You've Got The Glow chapter one

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Chapter One


"Kyle I don't want to see that!" I said in disgust. He was currently having some heavy lip action at the end of the driveway. "I'm going to lock you out of the house if you don't get a move on!"

He departed and joined me at the front door. Kyle swung his book bag at me. "Ouch!" I said rubbing my arm.

"That's what you get for ruining my make out session." Before I could say another word he walked inside the house. I shortly followed after and saw him walk upstairs to his room, probably to do his homework.

I greeted my mom when I saw her washing dishes in the kitchen. "Hello Kayla!" She replied. "Do you have a minute to talk?"

"Sure Mom. What's up?" I asked taking a seat at the kitchen counter while taking a bite out of an apple.

She dried her hands and leaned across the counter so that we were across from each other. "Were going to have to move. My job got transferred to Miami, Florida. Weston, Florida to be exact. "

The apple I was eating fell out of mouth and landed on the counter. "What? What do you mean we're moving?!" I exclaimed to my mom.

"Kayla that is not lady-like!" She put her hands on her hips. "I meant exactly what I said. Now I suggest you start packing soon, we leave at the end of the week."

I knew better than to fight back with my mom, it only led to trouble and that's something I didn't need right now. As soon as I got to my room I called my best friend Shannon.

"Shannon, you will never believe this! My mom's job is getting transferred to Miami, Florida and we're moving at the end of the week!"

There was a pause before she replied, "No way! What am I going to do without you? What are you going to do without me?" Her response made me laugh, she could be arrogant sometimes, but no one ever took it to heart. It was always a joking matter.

"I don't know. I wish I could just finish seinor year first, but that's obviously not happening. I have to start packing before she goes off on me again, I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Okay, bye Kayla." Shannon replied and the line went dead. I felt bad that I had to deliver the news over the phone. Honestly, I felt absolutely horrible that I was moving. She's always been there for me and now I'm just leaving her. Sure she had other friends, but we were more like sisters.

The sound of my bedroom door opening pulled me from my thoughts. "Hey Kyle." I greeted my twin brother.

"Hi Kay. Did Mom talk to you?" I nodded in response and he came to join me on my bed. "Are you okay?"

I shrugged, "I guess I will be. Are you?"

"Yeah, but I have to break up with Riley. Long distance relationships never work." Riley was the girl he was making out with at the end of the driveway earlier. As gross as it was, they were really good together.

I gave him a comforting hug, "I'm sorry Kyle."

He pulled away and responded, "Yeah, so am I," and he left. I assumed he left to go talk to Riley. Him and Riley have been dating for the past few months and she was a lovely girl, I truly did like her. It's a shame that they have to break up.

"I don't hear drawers opening and closing!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

I glared at no one in particular and muttered, "No shit Sherlock," but not loud enough for her to hear me. I went over to my dressers and ripped all the clothes out and threw them in messy piles on the ground. I did the same thing for everything hanging in my closet.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was. "I'm done packing."

She gave me a look that said I bet you did a half ass job before heading towards the stairs. "Okay, I guess I'll go and check then." Usually I would stop her from checking and actually go pack, but I wasn't in the mood.

"KAYLA LYNN PARKER!!" She shouted from my room. Now she was pissed at me. I didn't care though, the last thing I wanted to do was move to another state.


After being lectured by my mom about being a bitchy daughter, I had to actually pack all my stuff. Then I laid on my bed just staring at the ceiling.

This doesn't seem real. I don't believe this is all happening.I wanted to cry, but it didn't feel like I was really moving, so I stayed silent and numb. I updated my twitter status about moving so I wouldn't get a million questions from people when I disappeared at school. Some people replied saying they would miss me and I told them I would miss them too. Right now it didn't seem like I would, but I'm sure I would miss everybody sooner or later.

I think I finally realized this was all happening as soon as I boarded the plane at 7 in the morning on Sunday. I sat by the window and Kyle was in the middle of me and Mom. I think she knew better not to talk to either of us right now. To add to it, none of us were morning people.

My time on the plane was spent sleeping and staring out the window. When we landed I was the last one to get up and get off the plane. As soon as I stepped off the plane it would all really be happening and be real. There was still a part of me that didn't want it to be real.

"You coming Kay?" Kyle asked. I nodded and grabbed my bags.

"So where do we live now?" I asked my mom. I hate to say it, but I was really curious about it.

A smile formed on her face for the first time today. "I got us a beautiful house on the beach."

I immediately got excited at the word 'beach'. I've always wanted to live right on the beach. At least there was something good about this move.

