Chapter 19

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"Come on Will! Come on do it!" The boys were all gathered in the common room. It was about 9pm. Gwaine had a guitar on his lap and Merlin was seated on Arthur's lap. Will sighed loudly and brought the cigarette to his lips. The boys all watched with great anticipation. Will blew out a perfect smoke ring that soared elegantly through the air. When it was on the brink of existence Will blew another smoke ring through the first one. Gwaine and Leon leaned back while applauding. Percival patted Will on his back. Arthur smiled proudly and Merlin rolled his eyes and stood up to open a window. Lancelot shook his head but was still giving the younger a small applaus and Elyan coughed cause he got the smoke right in his face. When Merlin came back to the group Will had sat don next to Arthur. Merlin sat down next to his smoking friend who was taking his last drag. "You really shouldn't be doing that." Merlin commented as he wasped the smoke out of his face. Will rolled his eyes and stumped the smoke. "Okay MUM" The other boys laughed and Merlin couldn't really help it himself. Although he did threw in an eye roll. "What about you Mer?" Merlin turned to Gwaine who still had the guitar on his lap. "What?" Merlin asked Gwaine. Percival walked over and stood behind Gwaine. "What about you Merlin? Do you have a talent? A trick? Anything?" Merlin furrowed his brow like he was thinking. "Not really. I'm just ordinary I guess." Leon rolled his eyes. "God Merlin stop being so dramatic." Merlin looked up between his lashes and gave Leon a smug smile. He then shrugged and smiled that sweet Merlin smile. "But seriously I can't do anything special." Lancelot patted Merlin on his shoulder. "None of us can do anything special, but it's still fun to do something." Merlin nodded thoughtlfully and pointed at Gwaine's guitar. "Can you play I See Fire?" Gwaine looked surpised and smiled happily at the others. "My favourite song!" Merlin sighed dramatically and stood up slowly. The other boys started saying "Ayyy" and "Oooh" as Merlin stood up and prepared himself for the humiliation. Some of the boys were chuckling and bumping shoulders but they all went quiet in pure shock when Merlin opened his mouth and started singing.

Oh Misty Eye of The Mountain below

Keep careful watch of my brother's souls

And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke

Keep watching over Durin's sons

Gwaine almost forgot he had to start playing the song on the guitar but began just in time. During the guitar intro Merlin would open and release his fists as he was tugging his sweater sleeves down. As he continued singing he would watch the floor. He looked around himself and swallowed the lump in his throat. During the second little guitar solo he looked up and met Arthur's eyes. He would look around the room and met the other's eyes as well. If they were not smiling they were still in shock. When he sang the chorus Gwaine joined in as a bass and it sounded amazing. It made it sound even bette than Merlin on his own, although Gwaine nearly mumbled the lyrics so he wouldn't sing over Merlin. When the second verse began Arthur joined in as well. By the time the chorus came for the second time all of the boys had joined in. Everyone singing in unison. No voice was louder than another. It was like they were all the same. But every single one of the boys stopped singing when the bridge hit. Merlins voice was loud and powerful and it left everyone moping. He didn't even notice himself but Merlin had closed his eyes and would start moving his arms. If he had looked over at Arthur he would have seen the overwelming pride in his eyes. The first time they sang the chorus for the last time Merlin was impowering, singing just as loud as Ed Sheeran. When he finished every single boy in the room applauded loudly and Merlin blushed a deep pink. Arthur gave him a tights side hug and Merlin smiled into his shoulder.

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