Finding a friend

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My teeth scraped the side of the cage until they bled. My normally silver pelt was stained dark brown with dirt. I was larger than all the other dogs in the pound because I'm a wolf. I'm not just any wolf either. I'm am half Wolvy and half Claw Wolf.

I'll explain the whole wolf species law to you HUMANS.

There are four different wolf species. There are Wolvys who have wings (like me) and can fly. There are also Claw wolves (I am also that too. My parents were different species but that's a different story) who are extremely large and have giant claws and fangs. Burrowing wolves love the underground and have spikes. They've spent so much time underground that they have fangs and venom like a snake. It's not that dangerous, it just numbs for a few heartbeats. The last are Sea Wolves and they have flippers and fins. They can hold their breath four a half an hour at a time.

Anyway the reason I'm here is another story. I'm in this pound which seems to be in the middle of nowhere. They don't feed me and I really wish that they'd give me some water. I reared on my hind legs as I heard the door open. It didn't happen often and when it did I learned how to get excited and beg so I could get adopted and then escape.

The man at the front desk (we call him Fat Leo) growled like he usually did at the man who had just entered. "What do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious," muttered the new man who smelled of the forest. "I'm here for a dog. A big one to keep me company."

Fat Leo rose to his paws er I mean legs and strode toward us. He muttered under his breath before motioning toward me. "This is the biggest dog we have."

"Wolf," I growled as I bared my teeth. Humans were the one thing that I hated and had no tolerance for.

The forest man stuck out a hand toward me and I tried to strike forward. He drew back but I still managed to graze him. I gasped in shock as he suddenly healed and my breath was caught in my throat. I had no idea how he had just done that but I wanted to know.

"This one has strength and spirit," forest man murmured as he turned and looked into my blue eyes.

"You want her," begged Fat Leo as if he really wanted me to leave. I couldn't blame him though, I mean I had nipped him a few times.

"What is her name," asked forest man.

"I don't know and I don't care," Fat Leo muttered as he stalked away with his belly sagging as he walked like a pregnant she-wolf.

The forest man lowered down and I noticed he was wearing something around his neck. I couldn't read it since it was moving way too fast. He opened the solid door and it let out a creaking sound. I was about to make a run for it but something made me stay. I looked into his eyes and he reached out a hand and stroked me between the ears.

He took out a collar that looked new. He strapped it around my neck and I felt the tags collide with my chest. I had never worn a collar before and I didn't exactly want to. However something about the man made me feel calm. I wagged my tail and forced my eyes to shine. The man stretched out a hand and picked up a blank dog tag that seemed to match his. "I'll get your name on this once I think of your name."

Fat Leo demanded his money and the forest man gave it to him. The forest man took out a leash and clipped it onto my collar. I was never a fan of leashes but I wasn't going to snap, at least not yet. He led me to his vehicle which was not the nicest thing I've ever seen but it was my new owner's home so I didn't complain.

He opened the door and I leaped into it. I shook out my fur and blinked my eyes a few times. It didn't seem like he had company too often. I suddenly smelled the awful scent of a cigar. I hated that stench! Fat Leo smoked but never in the kennels. Forest man lit one and began to smoke it. I grumbled but I wasn't about to throw away my chance at escaping. I needed to get him to trust me and I couldn't unless I acted like a real dog and not a wolf with secret powers (like wings and others things that I'll tell you later.)

He began to drive and I sunk my claws into the leather of the seat. "What should I name you," asked the man as he took out the cigar from his mouth and expelled smoke.

I sighed and turned my eyes to slits. "My name is Starlight."

He slammed on the brakes and I nearly went right through the window. He turned to me and I noticed that he had dropped his cigar. "Did you just s-speak," he stammered.

I nodded. "I can do much more than speak but thats for a different time. Anyway my name is Starlight and I am a special kind of wolf," I explained as I looked to him calmly and my eyes gleamed.

For some reason the man just nodded as if he understood. He reached out a hand shakily as if I was going to bite it off. "Well Starlight that is a beautiful name."

I dipped my head. "Thanks. You won't be freaked out if I speak to you, will you?" I hadn't actually spoken to a human before so I wasn't sure how he would take it. Right now I was very pleased.

"I'll get over it," he assured as he began to drive forward again. "Now is there anything else you can do that I ought to know about?" It seemed almost like a challenge. I realized I liked this forest man.

"Yes but that is for a different time," I told him as I laid down and rested my head on my paws. "Where are we going anyway?"

"Not sure," he confessed.

I waged my tail. "So what is your name, now that I've told you mine."

"Wolverine," he replied coldly and I knew that he really didn't want to talk about his real name. I understood that but if I was going to trust him I needed him to open up to me.

"That's not much of a name," I argued although I knew that I shouldn't.

"Tell me one of your powers and I'll tell you the name," he growled like a wolf.

I nodded since I knew that showing him one of my powers was the only way. I lifted a paw and rested it on his hand. He peered down on it and I let my extremely long claws jut out. My fangs are large too but I'm not about to show him that, at least not yet. I nicked him again just to see if he would heal and he did. "Now I showed you another one of my powers so tell me how you heal so fast."

"I don't know," he muttered. "So you want a name or not?"

"Of course," I bark happily.

"Logan. The name is Logan."

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