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Air whipped past my nose. I felt my paws dangling and my eyes were wild in fear. I wanted to help but I couldn't manage it. My throat closed and I wiggled madly.

The one carrying me was able to get a better grip on me before breaking into another bolt. It's paws nearly touched the ground and I felt a jolt through my head every time it's paws touched the ground. Howls sounded behind us and the wolf gasped in terror. It skidded to a halt and looked around madly.

It finally strode over to a crack in a tree. It lowered me down and licked my cheek. "Oh my precious daughter," she murmured though her throat was choking in fear. "I love you so much."

The snarling of wolves was getting closer and she arched over me. "Be strong, Starlight."

She dashed away and I let out a wail. I saw a broad shouldered Claw Wolf lash out at her with his massive claws. He slit her throat and blood pooled out over the grass.

I let out a squeak of fear since I was too stunned to speak. After all I was only three weeks old. I watched the wolf that had slaughtered my mother kick her into the dirt. He turned to two of his followers and he turned his muzzle toward me. My eyes widened in fear and they bounded toward me with their jaws flapping.

I awoke with a start and snarled. I bolted to my paws and extended my long claws. My fangs were exposed with my wing blades (sharp points at the tips of the wings) ready to attack. My fur along my spine bristled and I looked twice my normal size which was already twice the size of a normal wolf. I was ready to attack.

Darkness greeted my attack and my breath was caught in my throat. I sighed and composed myself. I shuffled myself forward and I hung my head. I tried to control my breath but it was difficult. I hated those nightmares that disrupted my vision and made my chest ache. I swallowed and turned back to Logan.

He was mumbling and thrashing so I didn't feel that bad. I was tempted to lie on his bed but I stopped myself. If I touched him he could lash out at me with his claws. I yawned and curled back into a ball with my tail over my nose. Let the nightmares resume.

Becoming an Animal (X-men Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now