School...At Least I Think That's What Humans Call It

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Pain surged through my body and I raised my head. I saw Logan laying on a table but I didn't think anything of it. I just rested my head back on my paws.

A women strode near him and he suddenly bolted upward when she touched his skin. He hissed something to her before bolting toward the entrance of the room. I followed stiffly.

"Where are we Logan," I asked as fear prickled at my fur as I tried to sniff out my surroundings but it was so bland. The only thing I scented was my own scent and Logan's.

"I don't know," he growled as he spun his head around madly. He rushed to a cleft in a wall and tugged out a shirt and threw it on. "We have to get out of here."

I flew down the halls but suddenly Logan pressed his hands against his head. "What's wrong," I asked as I bolted to his side and touched my nose to his hand with my wings still flapping.

"Someone is in my head," he growled through clenched jaws. He staggered against the wall with his claws threatening to make an appearance.

"I can't hear anything," I argued as I shook my head.

"Well I'm not making this up," he snapped as he turned to me with confusion and frustration flashing in his eyes. He staggered into what seemed like an elevator and I barely made it in before it screeched shut, just missing my wing tip. I landed and shook out my fur and sniffed the air.

It smelled deeply of humans and I should know. I hated the scent of humans since when I was around them I just wanted to either fight them or hide from them.

The elevator opened and Logan tumbled out, still holding his head since the voice was only becoming louder. We thundered down the hallway but when we heard children laughing Logan ducked behind a pilar. He took my tail and threw me behind the pilar with him. I tried to hover over Logan's head but it was difficult since my wings were meant to flap, not hover.

Once the children passed Logan he bounded toward a door. He opened with me flying at his side. I lowered down and he closed the door slowly.

"Hello Logan, Starlight."

Logan spun around with his eyes flashing. I turned as well and I saw a bald man in a wheelchair. He smiled broadly but that just made me not trust him.

He picked up a book. "Physics." He turned back to his students. "Now I want that paper on my desk by Friday."

He dismissed the class and the children began to pick up their binders and book bags. A girl forgot something and turned to grab her bag. She smiled to her teacher before dashing forward and instead of opening the door she went right through it!

I let out a growl and lowered into a crouch with my hackles rising in anger. My fangs began to become exposed but Logan blinked his eyes at me. "It's alright Starlight," the man chided as he rolled toward me. "You don't have to be on the defensive here."

I shuffled up a bit. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't be. And how do you know my name anyway?!"

The man chuckled as he wheeled himself toward us. "You are safe here. This is a school that no one knows about," he assured. He looked as though he wanted to stretch out a paw to stroke me but he thought better or it. I was glad because if he did I would have had to give him a bite that he wouldn't forget.

"Where," Logan asked as he turned to face the man with a little bit of hostility still present in his blazing eyes.

"New York," the man replied as he wheeled toward a window. "You are at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. In other words this is a school for mutants."

"Humans," I sniffed as I felt my fur begin to rise along my spine. I didn't trust humans and I knew plenty of wolves who could excel here but they weren't humans. They had paws and claws instead of fingers and hands. They were sill capable of learning and I was sure that they could surpass their peers.

The man's eyes flickered with something that I couldn't read. "Well yes. However I'm sure that others could be here, if they would like to."

"Why are we here," Logan snapped as I saw the animal flicker in his eyes.

"My associates saved you," the man told us. "They brought you back here for medical attention."

"We don't need medical attention," he argued as he tensed his shoulders.

The man dipped his head. "Of course. I am Charles Xavier."

I thought that he should have introduced himself before or perhaps he did and I just wasn't paying attention.

"What about the girl," Logan asked and despite what he would ever say I heard concern in his voice. He felt like he should be protecting her despite that he wasn't her father.

"She's fine," Xavier assured.

Suddenly the door opened and I turned with my spine sticking out so far that it hurt. The two mutants that I had seen the day before strode in. I let my fur settle and I hopped back behind Logan. I really disliked humans and I didn't do well with humans who thought I was in their debt.

"Who are they," Logan snapped before I could snap.

"This is Storm and Cyclops and this is Jean."

I suddenly heard some kind of meow. I looked behind of Storm and saw a cat behind her. It was larger than I expected but what I could see was all muscles. It's legs were long and it had long claws (not as long as mine) but I wasn't afraid of it.

"Oh and this is Dagger."

"Dagger," I snickered as I eyed the cat. "For this freak of a cat?"

A growl rolled in Dagger's throat and he took a step forward with his shoulders shoved forward. He still had to look up and it wasn't that intimidating. I was faintly aware of Logan and the rest of them talking but I wasn't interested.

"Say that to my face, Wolfvy," Dagger hissed as he extended his claws as something flickered in his eyes.

"Don't forget," I snarled as I showed him my fangs. "I'm part Claw Wolf too."

"Come on Starlight," growled Logan as he ruffled the fur between my ears. "It's time to go."

I narrowed my eyes at Dagger before following Logan. I felt something sharp jab my haunch. I turned to see tiny claw tips sunken into my haunch. I tugged them out and my healing ability took over. I turned to Dagger and saw happiness glowing in his eyes. His claw tips regenerated and his eyes gleamed.

Now a growl rolled in my throat. Let the games begin.

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