Blame or Not To Blame

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I had laid at Logan's side for days. He hadn't woken up yet and the only think I could to do was make sure he was still breathing. It was difficult to watch and know that I couldn't do anything to help him.

"This isn't healthy."

"I don't care," I snapped as I swung my head around to face Dagger. He was just sitting with his tail around his paws. I knew that he had been watching me for a while. He had make it a point to visit me everyday just to make sure I wasn't lonely since Logan couldn't exactly talk. "I can't leave him."

Dagger forced himself to his paws with a grunt. He padded to my side and rubbed himself against me and forced a purr. "You don't want to make yourself ill worrying about him."

"He's been in a coma for days," I pointed out as my ear twitched. "I don't even know if he's going to wake up. I just want to be here when he does or if he does."

Dagger sighed. "I suppose I'd be the same way if this happened to Storm."

"Of course you would," I barked, harsher than I would have liked. "He's my best friend and I can't imagine if something happened to him."

Dagger nudged one of my paws to try and push me away. "Come on lets work on our flight training," he urged but I raised my paw and he stumbled.

"I don't want to leave him," I argued as I rested my head on his hand. It was still warm and my throat choked as I thought of that he may never wake up again.

Dagger sighed and struggled not to roll his eyes. He leaped up beside Logan and nuzzled his arm. "Do you blame Rouge? I mean it is her fault, right?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that. I didn't want to blame Rouge but I knew that it was her fault. Although Logan had started it when he had pierced Rouge's shoulder. "I'm not sure. Would you blame her?"

"Probably," Dagger confessed as he leaped down and landed on my back. "I wouldn't want to be er blameful but I would feel too much in my heart not to feel like she should pay."

I rose to my paws and Dagger shifted a bit so that he would be steady. I spread my wings and flapped them. "Come on Starlight," murmured Dagger into my ear as he gingerly stuck his claws into my flank. "Please let's practice. We need to be ready for an attack. I heard Storm saying that there will be an attack soon."

I thought for a moment before beaming a bit. "Oh, well okay."

"Yes," Dagger exclaimed as leaped from my flank and I let out a grunt. "Lets go! I've worked on my Wolf Latin for you and this time I'm sure that we'll be able to take those wolf-hearted targets down!"

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