Chapter 20

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"I HATE YOU!" Every boy in the room turned around and stared horrified at Merlin who was staring at Will. Will dropped whatever scrunched up clothing he was holding and pointed at the back of his shirt where it said "HATE YOU 2". Merlin pointed at Will with both hands and said "Ayyy". Will did the same before turning back to packing. Merlin did the same while the other boys stared at them doubtfully. Arthur picked up a t-shirt from the pile of clothes he had and threw it to Merlin. Merlin managed to catch it in the most clumsy way. He grabbed the sleeves with each hand and looked at the shirt in his hand. "My Sleeping At Last t-shirt I've been looking for it for ages." Arthur chuckled as he dug through the rest of his clothes. "Well I think we got some laundry mixed up." Merlin felt really guilty that he had packed down one of Arthur's sweaters in his suitcase. He had a little mental discussion with himself before finally tugging it out and holding it up ready to throw to Arthur. When Arthur caught it he held it up in the air before crumbling it into a ball and threw it back to Merlin. "Keep it. It's getting too small for me." Merlin looked at it thoughtfully for a minute. His brows were scrunched up like he was thinking and it made Arthur smile. "Besides..." He continued. "... It looks better on you" Merlin looked over at Arthur and smiled. Arthur chuckled and returned to his packing. Will folded a shirt and put it over his cigarette pack in his bag. "So what are you guys gonna do this Christmas?" Gwaine stuffed another pair of jeans in his bag. "Probably hear about my step dads fancy new job non stop." Leon put his hair into a bun in front of the mirror. "Bake a lot with my dad." Percival rolled up a pair of socks in a shirt. "Gonna go ice fishing with my mum and brother." Lancelot raised an eyebrow. "Is it season for fishing now?" Percival pointed at him with both brows raised. "There's always fishing season in my town." Lancelot raised his arms protectively in front of him before returning to his packing. "What about you Elyan?" Asked Will from his corner. Elyan did a little pout and looked over at Lancelot. "Spend the entire week watching him smooch with my sister." Lancelot leaned down on his bag using his hands and looked over at Elyan. "And again man. I am so sorry about that." Merlin closed his black suitcase and zipped it close. He patted the lid and walked over to Arthur. "Oh by the way my mother wanted to invite you for dinner before Christmas. You know as a thank you for having me..." He suddenly realised what he said and stuttered out "for dinner". Arthur nodded. "Yeah id love to. Text me the details alright." He smiled to Merlin who nodded and walked over to his bag.


The entire drive to the town Merlin was staring dramatically out the window while listening to The Paper Kites. So far it has been an amazing year and he couldn't wait to tell his mum all about it. Christmas has always been one of his favourite holidays. To cook with his mum, walk down the stairs in his pyjamas and watch Christmas movies and shows on the telly. Eating cookies for lunch. He just loved the warmth of Christmas and he loved sharing that warmth with his mother.

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