"You two will also graduate at the local public high school. When we get to the house I suggest you two unpack," Mom said opening the door to our car, "Then if you want to go to the beach or roam around you can. I recommend to trying make some new friends."

My heart literally dropped. I was horrible at making new friends. It took me some time to make quality friends at my old school. "Do I really need a friend? There's only like a month of school left." I stated.

"Yes I want you to be social Kayla." My mom said as she started driving to the new house. This better be one hell of a beach house.


I waited until I got to the beach house to call Shannon like I said I would. The phone call was me filling her in on what was going to happen for the rest of the school year and the beach house. We promised to stay in touch and then we said goodbye. While I was on the phone with her I unpacked all of my clothes and other items.

My room was way bigger than my room at home. There was a walk in closet and it was so big that all of my clothes didn't fill it, and I had a lot of clothes. To the other side of the room there was a bathroom that was all mine. No more sharing with Kyle.

If there's one thing you should know about Kyle, it's that he showers. A lot. Now I have my own shower and bathtub with jets in it. The house was absolutely amazing. I really didn't miss the old house that much. Except for all of the memories it held, I knew I would miss that.

Right away I decided to go to the beach so I changed into shorts and a tank top. I walked out the back door and walked into the sand by the shore. I always thought beaches were the prettiest. I would never be bored again with a beach that was practically in my backyard.

It was getting hot so I sat down on the sand and put my feet into the water. The water was the prettiest shade of blue I had ever seen. I couldn't believe this was my backyard. I heard a door closing and assumed it was Kyle coming to the beach to join me, but when I turned around, it wasn't Kyle.

"Hey," The boy said which made me turn and look at him. And I didn't regret looking, he was absolutely gorgeous. I had never been a fan of the simple brown eyes and short brown hair, but on him it looked so much different than on anyone else. Then he had these dimples that were so big he didn't even need to smile to show them off. You don't even want to get me started on the size of his muscles.

I stood up and replied with a simple, "Hi."

"I haven't seen you before. Are you new here?" He asked.

I nodded and looked back at my house. "I just moved into that house."

A smile took over his face. "I guess we're neighbors then." He put out his hand for a handshake. "By the way, I'm Jake."

I shook it and said, "I'm Kayla."

I had to look up at him to be able to see his face. He wasn't super tall, but neither was I. "Do you go to the public high school?" I asked. Maybe Jake could be my friend. I wonder if he's gay? I've always wanted a gay best friend! He's probably not gay though. I'm ruling that out right now, Jake is not gay.There was no way that a guy who looked as perfect as him was gay.

"Yep, are you going there too?"

I nodded. "12th grade."

I found out that he was also in 12th grade with me and I told him about my brother Kyle. I call dibs on being friends with Jake though.

We both sat down where I was previously sitting. "So Kayla, tell me about yourself." Jake said.

"Well, I moved from Cleveland, Ohio with my mom and Kyle. I like a lot of sports and I'm a straight A student." I didn't really know what to say, but it seems like that's enough for now. "What about yourself?"

"If you must know, I've lived here with my mom, my dad, and my older sister since I was born. I write music and my dog is my best friend." I smiled at the last part. "Oh and I almost forgot, I have a phone number."

I pulled out my phone, "So do I. What's your number?" He told me and I put it in my phone.

"What kind of music do you write?" I asked. Maybe he could sing for me, but only If he wanted to. He seems like someone with a good voice. For some reason I feel like I can just look at someone or hear them talk and I would be able to tell if they could sing well or not. 

"I rap and sing, but mostly rap." He answered. I never was a really big fan of rap, but I've never heard him rap.

"Maybe I could hear you sing or rap sometime." I said.

He nodded, "Maybe." There was a small smile on his face when he said it, but I could still notice how tense he was.

My phone started ringing as I was about to start conversation with him. I saw it was Kyle and picked it up. "Hi Kyle, what's up?"

"Come back to the house. There's something I want to show you." Kyle said.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, but this better be good." I hung up my phone and stood up from my sitting position. Jake also stood up with me. "That was my brother, he said I have to go, but it was really nice meeting you Jake."

"It was nice meeting you too Kayla. We should hang out sometime." Jake said shoving his hands in his pockets.

A small smile was on my face. "Yeah, I would like that. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school."

He nodded his head and waved goodbye before walking back to his house.

This better be damn important Kyle.


Hey guys! I'm not excepting this to get a lot of reads, I just thought it would be fun to write about Jake since I like both Jake and writing, so thank you for reading it if you did!

The cover photo is Madison Bertini and Jake Miller. Madison plays Kayla in the story! I thought it would only make sense since they're dating in real life.

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You've Got The Glow (A Jake Miller Fanfiction) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now