Friend or Foe

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I kept walking until I realized that I could fly. I spread my wings and took to the roof of the school. I flew swiftly forward until I caught sight of the familiar pelt of someone underneath me. I hovered for a heartbeat before I looked for somewhere to hide. My luck though that this roof didn't have any tucks.

"I know that you're there, STARLIGHT," Dagger emphasized my name with a sour tang in his mouth.

My hackles rose as I lowered down and worked my claws against the roof. So who's pet are you?"

Dagger surged forward and pressed his claws against my chest. I dared not to breathe. "I am no one's pet, got it?"

"Well it doesn't seem that way to me," I snapped as I lowered down and threw one of my wings against his chest and thrust him against the roof. He couldn't move and he worked his claws against my wings but he was a cat and he was certainly no match for a Wolvy. Finally he stopped struggling and his eyes turned on me.

"You're not bad," he purred, his tone silky yet not as threatening as before. "For a Wolvy."

"You know what I am," I asked shocked. Most creatures just thought I was a freak of nature or an alien or something.

"Of course," Dagger meowed as he pushed my wing off of him and rose to his paws. He shook out his dark black pelt. "I mean I used to be a wild cat so I know the wolves of the forest." He licked his claws before stretching them toward me. "Sorry for being rude earlier. I just expected you to be as stuck up as most of the humans here."

"Never," I assured as I struck out a paw and slapped his hard. His claws grazed my pads and my extended claws grazed his. We each had small beads of blood but they were nothing. "Humans think there is only one intelligent species in the world."

Dagger nodded in agreement. "Even my er companion Storm thinks that she's at the top of the totem pool when a human isn't even on there."

"I agree," I rumbled as I wiggled my haunches. "'Are you up late a lot?"

Dagger nodded. "I prefer to do lots at night when not as many people are awake. How about you? Wolvys are not nocturnal."

I shook my head. "No we are not, but that doesn't mean we don't have nightmares from time to time." Or every time you close your eyes.

Dagger nodded in understanding. "Is it hard to fly?"

I spread my wings and he began to inspect them. I lowered them and Dagger purred as I ran them against his flank and to his tail. "So soft yet tough. It must be awesome to fly."

I nodded. "Tomorrow I could take you for a flight, if you want?"

"Okay," Dagger exclaimed as he twitched his tail. "I'll bring Storm and you bring your human and tomorrow and we can show them what animals can do, beside talk!"

"Okay," I breathed as I flew off from the roof and pointed my muzzle toward Logan's room. "See you tomorrow Dagger."

"Bye, StarLIGHT."

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