You've Got The Glow chapter 16

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Chapter 16:
Kayla's POV


"Kay, can you go get me a can of Coca-Cola?"

I let out a long sigh and got up from the chair, "Sure Noah."

"Thanks babe." He said with a wink.

Noah was laying across the couch watching sports news. He left no room for me so I sat in the chair in the far corner. This is his definition of "hanging out." I come over and got him stuff while he sits around and watches television. Fun right?

I grabbed a Coke from the fridge and turned to make sure he was engaged in what he was watching. He was, and I shook the can really fast for a minute.

When I walked back into the living room he looked up at me and smiled, "Thanks."

I shot back a small smile and handed him the can. As soon as he opened it the sticky pop went all over him and the couch.

"What the hell! Did you drop it or something Kayla?" He screamed getting up from the couch to get a towel.

Shrugging my shoulders I said, "I don't know what happened. It seemed fine to me."

"That's the third time in a row that you've given me a pop and it explodes!" Noah said taking off his wet shirt.

To be completely honest, this was the first time I did it intentionally. The first two times it wasn't my fault.

"I'm not sure why. Maybe pop doesn't like you." I suggested.

He deserved it, he acts like I'm not even there. I can't even tell you the last time he kissed me, let alone touched me. If anyone had the right to be suspicious it's me.

"Noah, can we talk?"

He came over and sat on the other side of me. "Sure what's up."

My eyes kept dropping down to his bare chest and abs, but I fought it and focused on his blue eyes. I really like blue eyes.

"Umm- well it's just that, you haven't been paying any of your attention towards me. It's like I'm not even here." I explained.

He looked away and then met my eyes again. "About that," he trailed off, "I think we should take a break."

"Don't you dare say 'take a break' if you're breaking up with me. That's not a break." I hated when people tried to sugar coat things. I wanted them to straight up tell me things.

He nodded, "Then I'm breaking up with you."

"Why?" I asked. I haven't been anything but good to him. If anyone should be broken up with right now it should be him.

"I- I cheated. I cheated on you." Noah searched my face to figure out what I was thinking, but I hid every emotion.

Deciding to be civil, I didn't slap him across the face or cuss him out. I just got up and walked out. I walked down his driveway and to the corner of his street. Sitting against the big tree I curled up in a ball and cried.

I was alone. Jake was gone. Noah was gone. I wasn't good enough for Noah and Jake wasn't good enough for me. I deserved a taste of my own medicine for being such a bitch to Jake. But I can't go crying back to him now. He's gone, the Jake I knew went away and was replaced with a cold empty monster. And it's all my fault.

I didn't trust myself to be alone. I can't control myself when I'm overemotional. Taking out my phone I called Jessica and she came to get me. The whole car ride I sobbed and sobbed.

I tried to say things like "It's all my fault" and "I'm not good enough" but the sobs covered up what I was trying to say. Jessica tried to get me to calm down by turning on the radio, but when Jake's song came on I flipped.

Acting like a little kid I stomped my feet, shut off the radio with amazing force, and started screaming/crying at the same time.

Call me a baby, call me weak, I don't care. But tell me this: If you lost your best friend so that you could keep your boyfriend and then you lose your boyfriend because you weren't good enough for him would you be upset? That's what I thought. You would regret it all so much, but you're stuck and can't change a thing.

I'm having a mental break down and my brain is about to shut down. Jessica takes me up to my room and puts my hair in a bun. My skinny jeans become sweatpants, and my top becomes a hoodie too big to even fit Kyle. She brings me tissues and sets up my bed for me.

After I lay down on the bed, everything becomes a blur.


Jake's POV


The "A Million Lives" music video still isn't finished. Everyones saying how I'm going to finish it when I can put emotion back into my music. I don't blame them, I've been so empty lately.

The last time I've talked to a fan on any social network site? Three weeks ago. The last time I posted something new? Four weeks ago. That last time I saw Kayla? Two months ago.

