Heart to Heart

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I padded alongside to the professor. I was supposed to help them analyze what was in Logan's bones and why he had such sharp and fierce claws. I knew that it had something to do with a human (I mean what doesn't) but I wasn't sure how. I didn't know him then and for a strange reason he didn't remember.

They scanned him and as usual they didn't know what had happened to him. I rolled my eyes and ducked my head into my shoulders. Humans thought that they were so powerful but they were even more fish-brained then we were.

"Hey," Dagger whispered. "How long have you known Logan?"

I tilted my head. "Long enough. He rescued me from a pound and I've been with him ever since." I thought of how I wanted to run away but now I couldn't imagine running away from him. He was my best friend, my companion. I wouldn't imagine losing him.

"How about you and Storm," I pressed as I tried to reflect the conversation back onto him. "You two seem pretty close and I thought she's been here a while."

He nodded and his fur puffed out in pride as he eyed Storm as she spoke to Xavior. "She found me in the back of the woods about a year ago. I've lived here ever since."

I nodded in agreement. I flicked my ears I I heard Logan coming out of the capsule. "I better go," I barked as I touched my nose to Dagger's ear. "See you later."

I bounded through the door and into the one a few doors down. I saw Logan placing his shirt back on and then strode toward him. I reared on my hind legs and pressed my paws against his shoulders. He smiled and stroked me between the ears. "Easy girl. Do you know if they found out anything about me?"

I shook my head gravely. "Sorry Logan." I lowered down and puffed my wings out. "They were still talking when I left but I don't think that they found anything out."

Logan tried to hide his disappointment as he walked toward the door. I followed and weaved around his legs. "Don't worry Logan. I mean does it really matter if you know what happened in your past?"

"Of course," he growled. "Wouldn't you if you just woke up a freak?"

I let my fur bristle along my spine. "Well I suppose. All I know is that I would thankfully give up my memory of my past. I'd give anything to be in your pawsteps."

He turned to me and lowered beside me. He rested his hand on my shoulder and forced me to look into his eyes. They blazed and I felt his emotions stirring in my underbelly. (And animals can sense emotions however if you train yourself then you can detect them without even realizing it.)

"No you don't," Logan assured me as he took his other hand and stroked my head so my ears plastered back. I had never seen him so gentle with anyone, even me. "It's awful kid and you don't want it."

I growled a bit that he had called me kid but I let it pass. "Alright. I'm sorry I brought it up. You're probably tired and you need some sleep."

He rose up and shook his jacket a bit. "Not likely," he muttered, back to his usual grumpy self.

I shuffled my paws. This was going to be a long night.

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