Caged Beasts

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A few rotations passed (thats moons to you HUMANS) and I was getting very comfortable with Logan or Wolverine since that is what he liked to be called. He had imprinted mine and his name onto my tags in case I got lost. Although if I did I could just locate him by his scent. Wolflys can smell much better than humans.

Anyway we had wandered from place to place and this time we arrived at a bar. It wasn't the coziest place that I had ever seen but it would do. Logan got money by fighting in this cage thing. He'd fight anyone and because of the Adamantium in his bones he never lost. He acted beat and then he'd fight the human until he knocked him out.

I would sit behind the cage barking encouragement. Not that he really needed it but it just made me feel better. I loved to see him beat anyone who tried and it always made my claws extend to their limit and my barks to sound more like the howls of a wolf. I didn't show him my wings yet but I knew that when the time was right I would.

There was this one fight when I scented a strange scent. It was a young female that looked out of place. She reeked of fear and I was about to go over there but I noticed that Logan had just won another fight. As the other people dragged him out of the cage I noticed he was lighting another cigar. I had never gotten over his smoking habits but I had to except him as he was.

"Who will go up against the reining champion Wolverine," asked the announcer as he swung his hand around the cage, inviting anyone up. Sometimes I wondered how stupid someone could be to fight against him.

"I will," called a man as he stood up. His friends cheered him on and their breath reeked of beer. (Which I should know the scent of because Logan drinks a lot of it.)

He hopped into the cage and the announcer whispered something into his ear. The man just chuckled and I knew he was about to get his tail chewed off!

The man punched Logan and threw him against the ground before kicking him. He fell into the cage and for a heartbeat the breath was caught in my throat. My large fangs began to peek out but I had to keep myself calm. I knew that Logan could take him easily and I just had to keep myself from interfering.

Suddenly Logan surged upward and punched his fist against the man's. His extremely strong bones made the man's eyes widen in shock. Logan collided his head with the man's and knocked him out cold. He cracked his neck before the bell sounded. He strode out of the cage unaffected and put his shirt back on.

I rushed to his side as he lit another cigar. "Great fight," I murmured as I rubbed up against his leg in affection.

He lowered his arm down and scratched me behind the ears. "Easy, but you knew that."

I nodded as he turned his gaze to the bar. I tried to steer him away since he had already been smoking and beer certainly wasn't the best option to go along with it. He didn't listen to me which wasn't a huge surprise and he plopped himself down right beside the girl that I had noticed before. He asked the man for a beer and I pricked my ears as the TV started to talk about the mutant laws. I was about to let out a growl but Logan shook his head so I refrained.

The man that Logan had beat suddenly started to walk up to him. "You owe my money," the man growled in Logan's ear.

Logan blinked his eyes calmly. "You lost and I won. I owe you nothin'."

"No one fights like that without a mark to show," the man hissed as he took out a knife from his pocket.


The girl screeched and Logan turned around quickly. His claws jutted out from his knuckles and gingerly touched the man's throat. His breath was quick and shallow and fear bubbled in my stomach.

A gun was suddenly pointed at Logan's head and went through his hair. "Get out of my bar, freak," snapped the bar tender as he began to shake in fear as he realized what Logan was.

Logan suddenly turned and sliced through the gun with one blow. I let out a snarl and surged for one of the man's friends. I sunk my teeth into his leg and pulled. He fell into another man and they both hurried to get away from me. I turned to Logan. "We better leave," I advised.

"Good idea," he muttered as he ushered me toward the entrance of the bar. I felt eyes burning on me and I struggled not to turn around and snap at them. Logan kept me turned in the right direction though and I was grateful.

We strode out of the bar and to his trailer. I leaped into the car and shook out my pelt. Logan got in beside me and started the ignition. He began to rub his knuckles and I could feel his pain as deeply as if it was my own. I scooted closer and rested my head on his leg and whimpered.

"Thanks girl," he murmured as he lowered a hand to stroke me between the ears before driving away.

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