Kayla. Kayla's the reason I'm empty. She's the reason why I doubt myself and think I'm not good enough. She's the reason why I'm a deep black pit of despair.

I wanted to go over there, tell her that I needed her back. That wasn't going to happen. I would only make a fool of myself right?

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. "Come on in." I said.

In walked my Dad, not looking too happy.

"Jake? What happened to you? The Jake I know would never act like this, so why are you? I support what your doing 100%, I just wish you would continue to do it again. No one person should affect and bring you down this much, you're your own person."

"Thanks Dad for the inspiring words, but that doesn't make me any less depressed about Kayla." I admitted.

He sighed heavily, "Then what are you waiting for? Go barge in her damn house and get your girl back."

For the first time in a long time I let out a small laugh and a huge smile, "Thanks Dad."

"Anytime." And then he left. I knew what I needed to do and nothing would stop me.


Kayla's POV


I had just got done explaining everything to Jessica. We were eating ice cream and watching Mean Girls in my room. I hadn't bothered to change or even look in the mirror once.

"Do you like Jake?" She asked. I didn't need her to clarify, I knew she meant in the more than a friend kind of way.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Boys are complicated, I don't have the slightest idea as to if I like him or not." She knew that was code for 'Kayla doesn't want to admit to anything so drop it' because then she did drop the subject.

"Kayla, someone's here to see you." My Mom said from the other side of my door. The door opened and Jake was standing behind it.

I just stared at him, no words would come to mind. It was kind of a shock even though I knew it would happen at one point or another.

Jessica stood up from my bed with a smile on her face and left the room, but not before winking at me. I just rolled my eyes at her in return.

When she left it was just Jake and I starring at each other. Complete silence, no movement at all.

"What are you doing here?" I said breaking the silence.

"I came here to get my Kayla back." He said, emphasizing the word "my."

Part of me wanted that to be the reason, but another part could care less. I didn't understand what I was supposed to do.

"Look," He said, "You don't have to say anything until I'm done. Even then you don't have to say anything, there's just something I need to tell you."

"There's something about you, and it just draws me to you. No matter what you won't leave my mind. The music video I'm shooting? It's been two months and it still isn't finished because I'm so empty without you."

"You make me the happiest person in the world, and I can't stand you with Noah. I know you chose him, but I don't want that. I know what you told Jenny, about me being gone and forgetting about you, but that's not true because it's impossible for me to forget you. I just want you back, with me."

All these different thoughts were swirling around in my mind. Am I really that important to him?

"The only reason you have to say no would be that one time you asked who I wrote Say The Word about. The answer is you. It's you and it's always been you. Every song I've written since you moved here has been about you."

"That's all I have to say, so if you have anything to say, now is the time."

I was speechless, it was all so much. My face showed the amount of shock I was in, it was a lot.

When I didn't say anything Jake turned around and started walking out my door. That's when it clicked, I can't let him walk away again. Jake's too important to let go of.

I ran forward and grabbed his wrist, "Wait."

A smile formed on his face when he turned back around.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

It got bigger as he said, "I knew you wouldn't let me go."

There goes his ego, it still hasn't improved. "I'm sorry Jake, I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

He brushed my hair behind my ear and said, "So what's your answer."

I almost shivered from his touch. I've missed it so much. How could I have let him go? I'm such a horrible person.

"If you're willing to let me, I would like to be 'your' girl." I smiled.

He let out a small laugh and replied, "If you're my girl then I can do this."

And that's when our lips collided and our hearts ignited.


Hello! This was really hard to write and it took my way longer then I thought it would! I was excepting to get it out yesterday, but I've been busy.

Thank you for the 2.4K reads and 136 votes! I really never thought this story would get this far, but thanks for the support(:

See what I did at the end? With the lyrics to Collide? Oh well, I tried.

COMMENTS THIS CHAPTER: If you've been to any of Jake's concerts yet, let me know about it! I love seeing and hearing about them! Or you could comment how you feel about what happened this chapter(:







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