Chapter 34

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The sun was shining brighter than ever during the time they had spent at Camelot so far. The grass was dry, the sky was blue and everything was just so... Right. Arthur's head was resting in Merlins lap. He was holding a bouquet of purple and pink flowers. His eyes was closed and they both had one earbud in. Both listening to Sun by Sleeping At Last. Merlin was twinning together one flower at a time to create a flower crown. Some of the purple flowers was falling onto Arthur's face and hair but the blonde didn't care. He simply kept his eyes shut and smiled to the sun. He had a loose grip on the bouquet so that Merlin could easily pick out one flower at a time. Around them the other knights was laying on the grass. Lancelot was reading a book under one of the trees. Leon and Elyan was looking at the clouds. Pointing at different once and describing what they saw. Percival and Gwaine was laying not so far away from Lancelot. Percival head was resting on Gwaine's shoulder and their fingers was intertwined. Both was wearing sunglasses. Merlin looked at the flower crown. He lifted it up a little so that he could admire it before placing it on Arthur's head. It landed over his eyes and Merlin chuckled. "My King." He sighed and Arthur chuckled. "And you my Lionheart." The blonde made a kiss face and Merlin leaned down. They rested on each other's lips long and lovingly. Merlin still had Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock with him even though he had finished it months ago. It reminded him off Will. If Will was still there he'd probably be laying right next to Arthur and him even though he found their love annoying. But he would still be there, reading yet another book as always. Merlin missed Will. He really did. But they'd meet in the summer and that would be so much fun. Swimming, camping, Road trips by bus. It was so much to look forward to. Arthur opened his eyes and straightened his flower crown. "What are you thinking about?" Merlin looked down and smiled. "Just lazy summer days." They both chuckled. Merlin leaned down and kissed his boyfriend. A lazy summer kiss. A sweet summer kiss. A perfect summer kiss.


Every student all gathered in the dining hall around 7 pm. They pushed all the tables and benches to the side and turned the lights off. Someone brought a doc stereo and played loud music. Pop, punk, house. Whatever they could find. Some had even brought snacks and soda. Of course as soon Blink-182 was played Gwaine jumped up from the wall and was ready to break it down. Percival joined as well of course and soon they both somehow managed to half grind to All The Small Things. They did it close enough to the other knights and Leon and Elyan threw popcorn at them. The other ooh-ed. Once the song finished Merlin simply had to laugh.

If you weren't so stupid I could have loved you

And if you weren't so stupid

But you're pretty stupid

Merlin turned to Arthur. "Will told you?" Arthur chuckled and grabbed Merlins hand. "Well what can I say? My people are extremely loyal." The skinny boy kissed the blonde and dragged him out on the dance floor. They spun each other around and held each other like in a waltz. Only a lot more casual. The song was a happy upbeat rythm. Drums and guitars and claps. And the two of them were happy. They had each other. Right there. In each others arms. On the dance floor spinning to the sounds of Brendan MacClean. And it was truly amazing.

More or less everyone slow danced to My Chemical Romance's "Early Sunset Over Monrover." Even the once that weren't in a relationship or interrested in boys. Friends, couples everyone was out on the dance floor swaying to the rythm in each others arms. Merlin found it amusing that it was about vampires. Arthur didnt really care about what the lyrics was about. The only thing that was on his mind was the gorgeous boy in front of him. Merlin looked up and met Arthur's heart eyes. "What are you thinking about?" Meelin asked and Arthur smiled. "you". Merlin bit his lip and blushed slghtly before replying. "Why? Is there something on my face?" The blonde rolled his eyes and dipped the pale boy. "Shut up, Merlin." Merlin laughed and kissed Arthur gently on his lips. They swayed slowly together until the song ended. Oh but how they both wished to stand like this forever. Dancing together.

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