Chapter 28

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Merlin didn't even bother to wait in the bedroom for Arthur to arrive. He was standing right outside of Uther's office waiting for him. He knew this was all his fault. If he had just shut his mouth about his bruises and hadn't told Arthur or anyone else who did it then Arthur wouldn't have gotten a second strike. This would have been his second strike not his third. For gods sake Arthur wouldn't even have gotten that third strike if it weren't for him. If he could just manage to stay on his fucking legs then none of this would have happened. Arthur wouldn't had ran back for him. They would all have gotten away. Why was he always in the way? Why did he absolutely have to ruin everything.

"What is wrong with me?" He whispered to himself as he waited for Arthur to come out. The door was unlocked and Merlins eyes jumped right up from the floor as he met Arthur's. Uther was behind him but he didn't look at Merlin nor his son. He was clearly disappointed. When Uther closed the door Merlin threw himself into Arthur's arms. He wrapped his skinny shaking arms around Arthur's neck and shoulders and Arthur placed his hands on Merlins back. Quiet sobs escaped Merlins throat as he dug his face deeper into Arthur's neck. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "This is all my fault." Arthur stroke his hands over Merlins back to comfort him. "It's not. It's not you fault Merlin." The raven haired boy still had his arms wrapped around Arthur's neck. He lifted one hand to dry the tears. He slowly leaned out but was still holding onto him. Arthur gave him a weak smile and pecked his nose. Merlin let out a little giggle that was dripping wet in tears. Arthur smiled sorrowfully. Merlin sighed and looked down. "So what happens next?" Arthur gave him a light shrug. "The teachers will discuss what they'll do. Wether I'll get expelled just this school year or permanently. If I'm lucky I might just get suspended for a week or more." Merlin nodded slowly and was still looking at his shoes. Arthur lifted his chin up using a finger and grabbed one of Merlins hands that was still resting on his shoulder. They both looked like they would break into dance any minute. "Hey..." He said soft and comforting. "It'll be alright." Merlin nodded and tried his best to smile. Arthur chuckled and they walked down the corridor hand in hand.


Merlin felt so stupid. Arthur was the one who might get expelled yet here he was. Arthur wasn't crying, he was. And Arthur had to comfort him. He tried his best to swallow back the tears though. Hide it with a smile. Hide as much as possible with a smile actually. Everything that had happened through the year. All those emotions that was running through his body he would push back with a smile. And he knew he was on breaking point. One little push and he would fall apart. Whether it would be a relapse or something far worse.

They opened the door but no one looked over at them. All their focus was on Will. Merlin dropped Arthur's hand and walked over to Will's bed. He was looking out of the window as he was talking to someone on the phone. He was afraid and sounded desperate. Two things Merlin never thought Will could even feel. He had one hand tangled in his hair and the other was holding the phone. "Mum..... Mum please...... I know I know it was stupid but....... Mum...... I'm begging you......" He grew quite silent for a while. His eyes was no longer looking at the green and gorgeous view outside the window. He didn't even spare the birds a second glance. His eyes was fixed on the floor and his eyes was getting watery. It felt like everyone in the room held their breath. No one said a word. Not one sound. Just awaiting silence. "Okay........ I'll see you later." He slowly lowered the phone from his ear and locked it. He looked up at the others. The tears was rolling down his face and he was getting red. But he didn't make a single sob. He didn't try to squeeze the tears out of his vision. They just fell. As silent as the room they were in. "One of the teacher saw me smoking at campus and my mum doesn't want me to go here anymore. She's picking me up today." Merlin covered his mouth with his hands before wrapping his arms around Will. The second they made contact Will started sobbing. He cried and he cried and he did not stop. Merlin stroke his back and squeezed him in his arms. Gwaine came over and wrapped himself around Will. Soon Elyan and Arthur did so as well. After them came Leon, Lancelot and Percival. They all just stood there and comforted the shaking boy.


Will's mum arrived in a red and rusty car. She sat in the front of the car as her son said goodbye. Merlin lifted the final bag into the trunk and Will and him pushed the trunk lid down. They embraced once more. A long tight hug where they swayed back and forth. They eventually parted and Will said his goodbyes to the others. Gwaine actually cried a little which made Will and Merlin cry as well. The other boys was of course as sorrowful as the rest but not in tears. Gwaine was actually Will's only friend the first month before Merlin arrived so it wasn't strange that they cried into each other's shoulders. It was a tough thing for them to part with a knight. Yes Will was quiet and not the sporty type but he was a knight none the less. And he was their friend. No matter what.

Will was halfway leaning out of the window waving goodbye. The car was shaking like crazy down the road from the school. All the boys stood there next to each other waving goodbye to Will. Some a little more energetic than others. Tears was still rolling down Merlins cheek and he could barely swallow them back. It just felt like his entire world was falling apart and a voice inside of him just kept repeating:

"You will not get through this."

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