You've Got The Glow chapter 9

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Kayla's POV


"Kayla, it's great that you and Jake are friends, but don't you think you should find some girl friends too?"

I stared blankly back at my Mom. She tried to not be blunt about it, but she wants me to hang out with girls and not guys. "And why would I do that?"

She seemed a little taken aback by my response. "Umm, I just thought it would be nice to a have a friend that's a girl. You know you two could talk about stuff like--"

"Okay! Okay! I'll make more friends," before she could get too happy I added, "But only because Jake is busy with his Battle of The Bands." It caused her smile to faultier a little.

"Fine, I can deal with that." And then she walked up stairs.

"Come on Kyle were gonna be late for school!" I shouted up the stairs. I swear he's worse than a girl.

Kyle took his time coming down the stairs, "You are so impatient." I shrugged and followed him out to the car. Off to find a new friend.


Looking around the cafeteria I scanned all the tables. In the center were the jocks and queens of the school, the far corners by the trash cans were the kids classified as nerds.

I was never part of that "popular" group of people, but I wasn't a "nerd". I didn't like cliques so I was just generally nice to everyone and talked to everyone. Most of my close friends were just in the middle, ordinary people. And that's exactly what I was looking for.

Picking the table with about 6 nice looking girls at it, I approached them. I was never good at making new friends, but maybe it would be easy like it was with Jake.

I went up next to the brunette on the end and when she turned to face me I spoke, "Hi, um, I'm Kayla. I'm new here and I was wondering if I could sit here with you guys." If it was up to me I would be somewhere with Jake, but he's working at home anyways.

I was greeted with a warm smile from the girl, "Sure! I'm Jessica by the way."

I chose the seat next to Jessica while the rest of the girls introduced themselves. I'm really bad with names and faces, but I think I remember something like Arianna. The rest is all a blur to me.

"So, Kayla. Are you the girl that's been hanging out with Jake lately?" Jessica asked.

All of their eyes turned to me and I put down my sandwich. "Yeah, he's my neighbor actually."

There were multiple gasps and shrieks. Especially from the blonde girl across from me. Don't ask me for her name because I honestly have no clue.

"Your like the luckiest girl alive to live next to Jake!" The blonde screeched.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I mean he's a great friend. And he's very talented."

"Friend?" This time it was Jessica, "You can't be friends with him and think he's not attractive in anyway."

Jessica made me think about it. I mean, I might not like Jake as more than a friend, but he isn't bad looking.

"Jake's not unattractive, but looks aren't everything." They all agreed with me and we spent the rest of lunch talking about pointless things and learning about each other. The group of girls were incredibly nice and welcoming, but I think Jessica's gonna be the "girl friend" my Mom wanted me to have.


When I got home from school, I noticed there was an unfamiliar car at Jake's house. Don't call me a stalker, because he only had two and now there's three thats how I know. It was also in the garage not just the driveway.

I went up to my room and decided to call Jake and see how he's doing. Instead of using my phone I went out to the balcony and called his name.

Within a minute Jake appeared. "Hey, how was school?"

"Good, I met some knew people. How's the writing going?" I replied leaning over the railing.

He motioned with his hand for me to come, "Come on over and I'll show you." I gladly excepted and walked over.

Before I got to his room I could here talking in the basement, but it's rude to eavesdrop. I went straight to his room to find him sitting down with his guitar.

"Let's see what you got." I said taking a seat next to him.

It wasn't a finished song, or even a final copy, but it was amazing. Better than the first song he showed me that's for sure.

"That was great Jake! You really do have talent. And I like how it has a message in it, it has meaning unlike every other song."

"Thanks," I swear he had the biggest smile on his face, "I have someone for you to meet." He put his guitar back and led me down to the basement.

Maybe this has to do with the third car? And the voices I heard down here? Millions of possibilities were swimming around my mind about who it could be. It could be his twin brother for all I know.

When we got down there Mrs. Miller and an unknown man were talking on the couch. They stopped talking when they saw us.

"Hello Kayla." Mrs. Miller said smiling warmly.

Giving a small wave I replied, "Hi Mrs. Miller."

Jake cleared his throat before talking. "Dad, this is Kayla, our neighbor. Kayla, this is my Dad."

I politely shook his hand and said, "It's nice to meet you Mr. Miller."

