Losing a Friend

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My super senses caught sight of Tony. Surprisingly he wasn't with Magneto. He was on the base of the Statue of Liberty with his head lowered and his claws scraping at the ground. He was expecting me. Let's not let the old wolf-heart waiting.

I lowered down and spread out my wings to buffer my landing. I landed gently and lowered my head so that Dagger could jump off my head. He slid down but once he saw Tony the fur along his spine bristled in fear.

Tony eyed him like prey. I lowered my head around him and narrowed my eyes, threatening Tony to leave my best friend alone. Tony got the message and his eyes were glistening. He didn't want Dagger, he wanted me.

"I've waited a long time for this," Tony cheered as he lowered into a crouch with his tail swaying.

I shook my head to clear it. Although Tony was a full Claw Wolf he was only a bit larger than me. I had my advantage of the air and Dagger. Dagger was a master at his throwing claws and Tony couldn't heal himself. Despite that I thought we would win it didn't ease the fact that Tony looked so confident.

"Well then you're going to have to wait a little longer," I growled as I shot forward. I slammed my head into his shoulder but Tony sunk his teeth into my shoulder and threw me into lady liberty.

I tried to get up my something inside of my body ached and I couldn't get up. I realized that Tony had injected me with something that he had made. It wasn't his mutant power but it was still just as deadly. That made my body take longer to defeat it.

Dagger hissed and reared on his hind legs. He extended his tiny claws and readied them to attack. "Aw Dagger," he rumbled as he began to pace around Dagger and me.

"Leave her be," Dagger threatened as his hackles rose. He looked to be a worthy opponent but Tony would never admit that. He was too proud which was his downfall.

"I'm not after her," he growled as he shoved his muzzle and inch from Dagger's so he could smell his rancid breath. "I'm after you."

"No," I whimpered but my body hadn't healed yet. He spat at me and squirted venom into my eyes from a strange looking pen that blurred my vision. I could only see a brown blob which was probably Dagger.

"Stay out of this," Tony hissed at me as he turned his attention back to Dagger. "I want to crush her heart and the only way I know how to do that easily is by killing you."

Dagger lowered into a crouch and threw a claw right below Tony's eye. "I'd like to see you try," he hissed as he leaped on my father's shoulders and sunk his teeth into Tony's neck.

Tony reared on his hind legs and sunk his claws into Dagger's tail. He thrust him into the ground and went for his throat. He stopped and grasped his scruff before throwing Dagger in front of my muzzle. "Watch this, daughter!"

He raised a paw and thrust it into Dagger's chest. Dagger let out a squeak before Tony tore his claw from Dagger's heart. He dropped Dagger and he collapsed to the ground with blood wheeling from his chest.

"I have destroyed you," Tony snarled as his eyes glimmered. "And now it is time for you to join Dagger."

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