Flying Lessons

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"I don't see why I have to be here," grumbled Logan as he romped through the school with me hovering at his side.

"Because you are showing support for me. Beside your girlfriend will be there," I teased as I waited for a reaction (since I knew that there would be) coming from him.

As I predicted he threw out his claws from his hands to my neck but I easily blocked it and sunk my own teeth into his arm. "Look," I growled. "I'm sorry if this isn't desirable for you but this means a lot to me. Can you just watch and not complain for once?"

I took my claws from his arm and he healed quickly. He muttered something about me under his breath before taking out a cigar and lighting it. "Fine," he mumbled through his cigar as he thundered forward. I sighed with relief and anger. At least he agreed even if I had to force him.

We padded into the green space where Jean, Scott, Storm, and Dagger were already waiting. Dagger rushed to my side and I spread out my wings. "I already set up targets. Do you think we can surprise them?"

I thrust out my wings and Dagger gasped. "Hop on," I ordered as his eyes widened like moons. He didn't have to be told twice. He leaped onto my back and I adjusted the weight before taking to the sky. He sunk his hind claws into my back which didn't hurt that much. He reared on his hind legs and I realized he was taller than I expected.

"Ohro," he ordered (which is Wolf Latin for up. They don't teach it in HUMAN schools, I mean why would they?) I forced myself up and he extended his claws before shooting at one of the targets. It hit dead center and he quickly regained more.

I took a hard right bank turn. (Backfro, for any of you who are interested. I may throw some Wolf Latin in there so forgive me.) Dagger alined himself before throwing a claw into the target and flipping onto my neck.

"Come one," he chided. "I want to do something difficult."

I lashed my tail in mid flight. "Alright. Leap onto that target and rake it good. Leap off and I'll gather you."

He nodded and flipped into the air. He raked his claws against the target until it now looked like a shredded sack. He leaped off of it and just when it looked like I'd let him fall I ducked under the target with my wings close to my body. He landed a bit shakily but we could work on that.

"Prfolo uptagwa," Dagger ordered. (In Wolf Latin that means 'slow landing with wings stretched'.) I did as he said since the one upon my back is always the one in charge. I lowered down and flapped my wings before landing. I ducked my head forward and he slid down my head. He landed and turned to me. "That was amazing!"

Scott turned to Jean. "For pets that wasn't bad."

"Pets," Dagger growled as he lashed his tail in rage. "We are not pets anymore than you are all normal!"

I stepped in front of Dagger. "We are companions and we can do anything than you can do. We can even do it better."

Dagger sunk his claws into my hind leg and I leaped aside. He bounded to Storm and purred. She lowered her hand and he perched on her shoulders. I rushed to Logan and he ran his fingers through my fur. He still had his cigar but luckily it was fading fast. (Have I mentioned how much I hate that smell?)

"Perhaps we can talk to the professor about and animal league," Jean suggested. "I mean they aren't bad with some practice and numbers."

"Well mutant animals aren't that easy to come by," Dagger reminded them. "Especially ones who want to work with humans who think of them as pets." He cast an accusing glance at Scott who turned his eyes (or his red glasses) away from us. Ha! He didn't want to look us in the eyes after what he said.

"Come one Starlight," Logan urged as he brought his hand over my head and tugged gingerly on my ears. "Let's go do something that's important to me now."

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