"You too Kayla, are you friends with Jake also?"

I looked over at Jake and nodded with a smile. He smiled back at me. It wasn't one of those smirk's that have been showing up lately, it was a smile. His smile is so much better than his smirk.

"Well," Jake said over the silence, "We have work to do." And he pulled me back up to his room before anyone could say another word.

"So that's the extra car in the driveway?" I asked Jake.

He nodded, "He was out of town for a few weeks and just came back today."

"How many girl friends have you had?" I blurted out. My eyes widened and I could feel the blood rising to my cheeks. The girls response about Jake at lunch has had me wondering so many things all day.

He laughed a little. "I'm not sure. Maybe umm 2 or 3 serious ones? Why?" He seemed kind of amused.

"Just heard some things at lunch." I shrugged.

"Good things I hope." He said back. Changing the subject he asked, "So where's your Dad? Are your parents divorced or something?"

I tensed up at the mention of my Dad. "Um no." I replied looking down at the ground.

"Then where is he?" Jake asked. He tilted my chin up forcing me to look at him. I think he saw the look on my face and pulled me into a hug. The tears began to fall down my face. I haven't talked about Dad in a while.

We just stayed like that, him holding me, until I decided I needed to be strong and tell him at one point or another. He already saw me cry now so whats the point of not telling him?

I sat down on his bed and patted the spot next to me which he took. "You wanna know about my Dad?"

There was an unreadable expression on his face, but he gave a slight nod. He wiped away my stray tears with his thumb and said, "Whenever your ready."

"I'm ready," I took a deep breath to calm myself and began, "When I was 10 my Dad got drafted into the military. He left me, my Mom, and Kyle all alone to go across the world and fight."

"I remember crying myself to sleep every night for a long time, the fears of him dying. Images of him getting shot or stabbed flooded my brain. I remember being mad at him, even though I knew it wasn't his fault."

Tears came again as I continued, "Holidays were hard. He was too far away to come visit just for a day, we would be lucky to get a video chat. It was hard for my Mom to keep up with Kyle and me all by herself. Things were starting to go down hill fast."

I still couldn't read Jake's expression and it was bothering me. Sometimes he's like an open book, and others he could be a statue. I wonder what was going on in his head?

"It was mine and Kyle's sixteenth birthday, my sweet sixteen. My party was that night too, the night where everything changed. When I blew out my candles I wasted it on a stupid wish, to get a car. I just wanna go back and wish for something useful, like my Dad."

"Shortly after my party, the three of us were greeted by two men at the door. We could tell by what they were wearing and what they had in their hands that they didn't come to give us good news. The camouflage suits and the American flag in their hand gave it all away."

The tears were just free falling now, and to be honest, I didn't care one bit.

"You can stop now if you want." Jake said, he probably could guess as to what happened, but I needed to prove to myself that I could talk about it.

Shaking my head and wiping away my tears with the back of my hand I said, "No, no it's fine."

"Anyways, they came to tell us that he was M.I.A; missing in action. Odds are he was probably killed in battle and they couldn't find his body. Part of me thinks he could still be alive, but thats just to good to be true."

By now I was choking sobs. I never told anybody about my Dad, not even my best friend, Shannon. This was the first time the words came out of my mouth. The look on Jake's face told me he didn't know what to say or do.

"Don't worry Jake, I don't want your pity. You don't have to say or do anything." I said in between sobs.

"The last thing I would do is pity you," Jake said wiping my tears and pulling me into a hug, "And the second last thing I would do is not say or do anything."

I soaked his shirt is tears for what felt like hours. He didn't complain, he was a real friend, a real shoulder to cry on. And I wouldn't trade him for the world.

I'm not sure if he heard me, but I faintly whispered, "Thank you." Before drifting off to sleep in his arms.


Soo now you know about Kayla's father! It all has a reason I'm not just randomly revealing her past, trust me.

Now she has a new friend Jessica (who is also jessica96y so you should go follow her and read her stories!)

If you haven't gotten "Collide" by Jake Miller on iTunes yet you are missing out big time! It might be his song for Battle of the Bands, I'm still debating.

Reads have gone UPP but I need some votes and comments please? How about comment your favorite singer/band you fangirl over?? Any Jake Miller fans out there? Let me know(:







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