy embraced both Arthur and Merlin. "I'll miss you guys." Merlin chuckled and stroke his back. "We'll miss you too Percy." He smiled to them one more time before he climbed into the car. Arthur and Merlin both stood in comfortable silence as they waved goodbye to the last knight.

"Are you sure you want to take the bus?" Merlin picked up another flower and started plucking one petal off at a time. "I'm sure. Ealdor is a two hours drive and I don't want to drag you and your dad all the way out there." Arthur gently rested his hand on Merlins and Merlin stopped doing what he did. He looked over at the blonde. They both leaned in slowly. Soft lips touching each other. Arthur scooted closer but still held Merlins hand. The raven haired boy slowly stroke his hand up the side of Arthur's leg up to his knee. The kiss was slow and warm just like that day.

Eventually Uther arrived and the kissing session had to end. Arthur squeezed Merlins hand one more time and kissed him on the lips. "I love you." He whispered. Merlin chuckled and closed his eyes as he smiled and answered smugly. "Love you too." He kissed Arthur's nose and let the stronger boy pull him up from the patch of grass. They walked over to the car hand in hand. Uther was already sitting inside the vehicle and let his son and hopefully future son-in-law have their moment. Arthur pouted and hugged Merlin one more time. "Thank you" he whispered. "Thank you for letting me love you." Merlin scrunched up his face to stop the tears roll. "Thank you for loving me." He whispered, voice halfway breaking. They tightened the hug a little more and Merlin buried his face into Arthur's shoulder. When they finally broke apart Arthur climbed into the car and waved goodbye to Merlin. Merlin tossed him a kiss and Arthur caught it with glee. The car left the driveway and Merlin started to walk towards the bus stop.

The entire drive home he was texting with Arthur. Every second of it. They both shared laughs and thoughts. Merlins finger hovered over the send button before he finally pressed send.

You made my life worth living

Merlin actually chuckled by the respond he got. His eyes almost got a little teary. He looked down on the screen and grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

I am glad you allowed me to help you. I love you so much and I'm so happy I found you in time. Even though my life is pretty good it was still quite ordinary until you showed up and I can never truly thank you enough for that, Merlin. So I can say with a hand on my heart that you changed my life for the better and I love you for that.

Thank you for letting me be yours.

Merlin chuckled once more and whispered under his breath the same thing he wrote on that phone.

I love you


When Arthur came in the door he walked straight up to his room, opened his bag and opened the gift he had received from Merlin before they left the bedroom for the last time before summer to wait for the cars. It was a letter attached to it. He opened it and smiled down on the paper. It was all written in Merlins messy handwriting which made the letter feel more personal.

Dear Arthur

I can never truly thank you enough for this amazing journey. This year has truly been the greatest year in my entire life and I can't wait for more years like it to come. You are an amazing friend and boyfriend and I love you so so much.

I don't know if you remember the time we sat under the big tree by the cricket field and talked about a life together. Do you remember that? I told you I wanted a small apartment with a little balcony and a lot of plants and a big warm bed and books everywhere. Do you remember what you said? You said as long as you could share that bed with me you'd be more than happy enough. Well, what you probably didn't know was that as soon as your lips met mine for the first time that bed was yours. And so was I. But later, when we danced and hugged and talked I realised that I don't need that. I don't need that home I've always fantasised about. Because you're my home.

I'm always home when I'm with you.

Yours always, Merlin

When he turned the page around he saw the drawing Merlin had drawn on his arm all those months ago. A crown, a coin and a dragon.

Two sides of
The same coin

Arthur chuckled and put the letter down next to himself on his bed. He grabbed the gift that was wrapped in a red paper. It was a little box. A little black box on top of it was a little note that read:

Thought of you when I saw it :)

Arthur opened the lid and what was inside made him smile. It was a little ring that looked exactly like a crown. He smiled fondly down at the little crown and slid it gently on to his ring finger. He studied it for a little while before he slowly brought it up to his lips and let it rest there for a while. "We'll still have that home." He whispered to the ring. "I'll give you the entire world if I have to." And somewhere inside his head he could almost hear Merlins voice whisper. "I don't need it."

"I have you."

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