Sharpen Your Claws

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I bolted upward and turned to Logan. "What's going on," I rasped as I tried to clear my eyes. I was seeing two of Logan right now and I realized I had gotten so restless in my sleep and smacked my head against the wall.

"Don't you remember," he snapped. "They took Rouge!"

I was a bit taken back by his harshness and then I remembered. "Why do they want her?"

"I don't know," Logan confessed as he rushed out of the door with me flapping madly behind him. My heart was in my throat. Not just because of the opening battle but because of Tony.

"Do you know if Magneto has a partner," I asked.

Logan skidded to a halt and eyed her strangely. "What are you talking about?"

I shook my head to clear it. "Er nothing. Just talking to myself." I began to flap past him this time and I felt a pang of nervousness. If I had been Logan I would have wrote me off as fish-dead. (The Wolf Latin term for crazy.)

I tried not to think about Tony but there was no way around it. I kept hearing his voice echo in my ear until it drove me almost crazy. I couldn't take it any longer so I raised a paw and clawed my ear until it bled. It began to heal but I just kept clawing at it.


I looked down and saw Dagger standing under me. I flapped down and rested a paw on my head. "What's wrong," he asked as he licked my cheek reassuringly.

"Er nothing," I lied as I flicked my healed ear in pain.

"Don't lie to me Starlight," Dagger growled as he lashed his tail across my shoulder. "I know when something is bothering you and something is clearly bothering you."

I turned to him and my eyes flickered. "It's nothing. At least nothing that I can't handle."

Dagger rolled his eyes. "Tell me or I'll jam my claws into your pelt."

I rolled my eyes back at him. "And I'll just heal. Your turn."

"Starlight," called Logan as he peeked his head around the corner, clearly anxious. "Come on."

I scooped up Dagger and he perched on my back. I flapped forward and disappeared into the X part of the school. Dagger turned and scraped his claws along my spine. "Aren't you afraid?"

I let out a sigh. "Now what you think?"

"Then who are you afraid of," he pressed as he sunk his claws into my spine until I began to bleed.


"Tony," he echoed as he let out a snort. "That wolf is older than dirt! Why would you be afraid of him?"

I plastered my ears against my head. "I'm afraid because I know what I must do. Dagger, Tony is my father."

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